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1、Unit1of book6Grammar,学.科.网,Grammar,陈述语气,我叫陈述 I am chen shu,最后的陈述 The last statement,祈使语气,The SubjunctiveMood,虚拟语气,假如我有一双翅膀,我就可以在蓝天飞翔。 (你长不出翅膀,你还是坐地观天吧。) 如果我中了500 万,我会买一辆劳斯莱斯。 (中500万的几率就犹如晴天遭雷击,豪车。唉! 我若是马云该多好啊! (世上只有一个马云,不会多一个你。) 倾尽整个太平洋之水,也浇不灭我对你的爱情之火。 (太平洋的水你是舀不尽的,不过火真旺。 太阳见了你也会躲着你,弱问一下 这是第.n次?) 假如

2、我们当初不那么倔强,就不会如此遗憾 (走过路过不要错过,今天错过一生悔过 后悔药-哪儿买去。),上邪! 我欲与君相知, 长命无绝衰。 山无棱, 江水为竭, 冬雷震震, 夏雨雪, 天地合, 乃敢与君绝!,一、什么是虚拟语气?,虚拟语气表示所叙述的不是事实,而是一种愿望、假设、建议、猜测或使语气婉转。,二、虚拟语气的应用,Wish,In Subjunctive mood,Part1,I wish. 我愿。,How I wish. 我多想。,If only.若是。就好了,I wish I had two wings .,I wish I could fly,a little pig wish,I w

3、ish I were a bird.,I wish I were not a fairy,I wish you were a girl of the neighbour,I wish I had warm stove,roast goose.,I wish I could go with grandmother to heaven where no hunger and cold,针对现状表达愿望(与现在事实相反),wish + 宾语从句(过去式/ were),I wish I had warm stove. I wish I were a bird. I wish you were a gi

4、rl of the neighbour.,I WISH ,I wish I hadnt eaten so much watermelon.,Xiao Xin is suffering from a stomachache .,How I wish I hadnt smoked so much cigerattes,How I wish I had met liuqianj yesterday,对过去发生的事情表示遗憾或后悔,wish + 宾语从句(过去完成时),I wish I hadnt smoked so much cigarettes. I wish I hadnt made such

5、a big mistake. I wish I had studied hard before the mid-term examination.,I wish it would be fine tomorrow.,We wish the sky would clear up soon We wish we could breath in fresh air.,五指山,愿你的五指化成拳,The five- finger mountain,I wish your five fingers would turn into a strong fist.,I wish it would be fine

6、 tomorrow. I wish you wouldnt smoke any more. I wish he could come tomorrow.,针对将来表达愿望(虽然可能性极小,但有实现的可能),wish + 宾语从句 (would/ could/ might + V原),不能用should,一般过去时,过去完成时,would/could/might + V原形,小结:,wish后的宾语从句,但愿若是.就好了。,有心人不会白努力, 有梦想谁都了不起 打开思想枷锁, 放出胆量 让思维插上翅膀 让想象力高高飞扬 Let your imagination fly off!,Helpful

7、tips If only.,1. I have a rich father 2.she knows I love her 3.we breathe in fresh air 4.I know English well 5.I am an emperor 6.I have magic power,How I wish.,我多么想。,Helpful tips, around the world 2.the vacation last longer clever /young as.,if,Part2,If I were a boy even just for a day.

8、 If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I would be a better man I would listen to her,假如,if I were a child, I would be happier,What would you do if you won the lottery? If I won the lottery, I would,If I won the lottery now, I would travel around the world.,If

9、 I won the lottery, I would buy an expensive car.,If it were fine now,I would go shopping.,如果我是主角,If I were the leading role,I would be better than you,If I had a lot of money,I would buy a villa.,zxxkw,If I _a teacher, I.,were,衡水二中,If I were your teache r,I would give you no home work,!,If I had a

10、lot of money,I would buy an expensive car. I would buy a villa. I would travel around the world.,虚拟语气用于if条件状语从句,与现在事实相反,过去式 (were),would/could/should/might +V (原),If you were one of them now, would/should/could/might you do the same thing?,cheat in the exam,use mobile,sleep in class,Task. Choose one

11、 of the topics and discuss it in groups.,1.You had a dream that you were a teacher.What would you do if you were a teacher? 2.Suppose you won a lot of money . What would you do with the money?,If he had got up early,he would not have been late for school.(与过去事实相反),李煜,If I had been a poet ,I would ha

12、ve been very successful. 假如。我做诗人 我会。,大人,如今是三伏天道, 若竇娥委实冤枉,身死之后, 天降三尺瑞雪,遮掩了竇娥尸首。,If I had not been done wrong,three inches of snow would cover my dead body.,If he more carefully,he the car accident yesterday.,had driven,would not have had,“我真傻,真的,”祥林嫂抬起她没有神采的眼睛来, 接着说。“我单知道下雪的时候野兽在山坳里没有食吃, 会到村里来;,If I

13、_ that wolf would come to the village in spring, I _him alone.,had known,would not have left,If you had been on the spot, what would you have done?,If I had been there,I . call an ambulance offer first aid dail 120 call the police,与过去事实相反的假设,If条件从句 过去完成时,主句 should (would) have +过去分词,Pair work: Share

14、 your regrets(遗憾的事 with your partners. Use if I had done , I would have done.,早知如此,何必当初If we had realized, we would have done it differently.我要当初听老板的,也不会被开除了。I would not have been fired ,if I had listened to the boss.我当初要听了老师的建议,就上了央美了。If I had taken my teacher advice,I would have bee admitted to Th

15、e Central Academy of Fine Arts,If he got up early tomorrow,he would be on time and wouldnt be blamed by the teacher,如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会, 我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。 如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是-一万年,If the God _(give) me another chance,I_ (tell)the girl three words: I love her! If our love _ (have to) be set a time limi

16、t, I wish it _ (be)10,000 years!,should/were to,would tell,had to,would be,对将来的假想,一般过去时were + 不定式should + 动词原形,主句 should + 动词原形 would + 动词原形/should + 动词原形,If 条件状语从句,省略if 的虚拟条件句的倒装,注意:如果虚拟条件句的谓语部分有were,had和should时,可省略if,把were,had和should放到从句主语前面去,多见于书面语。 If I were you , I would accept his invitation.Were I you , I would accept his invitation.,


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