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1、新编外贸英语口语教程,课程介绍,教学目标: 掌握Business Activities对话 知识目标:了解英语口语的技巧 能力目标: 熟悉商务对话中英语词汇和句型的表达 素质目标: 模拟谈判提高学生的对话能力 教学重点 : Business Activities 教学难点: mini dialogues,A Welcome at the Airport (机场迎接), The Important New Words 1. placard 5plAkB:d n. 小牌子,招贴,布告,标语牌 2. announcer E5naUnsE n. 播音员 3. seat-belt si:t belt n

2、. 安全带飞机座位上用 4. stewardess 5stju:EdEs n. 女乘务员,女服务员,空中小姐 5. halt hR:lt n. 停住,停止 6. crew klu: n. 全体乘务人员 7. superior sju:5piri n. 上司,上级,长官,优胜者 8. mutual 5mju:tjuEl a. 相互的, 彼此的 9. co-operation 7kEuCpE5reiFEn n. 合作 10. go through 办理(手续等),11. formality fC:5mAliti n. 手续, 行式 12. economic i:k5nCmik a. 经济上的,经济

3、学的 13. amenity E5mi:niti n. 寒喧,礼节,令人愉快的举动,相互致意 Notes to the Conversation & Oral Drills make sure 确保,一定要 look forward to + n. or gerund We are looking forward to receiving you in Beijing. 我们盼望在北京接待你。 We are looking forward to your visit. 我们在期待着你的来访。 I have been looking forward to this trip. 我一直盼望这次旅行

4、。, Its a pleasure for sb. to do sth. 某人因做某事而高兴。 Its a pleasure for me to be invited at the dinner. 我很高兴,能应邀赴宴。 在日常接待的语言中,常用到pleasure. 如: 1) - Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你的帮助。 - My pleasure. 你太客气了。 2) - Will you accept my arm? 愿意同我跳舞吗? - With pleasure. 很乐意。 3) 常用pleasure 构成的短语词组和复合词: take a pleasure

5、 in ,以为乐,喜欢 for pleasure 作为消遣,为了取乐,with pleasure 愉快地,高兴地 pleasure-boating n. 乘船游览 pleasure -boat 游船 pleasure ground 游乐场 the Hunan National Native Produce and Animal By-Products Import & Export Corporation 湖南土畜产进出口公司 make a special trip 专程 Background Briefing Analyze and translate the following sente

6、nce: Miss Huang Mei, the secretary of the Changsha Foreign Trade Import & Export Corporation is now at the airport together with Wang Hua, the director of the office to meet Mr. Brown who comes from California of America. 长沙外贸进出口公司的秘书黄梅小姐和办公室主任王华正在机场等待迎接美国加里福尼亚洲来的布朗先生。, Situational Conversation,Anal

7、yse and translate the following sentence: 1) For your own safety, please make sure that seat-belts are fastened. 为了你的安全,请系好你的安全带。 2) There are many scenic spots and places of historical interest, such as Yuelu Park, Martyr Park, Orange Island, Ma Wang Dui Han Tomb and so on. 有许多风景区和历史遗迹。像岳麓公园,烈士公园,桔

8、子洲和马王堆汉墓。 3) Will passengers please remain seated till the airplane has come to a complete halt. 在飞机停稳之前,请旅客们不要离开座位。,4) excuse me: 请问。excuse me 的用法很灵活。此处相当于“请问”,“对不起,打扰一下”。如果你从拥挤的人群中走过去,你得说“Excuse me”(对不起)。对方的回答是:Certainly (请)。你无意中碰了别人一下,你也说“Excuse me”(对不起),但此时的回答却是“Thats all right” (没关系)。如果你问路,应该说E

9、xcuse me (劳驾), will you tell me the way to the station?对方会给予具体的回答;如果在宴席间,你要上卫生间或暂时离席,说声“Excuse me”, 同席者就能心领神会了。 5) How do you do: 你好! 或打扰一下。在正式社交场合,有人介绍不相识的人和你认识,你要说“How do you do”而不说“How are you”。对方回答说“How do you do”还可加上“Glad to meet (see) you”。,6) Its a pleasure for us to meet a friendwho has done

10、 such good work in promoting our mutual trade. 见到你这位在促进双方贸易方面做了许多有益工作的朋友,我们很高兴。 7)Its very nice of you to say so, but nothing can really be done without our close co-operation. 你过奖了,如果没有我们之间的密切合作,那真是什么事情也做不成的。 ,Oral Drills . Comprehension of the Situational Conversation: The teacher assigns (Student

11、)A to ask (Student)B a question according to Oral Drill e.g.,A: Who has asked Huang Mei to meet Mr. Thomas Brown? B: Mr. Zhang Da Wei, the general manager of Changsha Foreign Trade Import & Export Corporation, has asked her to meet Mr. Thomas Brown.,. Complete the following dialogues: The teacher as

12、signs (Student) A & B to make dialogue. e.g. A: Excuse me, you are Mr. Jackson, arent you? B: (不,我不是,我是约翰史密斯。) No, I am not. Im John Smith. A: Im sorry I have got the wrong person. B: (没关系。) Never mind.,. Make Sentences with the Given Phrases: The teacher ask a few students to make sentences with th

13、e given phrases. e.g.,make sure You should make sure that the shipment(装船) mustnt be later than the end of June.,. Read the following as loudly and clearly as possible; then translate them into Chinese: The teacher ask a few student to read the following English Sentences and as clearly and loudly a

14、s possible, and then translate into Chinese. e.g. Welcome to our Corporation 欢迎到我们公司来。,. Translate the Following into English: The teacher ask a few students to translate the following Chinese setences into Eglish. e.g. 劳驾,能告诉我谁是美国来的布莱克先生吗? Excuse me, but can you tell me who is Mr. Black from Americ

15、a.,. Read and Translate the Following Dialogues: The teacher ask a few students to read the following mini dialogues, and then tranlate them into Chinese. e.g. Getting the Wrong Person 找错了人 A: Excuse me, you are Mr. Pierre from Paris? 请问,你是巴黎来的皮埃尔先生吧! B: NO, I am not. My name is Wright. Im from America. 不,我不是。我叫赖特,美国人。 A: Im sorry I have got the wrong person. I want to see Mr. Pierre from Paris. 对不起,我找错人了,我想见巴黎来的皮埃尔先生。,教学小结: 课后练习的部分比较难,学生做起来难度较大。,


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