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1、Alex Soon(宋汉成宋汉成)51 Jinguang Road, Langfang, Hebei, 065000, P.R. China +86-134-0316-0903 JobJob Objective:Objective: A position as chief engineer or department manager, which is full of challenge and creative Education:Education: SeptemberSeptember 2005-July2005-July 2007,2007, HarbinHarbin Institu

2、teInstitute ofof Technology,Technology, CityCity GasGas PipelinePipeline Engineering,Engineering, MasterMaster ofof Engineer,Engineer, TopTop 10%10%,ServedServed AsAs ClassClass MembersMembers MajorMajor CursesCurses:Advanced Engineering Thermodynamic,Advanced Fluid Mechanics,Numerical Heat Transfer

3、,Experiment design and Data Processing,Fuzzy Neural Network Principle and Application,City Gas Transportation and Distribution,Gas Storage Excellent League Member Innovation Award (only one person); Social Activities Award (only one person) ResearchResearch AchievementAchievement: 1 National Patent,

4、 22 Papers. SeptemberSeptember 2001-July2001-July 2005,2005, ChinaChina UniversityUniversity ofof Petroleum,Petroleum, OilOil & & GasGas StorageStorage andand TransportationTransportation Engineering,Engineering, BachelorBachelor ofof Engineer,Engineer, TopTop 3%,3%, ServedServed AsAs ClassClass Mem

5、bersMembers MajorMajor CoursesCourses:Probability and Mathematic Statistics,Descriptive Geometry and Mechanic Drawings,Engineering thermodynamics,Engineering Fluid Mechanics,Heat Transfer Theory,Theoretical Mechanics,Material Mechanics,Storage and Transportation Engineering Construction,Oil and Gas

6、Field Processing,Measuring instrument and Automation,Metallic Bond theory,Pump and Compressor,Storage and Transportation oil product theory,Storage tank and Pipe Strength Limit Design,Corrosion and Protection,Oil & Gas Gathering and Transportation,Gas Pipeline Design and Management,Oil Pipeline Desi

7、gn and Management,Oil Depot Design and Management RewardsRewards:1 First Prize Professional Scholarship(top 3%),5 Second Prize Professional Scholarship(top 10%),Scientific and Technological Scholarship,Third Prize Mathematics Competition, Second Prize Long distance Running Competition, Third Prize F

8、reshmen Sports, Third Team Prize Youth Encyclopedic Knowledge Competition, Excellent League Member, Excellent Leader,Excellent Student。 WorkWork ExperiencesExperiences: JulyJuly 2007-Present,2007-Present, PipelinePipeline R&DR&D CentreCentre PipelinePipeline IntegrityIntegrity ManagementManagement C

9、entre,Centre, PetroChinaPetroChina PipelinePipeline Company,Company, researchresearch engineerengineer technicaltechnical supervisorsupervisor & & projectproject manager,manager, inin chargecharge ofof R&DR&D andand managementmanagement worksworks inin termsterms ofof pipelinepipeline inspectioninsp

10、ection andand assessment,assessment, thatthat isis toto say,say, makemake internalinternal andand externalexternal inspectioninspection plans,plans, inspectioninspection datadata analysis,analysis, engineeringengineering fit-for-servicefit-for-service assessment,assessment, andand repairrepair & & m

11、aintenance.maintenance. RewardsRewards: Long Distance Oil and Gas Pipeline Integrity Management System Research, Certificate No: JB20080115, December 2008, Rank 18th (42 authors in total) GIS Special Achievement Award, Pipeline Integrity Management Based on ArcGIS, ESRI China User Conference 2010, O

12、ctober 2008, Rank 16 (18 winners in total) ProjectProject ExperiencesExperiences: JanuaryJanuary 2011-June2011-June 2012,2012, “city“city gasgas distributiondistribution pipelinepipeline integrityintegrity managementmanagement systemsystem fundamentalfundamental research”,research”, keykey technicia

13、n,technician, this project fund is ¥420,000, which to define content of city gas distribution pipeline integrity management, set up integrity management system fitted for China city gas pipeline, and provide related system documents or standards, based on the characteristic of gas distribution pipel

14、ine safety management and the demand analysis of integrity management. AugustAugust 2010-July2010-July 2012,2012, “the“the technicaltechnical researchresearch ofof in-linein-line pipelinepipeline strainstrain inspectioninspection andand assessment”,assessment”, projectproject manager,manager, this i

15、s an international cooperation project, project fund is ¥4,620,000(not include inspection fund ¥20,000,000 and test unit ¥5,000,000), which to propose the practical strain inspection plan for pipeline movement caused by frost heave & thaw collapse, earthquake, excavation, suspended pipeline, landslide, the inspection plan will be applied in MD crude pipeline, LCY product pipeline, and Northeast crude pipeline. To establish pipeline strain signal identification method, develop strain field verification method, find out the primary factors caused strain and failure influence with the LCY mat



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