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1、,Unit 4,extensive reading & writing,Cao Yanzi,No. 2 Senior High School,What can you see in a zoo or a natural park?,dinosaur,Read the text on p30, and answer the following questions. When did the dinosaurs live? Whats the rare new species of dinosaurs? What might be the possibilities of their disapp

2、earance?,1.When did the dinosaurs live? Tens of millions of years ago, long before Humans came into being.,2.Whats the rare new species of dinosaurs? A bird-like dinosaur which could not only run but also climb trees.,3.What might be the possibilities of their disappearance? Maybe thats because a la

3、rge rock hit the earth or because the earth got too hot to live on.,Though dinosaurs died out because of natural reasons, some species have disappeared or are disappearing because of us human beings.,白鳍豚 Yangtze river dolphin,大熊猫Giant Panda,华南虎 Chinese Tiger,朱鹮 Crested Ibis,褐马鸡 Brown Eared Pheasant,

4、Black-necked Crane,Tibetan Antelope,扬子鳄 Chinese Alligator,Milu deer,helpful organizations,世界自然基金会(World Wildlife Fund, WWF)世界动物保护协会(World Society for the Protection of Animals, WSPA)国际野生生物保护学会(The Wildlife Conservation Society, WCS)野生救援组织(Wild Aid)美国反动物实验协会(American Anti-Vivisection Society, AAVS)国际

5、野生动物关怀组织(Care for the Wild International , CWI)亚洲动物基金会(Animal Asia Foundation,AAF,A successful example,The Return of the Milu Deer,What do we call it?,We call it_,Milu deer,horses head , donkeys tail, ox hooves and deer antlers,Fast reading,Read the text quickly and answer the following five questio

6、ns:,1, Who tells the story? 2, Who took some Milu Deer to Britain? Why? 3, Is there any positive results for the Duke to do so? 4, Are there special parks or centers to protect the Milu Deer? 5, Are there enough deer so that we no longer need to protect them?,1, Who tells the story?,Lin Hui does.,2,

7、 Who took some Milu Deer to Britain? For what? And why?,The duke of Bedford liked Milu deer very much, so he took some bake to improve the environment of his beautiful park.,3, Is there any positive results for the Duke to do so?,Yes, he helped protect the Milu deer,and when the Chinese government w

8、anted to bring back the deer he was able to help.,4, Are there special parks or centers to protect the Milu Deer?,Yes. Nanhaizi Milu Park,The centre in Dafeng, Jiangsu Province,A new park in Hubei Province,5, Are there enough deer so that we no longer need to protect them?,like other deer but with l

9、arge horns,deer live together, eat grass and tree branches; like cool, wet weather,over-hunted and killed,lived happily and number increased,in 1985 the government of China asked for some to be returned to China,great increase in number and several Milu deer centres have been set up,an increase in t

10、he friendship between China and Britain,Though we have made great progress, we still have a long way to go.,Cruel humans!,招募保护东北虎百名志愿者巡护清山活动 作者:WCS 来源:WCS 类别:信息看板 日期:2006.12.04 今日/总浏览: 5/58,哈尔滨市野生动物保护协会招募保护鸟类志愿者http:/ 2006-11-09 16:31:07,Volunteers wanted!,discussion and writing,Your class is going

11、to found a wildlife protection organization. And you are to bring in some volunteers .,When discussing, please make sure the things below:,The requirements to be your volunteers. Some rules the volunteers must obey. The things you will do in the near future.,When making the notice or poster, please have the following things :,1. an eye-catching (醒目的) title 2. attracting design 3. reasonable organization 4. pleasant appearance,project,Work in groups of 9 or 10 to do a survey:the present situation of wildlife protection in China,thank you for your cooperation,thank you for your cooperatin,


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