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1、Recycle 2 A Farewell Party,人教版六年级英语下册卢氏县实验中学 姬东风,学习目标:,1.能够听、说、读、写本课时的四会短语和重 点句型。 2.能够根据录音内容完成搭配练习并正确填写文 中所缺的句子。 3.能够灵活运用like doing sth.谈论自己和他 人的爱好。 4.能够根据关键词复述课文。 5.能够正确运用一般将来时,谈论自己的梦想。,collect stamps,play the violin,draw pictures,make things,A:What are your hobbies? B: I like,Listen and match:,Tip

2、 1: 听力前先读题;听力时抓住关键信息。,Name Hobby Things that Sarah is going to give John making things a book about Thomas Edison Mike drawing pictures a stamp from America Chen Jie playing the violin a CD Wu Yifan collecting stamps some coloured pencils,Retell the form according to the key words.,Listen and write,

3、Im also going to give five gifts.John likes collecting stamps. 2.Mike likes playing the violin. 3.Chen Jie likes drawing pictures.,Tip 2: 听力前先仔细读题,弄清要填写的内容; 听力时记下关键信息,听完之后再写。,Read and find: 1.返回到 2.下个月 3.我所有的朋友 4.举行一个聚会 5.下周日 6.带来礼物 7.集邮 8.拉小提琴 9.画画 10.制作东西 11.在未来 12.向某人告别,1.返回到 go back to 2.下个月 nex

4、t month 3.我所有的朋友 all my friends 4.举行一个聚会 have a party 5.下周日 next Sunday 6.带来礼物 bring gifts 7.集邮 collect stamps 8.拉小提琴 play the violin 9.画画 draw pictures 10.制作东西 make things 11.在未来 in the future 12.向某人告别 say goodbye to sb.,比比谁最棒!,合作探究:,我是小老师!,1.I am going back to America next month. 2.I will leave Ch

5、ina and all my friends. 3. Everyone is going to bring gifts. 4. Im also going to give five gifts. 5.I will give him a small stamp from America. 6.I will give him a CD with violin music. 7.He is going to be a scientist in the future. 8.I dont want to say goodbye to my friends.,一般将来时的用法:,表示将要发生的动作或存在的

6、状态。,主语+be going to+V.原形+其它。,合作探究:Summary,主语+be not going to+V.原形+其它。,Be +主语+going to+V.原+其它,this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week,肯定句:主语+will+V.原+其它。 否定句:主语+will+not+V.原+其它。 一般疑问句:Will+ 主语+V.原+其它?肯定回答:Yes, 主语+will.否定回答:No, 主语+wont.,考考你,( )1.He likes_the violin.A. p

7、lay B.plays C. playing ( )2.Everyone _going to bring gifts.A. are B. is C.am ( )3.Sarah _her homework tomorrow.A. is going to do B. will does C. be going to do ( )4. Mike will_ Chinese this evening.A. studies B. study C. studying ( )5.I dont want_goodbye_my friends.A. to say; for B. say; to C. to sa

8、y; to,A,B,C,C,B,Fill in the blanks according to the text.I _ sad. I am going back to America_month.I will_China and all my friends. We_have a party next Sunday. I am_.Everyone_going to bring gifts. I am _going to_five gifts. John likes_stamps. I will give him a small stamp_America. Mike_playing the

9、violin. I will give _a CD with violin music.Chen Jie likes _pictures.I will give_some coloured pencils.Wu Yifan likes making things. He is going to _a scientist_the future.I will give him a book_ Thomas Edison. Im sure he will like that.I dont want_goodbye_my friends.,开头:sad, go back to, leave 中间:have a party, excited, bring gifts结尾:I dont want to say goodbye to my friends.,Retell the text.,What are you going to be one day? Im going to be a/an I want to be a/an,说梦想,


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