2017高考英语复习 非谓语动词考点分析与突破精品课件

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《2017高考英语复习 非谓语动词考点分析与突破精品课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017高考英语复习 非谓语动词考点分析与突破精品课件(119页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 人 专题六 高考非谓语动词考点分析与突破吕) 1. (08 上海夏季, 35) Something as simple as somecold water may clear your mind and relieve pressure.A. to drink dinkingCto pe diinking D、dmunk答案:B解析:考查非亩讲动词,名中的”as simple as drinking somecold wa 是介邓短话 .修饰 something,介闻得语中表示列习此要跟名词短语,改排除其余选项 2. (08 安徽卷,30) in the fields on a March

2、aftemoon,he could feel the warmmth of spring.A. To walk B,WalkingC、Walked D. Having walked答案:B解析:考各状语从名的答略,外地完束为When he sas wallc ing严 有ons让才ibdwhamtof Spring 3. (08 江西卷, 24) I hear theyve promoted Tom ,but he didntmention when we talked on the phone.A. to promote B. having been promotedC.,having pr

3、omoted D. to be promoted答案;B解析:考个非谓封动词。介意为:我听说他们提拔了汤姆,但我们在香阁人区锅鸳时候 ,和jio和提色昌吉已桂担掠: 动词 mention 后接-ing 分闻,旦 promote 的动作发后在 menlion之前,因此,用-ing 分词客成式的被动语态符合句子要求 4. (08 陕西卷, 14) around the Water Cube,we werethen taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 OlympicCames.A., Having shown BTo be shownC,Having b

4、een shown D. To show答案:C解析:志余大请洛苑问| 则处是起启谤么词作凑次进辑主语是句子的主语 we,非谓语动词与迎辑主语之间是被动关系,而且根据句总可知非谓诸动词表示的动作在谓语动词动作之前已经完成,选C 5. (08 福建卷, 22) in the queue for half an hour, theold man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.A.,Waiting B. To waitC. Having waited D. To have waited答案:C解析:考每夺消语劲问: 丝处丘齐语

5、动司引导的向地作时间状语,迎得主清是他芋园译汀2hedkadaa ,把记清动丙与多辑主语是主动关系,是 wait 这个动作在谓语动词的动作发生之前已经发生,夏用 v-ing 的完成式,选C 6. (08 辽宁卷,27) He was busy writing a story,onlyonce in a while to smoke a cigarette.A. to stop B,stoppingC. to have stopped D., having stopped答案:B解析:元得非谓谤动词 to do sth 人1 合理几比方必失队FF有生预。PoppineAA作:表在写归入戎间博尔停

6、下来拍文灯 7. (08 湖南卷, 26 ) The trees in the storm have beenmoved off the road.Abeing blown down B, blown downC. blowing down D. to blow down答案:B解析:考查非谓诸动词的用法。 根据 the trees 与 blow down的关系可知-the mees 只能是被 blow down ,于是排除选项C、D;而碗忒人【jeihe bondhyh) 发示三釉正在则行葬绎常发后的 .习惯性的行为;选项 B (blown down) 表示一种被动和已经完成的动作。根据句子

7、语境可知 .表示动作被动的结果,答案选B 8. (08 湖南卷, 34) Susan wanted to be independent of her par-ents,She tried alone,but she didnt like it andmoved back home.Aliving B. to liveC._ tobe living D., having lived答案:A解析:考个非表击吉词动河医唐人) ip do sz 委示市疼种企图,但述未进行;try doing sth。表示对某事已经党试,或斌着做某事;W C.D 项与 by 不能搭配。根据最后的 but shedidn

8、t like it and moved Pack home 可知,她已经党试过单独千活,答案选A 9. (08 天津卷, 14) their hats into the air,the fans ofthe winning team let out loud shouts of victory.A., To throw BThrownCThrowing DBeing thrown答案:(解析:考老失许主基司后 侣商削:天四的粉基们奉内闻温到穹中.发放胜利的吁嗪-。 主再 the Ens滞 thrw之加是馆特上的主动关系,并与 let out 同时发生,履用 v-ing 形式 10. 08 重庆卷, 29) to reach them on the phone,wesent an email instead.A,、Fail BFailed CTo fail D. Having failed答案:D解析:考查非谓请动词:我们先前没有打通电话,所以只能换发邮件!|络焦人得 斑曾摧丰说的事情已么条生了和以having deme 前形式:



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