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1、英语名词性从句,Noun Clause,起名词性作用的从句,叫名词性从句。 换言之,在英语的句子结构中,本来该由名词充当的主语、宾语、表语和同位语部分,换由一个句子来充当,这样的句子就是名词性从句。,请思考,定语从句的定义:,起定语作用,用来修饰名词或代词的从句。,名词性从句定义,4、同位语从句 ( appositive clause ),分类,1、主语从句 ( subject clause ),2、表语从句 ( predicative clause ),3、宾语从句 ( object clause ),1、English is very useful for us . 2、The subje

2、ct I am interested in is English. 3、We need to master English well. 4、He want to learn the language , English .,请思考:,(主语),(宾语),(表语),(同位语),连接副词(4个):when、 why、where、 how,引导词,从属连词(3个):that 、if、 whether,连接代词 (9个):who、 whom 、 what、 which、 whose、 whoever whomever、 whatever、 whichever、,名词性从句引导词的用法(1):,从句中的

3、每一个引导词都有3个功能,分别如下:,从属连词,“that”-无词义、不作成份、起连接作用,“if”- “是否”、不作成份、起连接作用,“whether”-“是否”、不作成份、起连接作用,1、That we will realize our dreams in the future is certain . 2、The fact is that Beijing will hold 29th Olympic Games this year. 3、I know that well begun is half done . 4、He heard the news that Liuxiang set

4、a new world record .,“that”-无词义、不作成份、起连接作用,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),(同位语从句),1、My idea is that we should do it right now.,2、She wont believe that he has become a thief.,3、That he is a famous singer is known to us.,4、I knew the news that our team won the match.,5、His suggestion is that we should finish th

5、e work at once.,说出从句部分及类别并翻译:,宾语从句,表语从句,表语从句,主语从句,宾语从句,1、Whether she will come back on time depends on weather . 2、The problem is whether you could give us some valuable advice . 3、I asked him whether he could do me a favor . 4、Could you tell me the question whether English is useful for us now.,“wh

6、ether”-“是否”、不作成份、起连接作用,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),(同位语从句),If 只能引导两种名词性从句:宾语从句、不放于句首的主语从句。Whether四种从句均可以引导。,If与whether的区别:,1、Whether she will come back on time depends on weather . 2、I asked him whether he could do me a favor .,请思考:,1、It depends on weather if she will come back on time .,2、I asked him if h

7、e could do me a favor .,1、If不能引导放于句首的主语从句,而whether可以。 2、引导表语从句用whether,不用if。 3、引导同位语从句用whether,不用if。 4、whether可以引导从句作介词的宾语,不用if 。 5、whether or not 连在一起可以,但if不可以。而“whether-or not = if -or not”,If与whether的区别:,1、I asked her _ she had a bike. 2._ we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on

8、the weather. 3. Were worried about _ he is safe. 4. I dont know _ he is well or not. 5. I dont know _ or not he is well. 6. The question is _ he should do it. 7.The doctor can hardly answer the question _ the old man will recover soon.,if/whether,Whether,whether,whether/if,whether,whether,请用if / whe

9、ther填空:,whether,连接代词,名词性从句引导词的用法(2):,“who”-“谁”、作主语、起连接作用,“whom”-“谁”、作宾语、起连接作用,“what”-“事情”、作主表宾、起连接作用,“whose”-“谁的”、作定语、起连接作用,“which”-“哪-”、作定语、起连接作用,“who”-“谁”、作主语、起连接作用,1、Who will go to the college is still uncertain . 2、The trouble is who could lend me some money .3、He want to know who picked up his

10、mobile phone .,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),1、Whom you will learn from is worth thinking over . 2、The thing I am anxious about is whom he will turn to for help . 3、His mother asked him whom he could believe in .,“whom”-“谁”、作宾语、起连接作用,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),1、What I desire to get is a good reputation . 2、What h

11、e will tell me is what I have been expecting to know . 3、They agree with what I said just now .,“what”-“事情”、作主表宾语、起连接作用,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),1、Which class is suitable for us isnt most important . 2、What he wants to ask you now is which team won the game . 3、Could you tell me which one is right .,“wh

12、ich”-“哪-”、作定语、起连接作用,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),1、Whose bag was the most beautiful is still unknown now . 2、The question is whose friends could lend me a hand . 3、I want to know whose suggestion is more practical .,“whose”-“谁的”、作定语、起连接作用,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),名词性从句引导词的用法(3):,连接代词,“whomever”- “-的任何人”、作宾语、,“w

13、hoever”- “-的任何人”、作主语、,“whatever”- “-的任何东西”、作主表宾语、,“whichever”- “无论哪个或哪些-”、作定语、,“whoever”- “-的任何人”、作主语、起连接作用,1、Whoever could solve the problem will be rewarded . 2、The person I will praise is whoever could work out the question . 3、You should appreciate whoever helped you in the past .,(主语从句),(表语从句),

14、(宾语从句),“whomever”- “-的任何人”、作宾语、起连接作用,1、Whomever you will meet in the meeting is excellent . 2、The person I could depend on is whomever you believe in . 3、You should learn from whomever I praised yesterday .,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),1、Whatever you did in the past was very meaningful .2、What we should do

15、is whatever is worth doing .3、We should do whatever is worth doing .,“whatever”- “-的任何东西”、作主表宾语、,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),“whichever”- “-的哪些或哪个”、作主、表、宾语、,1、Whichever team win the game is possible . 2、The fact is whichever teacher could help you learn English well . 3、You could choose whichever book you

16、want .,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),名词性从句引导词的用法(4):,连接副词,“why”- “为什么”、作状语、起连接作用,“how”- “如何”、作状语、起连接作用,“where”- “什么地方”、作状语、起连接作用,“when”- “什么时候”、作状语、起连接作用,“when”- “什么时候”、作状语、起连接作用,1、When the meeting will begin isnt decided now .2、The trouble is when he could recover from the disease . 3、He asked us when we would graduate from the school .,



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