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1、Lesson 10 Not for jazz,Made by Jessie,Clavichord,Do you like music?,What kind of musical instrument can you see?,drum,guitar,saxophone,drum,piano,bamboo flute,violin,Germany 德国,Black: solemn(肃穆), strict Red: fire, passion Gold: glorious thoughts,German Shepherd Dog 德国牧羊犬,New words and expressions,1.

2、 musical: adj. 音乐的 musical box Guitar is a very popular musical instrument among the youth. musician: 音乐家e.g. shes a fine musician.,Music,Pop music 流行乐 Rock music 摇滚乐 Classic music 古典乐 Hip hop 嘻哈乐 R&B 说唱乐 Jazz 爵士乐 Soft music 轻音乐 Folk music 民乐,音乐是疗伤的好药。 Music is a good medicine to cure pain.音乐让人放松。 M

3、usic makes people feel relax.,2. recently: adv. in recent days, 最近 Have you seen him recently?Shanghai has greatly developed its economy recently.,3. damage: v. 损坏,e.g. Who damaged my car? e.g. The accident did a lot of damage to the car.,表破坏的词,break/ broken 损坏,伤害(程度轻) damage 损坏,破坏(程度中等) destroy 毁坏,

4、损毁(程度深) 他打烂了我的玩具。 我的车被人撞坏了。 他毁了我的一生!,4. shock: 震惊e.g. I was shocked at the news of her death. He was shocked to hear his childs swearing. Shocker: n. 令人震惊的事,5. allow: v, 允许,e.g. My mother does not allow me to use the computer. We dont allow smoking in this room.,allow 的用法,Please allow me to carry yo

5、ur bag.,我的老板不允许我用电话。,My boss doesnt allow me to use the telephone.,We were allowed to smoke in this room o 他们只允许在这间屋子里抽烟 They allowed smoking in this room only,请让我替你拿包,我们只许在这间屋子里抽烟。,6. touch: 触摸He touched me on the arm! touch: move, 感动 e.g. Her sad story touched our hearts . 谈及 涉及 A rise in the cost

6、 of living touches everyone.,get in touch with sb 与某人保持联系She tried to get in touch with him, but he didnt answer the phone.,7 key n. 琴键 n. 琴键 n. 钥匙,答案key to the door 门钥匙Do you know the key to the question? adj. 关键的key structure,18,1. n.爵士音乐 _ 2. adj. 音乐的 _ 3. n. 乐器 _,jazz,musical,instrument,4. n. 古钢

7、琴 _ 5. adv. 最近 _ 6. v. 损坏 _ 7. n. 琴键 _ 8. n.(乐器的)弦 _ 9 . V. 使不悦或生气,震惊 _ 10.v. 允许,让 _ 11. v. 触摸 _ 12. 属于 _,clavichord,recently,damage,key,string,shock,allow,touch,belong,Make 短语 Make in 地点 Be made of 用某材料做成,看得出原料的。 Be made from 用几种材料做成,看不出原料 Be made by 人,表示由某人制作的,他努力想爬上那棵树.,try to do 尽力去做某事 ,努力想达到目的

8、try doing 尝试,试着做某事 ,只是试着去做,没有说十分想成功,作到的意思. 试比较:,他试着爬那棵树.,He tried to climb that tree.,He tried climbing that tree.,1.Stamp is made paper.2. Tables are made wood. 3.This kind of paper is made _rags(破布). 4.Paper can be made out bamboo(竹子). 5. Beer is made Barley (小麦). 6.This kind of radio is made Japa

9、n. 7.This beautiful card is made Tom.,of,of,from,from,from,in,by,根据句子意思,用of, from, in by 填空,1. We keep our clavichord in our living room.The clavichord is kept in our living room. 2. A visitor damaged it.It was damaged by a visitor. 3. A friend of my fathers is repairing the instrument. The instrume

10、nt is being repaired by a friend of my fathers.,we have, called, made, kept,It has belonged to our family for a long time.,The instrument was bought by my grandfather for many years.,_,_,_,_,has belonged,bought, a visitor, my father, two of strings,struck the keys,Recently it was damaged by a visito

11、r.,She tried to play jazz on it!,She stuck the keys too hard that two of the strings were broken.,My father was shocked.,It is being repaired by a friend of my fathers.,a friend of my fathers,Now, we are not allowed to touch it .,_,_,_,_.,28,We have an old musical instrument. It is a clavichord. It

12、was in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the too hard and two of the strings were . My father was - . Now we are not to touch it. It is being by a friend of my fathers.,called,made,kept,bought,damaged,keys,broken,shocked,allowed,repaired,Fill in the blanks,Thanks for your attention!,


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