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1、滑县职业教育中心,英语教师 范建芳,Unit 12,The Spring Festival,reading,1:to learn about the culture and meanings of the spring festival2:to improve their reading skills3: to grasp some useful phrases andexpressions of the spring festival,Teaching Goals:,Teaching important points,would like to sweep out hang up prepa

2、re for on both sides of Show respect to Learn from Dress up,Teaching difficult points,No matter how 无论怎样Mean to do 打算怎么样Mean doing 意味着 As for 对于,Teaching methods,1 explorative learning: describing by the student cooperative learning: group-work to do exercises to see which group does bestTeaching ai

3、ds: a tape-recorder and a tapea multiple-media computer,Showing students the six pictures on page 96, match the words with the pictures.Showing a series of following pictures about spring festival ,foreign festival and information,Teaching procedures step1 leading-in,Chinese festivals,Foreign festiv

4、als,Make a list of festivals:,1. New Years Day 2. The Spring Festival 3. The Lantern Festival 4. Tree-planting Day 5. Pure Brightness Festival ( Qingming) 6. Youth Day 7. Dragon Boat Festival or Double Fifth Festival 8. Army Day 9. Teachers Day 10. Double Ninth Festival(Chongyang) 11. Mid-autumn Fes

5、tival 12. National Day,Clean house,Family get together and have dinner together,Spring Festival,Lantern Festival,Tomb Sweeping Day,Eat mooncakes,Get together and enjoy the beautiful moon,the Mid-Autumn Festival(the Moon Festival),Aug. 15 of Chinese lunar calendar (阴历),Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-autumn

6、 Day,New Years Day,Special food of the Spring Festival,dumplings,Round dumplings,Sticky cake,the Dragon-Boat Festival,May. 5 of Chinese lunar calendar,端午节,In honour of Qu Yuan,Zongzi,Dragon race,Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentines Day, April Fools Day, ,Foreign festivals,Chris

7、tmas,Dec. 25,Give presents to each other,Decorate Christmas tree,Santa Claus,Easter,Easter egg,Easter Bunny,Valentines Day,Valentine symbols,heart,red rose,lace,chocolate,Feb. 14,Valentines Day is the holiday honoring love and lovers. In the spirit of the holiday, we invite you to a little celebrati

8、on for the holiday of “LOVE!“ Celebrated on February 14,Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals. A time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. A time for Indian corn, holiday parades and giant Balloons. Celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November!

9、,Halloween is on October 31. Trick or treat! Happy Halloween!,October 31, celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles by children going door to door while wearing costumes and begging treats and playing pranks.诸圣日前夕,万圣节前夕10月31日,在美国、加拿大以及英伦诸岛的孩子们穿着化装服走家串户接受款待并且做些恶作剧以庆祝这个节日.,Hallowe

10、en 万圣节前夕, 诸圣日前夕,西方的万圣节(Halloween)-在一年中最“闹鬼”的这天夜里,各种妖魔鬼怪、海盗、外星来客和巫婆们纷纷出动。小孩子们会穿戴上鬼怪的行头,挨家挨户要糖果,嘴里说着“不招待就捣乱”(Trick or treating)的“恐吓”话语,年轻人更是要举办化妆舞会助兴。 来吧,就是套上最酷的面具,越吓人越好 带上满兜的糖果, 大家一起去经历群魔乱舞,Name: Countries: Activities:Date:,Halloween (万圣节)US & EuropeTrick or treatingOct.31,西方的万圣节(Halloween)-在一年中最“闹鬼”

11、的这天夜里,各种妖魔鬼怪、海盗、外星来客和巫婆们纷纷出动。小孩子们会穿戴上鬼怪的行头,挨家挨户要糖果,嘴里说着“不招待就捣乱”(Trick or treating)的“恐吓”话语,年轻人更是要举办化妆舞会助兴。 来吧,就是套上最酷的面具,越吓人越好 带上满兜的糖果, 大家一起去经历群魔乱舞,A Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.复活节纪念耶稣复活的基督教节日 The day on which this feast is observed, the first Sunday following the full moo

12、n that occurs on or next after March 21.复活节日举行此盛会的日子,这个日子是3月21日或其后月满之后的第一个星期天.,Easter 宗(耶稣)复活节,Easter a Christian holy day in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. Easter Bunny An imaginary rabbit that children believe brings chocolate eggs at Easter.,Ea

13、ster egg 1. BrE a chocolate usu. given as a present at Easter 2. AmE an egg that is colored and decorated, usu. by a child,Step2 fill in the following: What do we usually do at the Spring Festival?,clean cook make sweep buy learn visit watch,the house,the meal/delicious food,lanterns,the floor,gifts

14、/flowers,a dragon dance,the temple fair,TV,Step 3 exercise A,Translate the Chinese into English,1 扫掉 清除 2 为什么做准备 3 悬挂 4至于 5使爆炸 . 6向什么表示敬意 7向什么学习 8远距离 远方,Sweep out,Prepare for,Hang up,As for,Ste off,Show respect fort,Learn from,Far away,step4,PAIRWORK,When is the spring festival?The spring festival i

15、s on the first day of a Year on the lunar canlendar.What do people usually do on the first morning of the Lunar Of the Lunar New year? on the first morning of the lunar new year ,we get up early ,dress up And go to show respect to the senior member. Of the family and to express good wishes to our fr

16、iends, neighbors and relatives,Translate the following sentences into English according to the given words in the bracket.1) 春节期间,我们通常在院子里挂起红灯笼。( prepare for )2)大年初一早晨,我们都早早的起床盛装打扮去向长辈拜年。(dress up)3)孩子们兴高采烈地燃放爆竹庆祝节日。(set off)4)我们还向朋友,邻居。和亲戚表达美好的祝福(express)5)人们想尽办法使新年充满欢乐以便来年得到好运。(make +n + adj.),Step 4 Homework,GoodBye!,


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