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1、1中学英语教师招聘面试全英文说课稿 Good morning, everyone ! Im No._ candidate. Nice to meet you! (鞠躬) Today my topic is about _,(板书) I will analyze the lesson from the si x parts.:analysis of teaching material, teaching aims and demands, student analysis, teaching metho ds, learning methods and procedures. (下面我将从教材、

2、教学目标和要求、学情、教法、学法、教 学程序等几个方面进行说课。) Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material . Status and functions : The topic of this unit is about_. It is from the unit _of PEP English the _semester of grade _. This is an interesting topic for students .So all the activities in this unit are helpful to raise stude

3、nts learning interest. As we all know, interest is the best teacher for students .This unit includes two sections (section A and section B). I will finish section A from 1a to Grammar Focus in this period. Let students learn happily and easily. All the activities in this lesson are designed to help

4、Ss consolidate the language points in this unit. Part 2 Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge objects:The Ss can master the usage of the important words, expressions and sentences. _The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation. The Ss can understand the content of the l

5、esson, talk about and get their own idea about Ability objects:To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To improve the students reading ability.To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.Emotion or moral objects:By studying this lesson, the students will , an

6、d put the moral education in the language study.In order to achieve these aims, we must be clear about the important points and difficult points:2The important points:(1)(2)(3)The difficult points:(1)(2)Part Teaching MethodsIn my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle

7、 School is to develop the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of English language. So in this unit, Ill mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法). The Situational Approach(情景教学法) . Part The Studying of Students and

8、 learning MethodsMost of the students are from the countryside, and most of them are poor in cooperative learning skills. Some students are not active in the class, and some students dont like English. Therefore, Ill make Ss get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study and let the

9、 Ss pass “ObservationImitationPractice “ to study.Part Teaching ProcedurePeriod 1(1a- Grammar Focus)Step 1 warming up It will cost 3 minutes In this step , Ill ask students to have a free talk with the knowledge they have learnt last lesson . In this way , students will pay their attention to our cl

10、ass easily , and their speaking ability will be improved . Step 2 leading in It will cost 2minutes . Ill show some pictures about_, and tell something about _, these can form a 3relaxing atmosphere and let the students get ready for the next step . Step 3 presentation Itll cost 20 minutes Ill show s

11、ome words and sentences ,and ask students to guess the meaning of new words , with the help of PPT . Ill set a real situation to help the class learn new words and sentence pattern .students can follow the tape recorder reading words and text . Situational approach is used here . Step 4 practice Itl

12、l cost 10 minutes In this step , Ill divide the whole class into 4groups to have a competition by reading the dialog and role- playing . Then ,Ill ask students to make a new dialog to check if they can use new words and sentence pattern correctly . Task-based teaching method is used here,and student

13、s cooperation ability will be well developed . Step 5 summary Itll cost 5 minutes . In this step ,Ill guide students to conclude key words and sentence pattern to wide their knowledge In the end ,Ill give some homework ,go over todays lesson and preview next lesson , go to the library or search the internet for some information ,then write a short passage . Ok ,thats all for my lesson ,Thank you a lot for listening .



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