清真保证体系实施指南 培训课件.ppt

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1、Halal certification : Criteria of HAS HAS 23000 :1,Objective : Participants can understand criteria for halal assurance system (HAS Criteria) 参与者可以理解清真保证体系标准(HAS CriteriaHAS的标准),Criteria标准 : “Statements that represent key requirement that a company must meet to keep products halal” 公司出具相关声明:必须保证公司从事

2、清真产品生产。,The Criteria Include 11 Categories : Halal policy 清真政策 Halal Management Team 清真管理团队 Training and Education 培训、教育 Material 原料 Product 产品 Production Facility 生产设备 Written Procedures for Critical Activities 关键点的书面流程图 9. The Product Handling for Product that Not Meet Criteria 不合格产品之书面处理程序 Tracea

3、bility 产品追溯 Internal Audit 内部审核 Management review 管理评审,Halal Policy 清真政策,Halal Policy,Top management must establish a written policy that shows the companys commitment to produce halal products consistently. 高层管理人员必须制定一份书面政策,以表明该公司将致力于清真产品生产。 Halal policy is a written statement of top management com

4、mitment to continuously produce halal products consistently. 清真政策是高层管理人员的一份书面声明,承诺其生产清真产品。 Halal policy can be written separately or combined with the other policy, for example can be combined with the quality, safety or food safety. 清真政策可以单独编写或结合其他政策一起编写,例如可以结合质量、安全或食品安全的政策。,Halal policy should be

5、socialized and disseminated to all stakeholders (top management, the management team halal, workers, toll manufacturing / production facilities, suppliers). ) 清真政策应该通过宣传并传达给所有的相关人员(高层管理人员,清真管理团队、工人、来料加工/生产设施、供应商),Socialization must ensure all stakeholders understand that the company is committed to

6、consistently produce halal products.宣传必须确保所有的相关人员了解公司生产的清真产品 Socialization of halal policy can be done by way of training, briefings, publishing internal memos, making banners, pocket books publishing, email communications, load up the web company or other ways of socialization t hat suit the needs

7、of the company宣传清真政策可以通过培训,简报,出版的内部备忘录,制作横幅,电子邮件通信,或其他的方式的宣传。 The record of. halal policy socialization must be established and maintained/documented 清真政策的宣传必须建立记录和维护。,Halal Policy,Halal Management Team清真管理团队,A group of people appointed by top management that has responsibility for planning, impleme

8、ntation, evaluation and continuous improvement in the companys Halal Assurance System.清真管理团队是由最高管理层任命,负责计划、实施、评价和持续改进公司的清真保证体系,Team authority团队职权 : Organize, manage and evaluate of HAS 组织、管理和评估HAS,The name of halal management team can be made according to the needs of the company清真管理团队的名称可以根据公司的要求 M

9、ust be supported by written appointment evidence必须以书面文件支持任命. (a decision letter, letter of appointment, letter of appointment setting or other common forms according to the companys common appointment forms决策性的信件,任命书,委任书或者其他公司常用的文件形式) c. Must be permanent employees of the company.必须是公司的正式员工。,Must be

10、 supported by Top management 必须得到最高管理层的支持: the resources needed for the planning, 需对材料进行规划implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement of halal assurance system.清真保证体系的执行、评估和改进方面的材料需要规划。,Responsibility of the management team should be formulated briefly, established, and socialized to all s

11、takeholders involved. 管理团队需将各自的职责进行简要地分工,并告知所有相关人员。,a. Determination of responsibility can be written separately or combined / integrated with the responsibility for the other systems.任命书可以书面的形式进行编写,可与其它体系相结合。 b. Halal Management Team must understand the requirements of Halal certification (policy,

12、procedure, and criteria) in accordance with their respective responsibilities. 清真管理团队必须理解清真认证的要求(政策、程序和标准)按照各自的职责执行。,Should include representatives from all departments/ sections are responsible for planning, implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement of HAS .应包括所有部门的代表成员/部分负责计划、实施、评价和持续改

13、进。 Department / division / section can be at the level of corporate / holding, manufacturing, toll manufacturing or outlet (or restaurants). 部门/处/科可以是控股公司,生产厂家, 来料加工厂家或者工厂直销店(或餐馆).,Halal Management Team 清真管理团队,Training and Education 培训、教育,Company must have written procedure for the implementation of

14、 the training of all personnel involved in critical activities, including for new employees. 针对一些重要的环节,公司必须有书面流程对所有相关人员(包括新员工在内)进行培训。,Implementation of training procedures may include: goal / target, schedule, participants, methods, trainers, materials, documentation, evaluation and graduation indic

15、ators.培训可包括:目标、计划、参与者、方法、培训员、材料、文档、评估和等级指标。 The procedure can be made separately or combined with training procedures for the other systems.这个程序可以单独编写或与其他体系相结合进行编写。,Training Procedures训练程序,Internal Training 内部培训 Conducted by company with trainers from the company itself 可由公司内部培训人员进行组织。 The trainer m

16、ust understand the requirements of halal certification培训员必须理解清真证书的相关要求。 (HAS 23 000: policy政策, procedure步骤, and criteria标准). be made separately or combined with other training schedules.培训可单独进行或与其他培训相结合。,Organized by LPPOM MUI regularly, the schedule can be seen on the website (www.halalmui.org).LPPOM MUI 会定期组织培训,培训信息可以在网站上看到。 May also be requested by the company in the form of inhouse training. 也可根据公司要求,进行现场培训。,Companies should follow the training conducted by LPPOM MUI:公司需要参加LPPOM MUI 举办的培训。,



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