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1、I Am Proud of Myself,8分(内容)+8(语言)+4(结构)=20,I Am Proud of Myself,Use the flollowing points as a reference. 1) What kind of person are you?2) What makes you proud of you? (Give one or two examples.)3) Why are you proud of yourself?,引以为豪的事例,学习类:通过努力考取好成绩,某学科克服困难迎难而上 运动类:咬牙坚持完成长跑,苦练球技一朝夺冠 艺术类:不断尝试不怕失败得出

2、好的作品,克服恐惧精心准备登台表演 为人类:诚实守信,关心他人,乐于助人,勇于承认错误,认真负责 。,表达人物性格,out-going外向的, active活泼的, kind, care for others关心人的, independent独立的, responsible负责任的, forgetful健忘的, good-tempered好脾气的, brave勇敢的, thoughtful体贴的, generous慷慨大方的, helpful, honest, modest谦逊的, optimistic乐观的, always obey the rules循规蹈矩的, timid胆小羞怯的,co

3、nfident自信的。,句型,I am a kind/forgetful/helpful girl. I am a person who is kind/forgetful/helpful. In my friends opinion, I am a kind/forgetful/helpful girl. My friends always think that I am a kind/forgetful/helpful girl. I used to be a forgetful/careless girl but everything has changed since,句型,I fee

4、l proud of myself not only because I got the first prize but also because I didnt give up when theres difficulty. From then on, I am no longer afraid of giving speech in front of the crowd. I feel really proud of myself.,例文1,I am a boy of little confidence and I always hate running. But as we all kn

5、ow, the students of Grade Nine have to take part in the sports exam. At that moment, I was worried and just wanted to give up. But my parents encouraged me that “Nothing in impossible.” So with their encouraging words, I tried my best to run and kept running till the end. When I got to the finishing

6、 line, I felt proud of myself because I learned that I could be successful as long as I kept trying.,I used to be a girl with few words. Last month I failed in the exam. I felt so sad that I couldnt help crying. However, my mother told me, “Life is a tough road full of ups and downs. Everyone has to

7、 experience the low times.” Her encouraging words cheered me up. I made up my mind to prepare for the next exam. I always listened to the teacher carefully and did my homework attentively. To my surprise, I achieved the best grade in the exam. At that time , I actually felt proud of myself. Im proud because I achieved success as well as courage. Now Im more active than before, and I always believe as long as you keep trying, you will succeed in the end.,


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