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1、高考英语书面表达 高分突破,18-03-2011,高分作文特点,要点齐全,紧扣主题,用词面宽,句式多变,有自己的思想,考场作文步骤,1. 确定并划出三个信息点 2. 选材: 熟悉,规范,有新意 3. 确定时态基调 4. 草稿或提纲:重点词汇,句式(简单句,并列句,复合句,疑问句,否定句),连接词语,语态,分段,要点等 5. 卷面非常整洁,书写非常认真 6. 仔细检查:单词拼写,标点符号,连接词语,句子成分,动词使用等。,“三段论”(出题可能性:35%)作文高分要点,每段都从topic(一句)到support(23句) Topic P1 1. think that should.2. think

2、 that there are several good points/advantages with 即:1. 认为应该2. 认为有优势 (think 可用believe, insist, suggest, would say等替换),P2However, in s opinion/view point/point of view, it is necessary /reasonable/wise /essential forto do P3 In my eyes/For my own part/As far as I am concerned, 1. there is a good/no/

3、little/hardly any reason for to do2. I have enough reasons to say,Support 1.正反论证:如果这样做, ; However, 如果不这样做, 2. 举例论证:for example 3. 数据、名言、科学结论等 Just as once said,. According to (the result of) a recent sentific research,. Scientists have found out that.,书信类(出题可能性:60%)作文高分要点 一、内涵:信件、e-mail、留言、口头或书面通知,甚

4、至是书信加“三段论”。 二、书信的六种常见目的: 感谢 2. 道歉 3. 寻求帮助、信息 4. 推荐建议 5. 投诉、抱怨 6. 祝贺每一种至少准备23个句型 揉合使用 如:某教授不能如约做讲座 感谢、道歉、建议 If you have any problem, please dont hesitate to contact me whenever it is necessary. /at.(phone number),三、写作思路(举例) (一). 询求帮助 P1. 1. 问候对方,介绍自己How are you? /How are you feeling? / How are you do

5、ing these days? / Is everything going on well with you nowadays? / How is everything going? Does everything go well with you? How are you getting along with everything? Imfrom2. 清晰表达询求帮助(general)Im writing to ask you for help with.I wonder if you could do me a favour by giving me some suggestions on

6、 .,P2 (每个点一到两句) 1. 你要干什么/你的困惑,困难,问题As you know, the college entrance examination is approaching. However, Im still very poor at my English. 2. 提出具体请求So I need your suggestions badly on how to improve it in such a short time, especially grammar and writing skills. 3. Why him/her? 为什么找他、她帮助I know youv

7、e been teaching high school students in China for years and you have magical methods to help them improve their levels quickly. Could you please help me?,4. (备用)感谢 I would be very grateful if you could. I would appreciate it very much if you could. P3 套话(12句) ( I am ) looking forward to your soon re

8、ply. If you please tell me / write to me as soon as possible. All the best!/ Best regards/wishes! Warm regards/wishes!,(二)抱怨 P1 1. 自我介绍2. 清晰表达抱怨(general)I want to make a complaint about.P2 1. 介绍背景Last week I spent 700 yuan buying a MP4 from your shop and you promised me that it was of best quality.

9、2. 问题 problem(s) But when I got back home and was trying to enjoy the music, I found there was much noise, which made me very upset.,3. 要求 requests a. 道歉 b. 退款 c. 换个新的So I wonder if you could./So what I want you to do is to. 4. (备用)(虚拟语气)如果能解决:感谢; 如果不能解决:向上级反应或找媒体曝光I would appreciate it very much if

10、 you could do as what I have requested. Otherwise, I would. P3 套话 Please consider my request(s) carefully and give me a clear reply as soon as possible/you can.,(三)建议 P1 同情安慰(很普遍;理解),答应帮助。 Actually your problem is very common among high teenagers. I can understand how sad/upset /anxious/terrible you

11、 are feeling now. I will give you some suggestions.P2 具体建议 三条,每条句话 P3 希望能帮上忙。祝愿希望。 I hope these suggestions will be of some help and you cansoon. If you have any problem, .,图画类(出题可能性:5%)作文高分要点 类型一、 指路问路,介绍方位 倒装 In front of the house lies a river called. There be / stand(s)/ lie(s)/exist(s). -ing,. F

12、inding the supermarket, turn right and then walk on until you reach the end of the avenue.You cant miss it. /You will surely find it right there.,类型二、 4-6幅图画讲故事 时态:一般过去,过去完成,过去将来,过去进行 P1. 开门见山,点名主体。1. Our class had an unforgettable Sunday on the West Mountain Farm last week.2. The Greens had a pleas

13、ant vocation in China for two weeks last month, which they will never forget. P2. 紧扣图画,适当想象,讲明故事,没有废话。 P3. 发表感慨,首尾呼应,简明扼要,画龙点睛。1. We were amazed at the fast development of our motherland and were all determined to try our best to make her more beautiful with our own hands when we grow up in the futu

14、re. 2. This precious memory shows that where there is a will, there is a way. /Rome was not built in one day.,My dear students, I wish you success in your college entrance examination and a happy life in the future!You will definitely be successful so long as you keep on trying and enjoy your study everyday!Long live our class! Long live our friendship!,


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