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1、05年学业考试(英语)命题回顾及06年学业考试复习策略 叶义虎,浙江省2005国改区学业考试命题特点,1、考查的内容主要依据英语课程标准中五级的相关内容和要求,其中词汇考查仍然以学生目前使用的JEFC教材中四会单词为主。 2、突出在特定的语境中考查学生语言综合运用的能力,减少纯语法的知识考查。在单项选择项中增加了以图设置情景的题目;在阅读理解题中也强调了语言的使用功能,把一些贴近时代、贴近生活、贴近学生的新闻类、应用文类的文章引入试卷,使教师和学生能更多地关注语言的使用功能,体现了“用英语做事”的原则。 3、在任务型阅读中适当增加了开放性试题。这一变化不仅给学生提供了更为宽广的思维空间,也有利

2、于学生对已掌握知识的发挥,更多地关注能力的发展,关注创新精神的培养。 4、基于英语课程标准中对听力能力和词汇运用能力的要求,试卷的听力部分增加了根据听到的长对话或独白完成信息记录表的题目;将单词拼写部分改为词汇运用,把单词的正确运用放在篇章中考,学生既要有正确拼写单词的能力,同时又必须具备一定的语言知识,对语言的活学活用有很大的帮助。,06年学业考试复习策略,一、通读考试说明及中考导引,充分理解和领会它们的精神实质 年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试说明(以下简称考试说明)是我们进行英语学科复习的纲领,它确定了考试范围、考试要求、考试方式、考试目标、考试示例和例卷,明确了英语学业考试侧重考查学生的语言




6、选择摒弃了传统的考查语法知识的题型,改成了突出语境、重应用、重理解、重能力的运用;词汇运用题目也改成了短文,偏重了对文章整体的理解和词汇在特定语境中的灵活运用。在复习指导过程中,我们教师要不断地引进题型、筛选题型,注意国内外考试题型的改革和变迁,尤其是一些比较先进的题型(如开放型的、拓展型的或生活型的试题)。把它们呈现给学生,扩大他们的认知范畴,以达到临阵不乱,应对有余,在考试中发挥出他们应有的学业水准。,A. 听力例题: 图片的演变: 1,素描漫画型 1. When will the next exam begin?,. What is the girl doing now ?,. How

7、is the weather now?,. Who is David?,2,仿真型,( ) 1. What is their favorite fruit?,( ) 2. How did the woman visit many places in Beijing?,( ) 3. What is the woman looking for?,3,真实生活型 ( )1,Whats your favorite animal?,( ) 2. Whats he going to buy?,( ) 3. Who are they talking about?,B.听力三的争议,第三节:听独白,请根据提问

8、从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。,( ) 11. How old is the boy? A. Fifteen B. Fourteen C. Thirteen ( ) 12.Where does the boy live? A. Tianjing B. Jinan C. Nanjing ( ) 13. What color is the boys hair? A. White B. Black C. Brown ( ) 14. What does the boys mother do in the hospital? A. A cook B. A doctor C. A

9、nurse ( ) 15.What is the boy interested in? A. pictures B. stamps C. books,第三节:听独白,请根据提问记录完成信息表。 The Information Form,任务型阅读(阅读本题,并使代表图片的字母和相应的内容匹配) 一.内容和图片相匹配型 Chimpanzee faces look a lot like human faces. Like us, they can use their faces to show how they are feeling. Youll be amazed how much chimp

10、-speak you already understand. What do you think these chimpanzees are feeling?,( ) 91: When chimps are angry, they open their mouths wide and shout. They frown and their eyes get smaller, just like ours do. They can also make their hair stand on end. ( ) 92: When chimps are bored*, they look just l

11、ike we do when we are bored. ( ) 93: When chimps are happy and feeling playful, they make laughing noises. Their eyes get wider and they show their bottom teeth. Its a chimp grin*! ( ) 94: When chimps are surprised and interested, they open their eyes wide and drop their mouths a little, like we do.

12、 ( ) 95: When you hear Chimps can do the easy math problems, can you believe it? Its true, the chimps are very clever, sometimes they can use tools, too. But they need their favorite food to be encouraged.,二.新闻和图片相匹配型,任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 下面是五则新闻以及它们的相关图片,请你为它们选择一幅相匹配的插图。 ( )71. A man dressed as

13、Father Christmas poses behind his desk at a special Christmas post office in the village of Himmelpfort (Heavens Gate) in the eastern German state of Brandenburg November 15, 2005. ( )72. This photo released* 19 October 2005 by the Indianapolis Zoo shows African elephant Kubwa with her newborn baby

14、at the Indianapolis zoo, Indiana. It took less than 10 minutes for Kubwa to give her200-pound baby boy. ( )73. This winter, a 23-year-old college students story moved millions of Chinese people. Hong Zhanhui has raised an abandoned* child for 11 years. Hong was born in a small village in Henan Provi

15、nce. ( )74. Riders on their horses cross a snow covered meadow near the Odenwald village of Knoden, south of Frankfurt December 30, 2005. (Reuters) ( ) 75. US President* George W. Bush reacts* as he tries to open a locked door as he leaves a news conference* in Beijing November 20, 2005.,三阅读下列五小段文字,

16、请把下面的主题词标号填入相应的段落前。,( ) 71.When the women are before the colorful clothes in the shops, they cant help buying one another. It seems that the clothing wont cost too much. But the men, they dont do like that. If they decide to buy something, they will go straight and take it, only the one they need ba

17、dly. ( ) 72.Maybe study is hard for you, but we should know that it is very important for everyone to learn in the school. Even though you cant do it successfully, you should not give up. It is said: “Never too old to learn”. ( ) 73.The world is becoming dirtier and dirtier. When the countries want

18、to develop themselves, they destroy* the environment seriously. So we should pay more attention* to the environment, let our world be clean and tidy. ( ) 74. Can money bring happiness? Some say it can, some answer it cant. Then what can give us the happiness? Maybe the hard work, the time with family members, the rest on the beach What do you think of it? ( ) 75. Wherever you lose your way, remember not to run in a hurry here and there. Keep yourself cool. Think again and again, try to find the best way. If someone goes out with you, perhaps staying at one place is the best choice*.,


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