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1、1 Monica Copyright P3 Business Analysis 背诵: 理解: 知道: Part A. Strategic position 1. Strategy 根据 Johnson, Scholes or indeed, about air freight at all.然而,最后一点必须提出。收购意不在机 场和廉价航线,而是为了提供航空货运。 In a country where land for warehousing is getting scarcer and more expensive, Godiva airport offers 450 hectares o

2、f land.在这个国家,仓库土地越来越少,越来越贵,机场占地 450 公顷。At commercial warehousing costs, this would cost $9m to buy. At the offer price of $7m, The Roam Group is getting a discount of about 22% on normal land values.如果按照商业仓储的成本来计算, 光土地就要花 9M,而现在买价是 7M,差不多有正常土地价值 22%的折扣。 Perhaps land is at the heart of the purchase,

3、particularly as the airport site is next to a motorway and a town where SRRT has three depots and warehouses. (案例中的信息,必须写,写不出得不案例中的信息,必须写,写不出得不 到满分到满分)或许土地才是本次收购的核心,尤其是机场的位置处于高速公路边上和一个小镇,该 小镇有 SRRT 的 3 处库房。 The declared strategy might not be the real motive. Getting cheaper land for warehouse develo

4、pment might be the real reason for this acquisition, and from that perspective, it makes a lot more sense, particularly if it frees up existing Roam sites within the town which can be sold for housing or office development.对外声明的策略可能不是真正的动机, 获取更便宜的土地, 可能是 这项收购的真正原因。从这个角度看,会有很多受益,尤其是有了这块地,可以腾出城里的地, 把那

5、里的地卖了造房屋或办公室开发。 问题 2. 一个分析研究的学生提出公司应当采用 hybrid strategy 混合策略:价格低于竞争对手 price lower than its competitors,同时产品/服务又有差异性 achieve differentiation simultaneously。Discuss how both elements of this route to competitive advantage (price and differentiation) might be achieved by Stuart Roam Road Transport.(10

6、分) 1. Pricebased strategy 定价策略 Johnson, Scholes and Whittington identifyfour ways of sustaining a pricebased strategy: to accept reduced margins, to win a price war, to reduce costs or to focus on specific segments of the market.JSW 提出了 4 种定价策略:降低利润率,赢得价格战,降低成本,专注于市场的特定领域。本题讨论更 多集中在减少利润和价格战的可能性上。 An

7、 organisation pursuing elements of a low price strategy may be prepared to accept a reduced margin, either because it can sell more volume than its competitors or because it can crosssubsidise that business from other business units in the portfolio.公司追求低价策略即表示 他们准备降低利润率,这样可以卖出比竞争对手更多的产品或者可以促进其他产品销售

8、(公司 的组合产品) 。The Roam Group can pursue both these options within the context of Stuart Roam Road Transport.案例公司的道路运输部门可以追求上述两种选择。It is a dominant player in the road transport market place (generating high volume and revenue) and it is generating good returns in the warehousing business which could be

9、 used to crosssubsidise the transport section.该业务在 当地的道路运输领域占有统治地位,无论量还是收入都很高,仓储部门的回报也较好,而且对 运输部门的发展有互补促进作用。 It is generally accepted that margins are relativelylow in road transport, so reducing operational margins still further might force rivals to exit the business.在道路运输方面降低利润率到一个相对 低的水平是可接受的方案,

10、这样能够防止竞争对手进入这个生意领域,因为无利可图。Market growth is relatively static (25% over the last five years), so continued growth requires SRRT to take market share from its rivals. A price war might also achieve this aim.整个市场的增长比较静态了, 如果公司要追求发展,只能从竞争对手那里抢的市场份额。价格战可以帮助实现。The company is financially sound and evidence

11、 suggests that it has greater financial resources than many of its 38 Monica Copyright competitors.该公司的财务状况和其他证据都表明了, 它比其竞争对手的财务资源更有优势。 If it chose to, SRRT should be able to initiate, sustain and win a pricewar with short or mediumterm losses in contribution driving competitors out of the market.如果

12、他选择这种方式,应该可以发去, 维持并赢得价格战,通过短期和中期亏损的方式,将竞争者赶出市场。 2. Differentiation 差异化 With respect to differentiation, Johnson, Scholes and Whittington offer three ways of sustaining differentiation: creating difficulty of imitation, pursuing imperfect mobility and the reinvestment of margin. JSW 提出了 3 种维持差异化的途径:模

13、仿的难度,追求不完美的流动性(high switch cost) , 对利润的再投资(用于研发、创新) 。本题主要讨论了其中 2 点: Imperfect mobility of resources or competencies can be achieved in a number of ways. Two approaches might be applicable at SRRT. It can attempt to increase the difficulty and cost to the customer of switching its supplier.不完美的资源或能力的

14、流动性可以通过多种方式实现。对于公 司而言,首先可以增加其客户更替供应商的难度和成本。The integration of road transport, warehousing and rail transport using the minicontainers developed by the company might be a key feature here.通过使用公司开发的小型集装箱来整合公路运输,仓储和铁路运输恰好可以实现这 一点。Nobody can match this flexibility at present (particularly with the ecofr

15、iendliness of rail travel which is especially attractive to supermarkets).目前,其他公司都不能满足这种灵活性(特别是环 保的铁路旅行,特别能够吸引超市客户)It may be possible to imitate it, but it will require considerable investment.这种模式可能被模仿,但需要大量投资。 However, what is virtually impossible to imitate is the contribution of the NewRoamantic

16、s.但对公 司而言, 其不容易被模仿的是“新浪漫”的追求。 This is not a carefully crafted management initiative but a group which has spontaneously developed through a shared interest in the Stuart Roam trucks. 这不是一个精心设计的管理倡议,但集团已通过他的独特卡车设计(红白条纹)自然而然演变 出来的一种文化气息。It is a uniqueway of promoting the brand. It is unlikely that customers will buy solely because of it, but it does ensure tha


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