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1、新视野大学英语读写教程,Unit Five,Stop Spoiling Your Children,New Horizon College English,Contents,Nowadays, most Chinese families are one-child ones. So many parents love their children. But, if they love their children with excessive possessions, then they are _ their children.,spoiling,Please look at the tit

2、leStop Spoiling Your Children. Who are the intended readers of this passage and why?,What do you think this passage should include and what writing techniques will be used in the passage to make it persuasive and convincing?,Read Para. 1 to see what it is about and how it is developed.,main idea:,a

3、common phenomenonchildren are showered with lots of material possessions, that is, children are spoiled.,writing device:,with the authors own observations,Read Para. 2 to see what it is about.,main idea:,Showering children with too many material possessionssomething common in the USA, not only makes

4、 children come to take their parents generosity for granted, but can be harmful to children.,Read Para. 3 to predict what the following paragraphs will talk about.,Reasons why parents spoil their children,Scan Para. 4-6 to find out what reasons for spoiling children are mentioned and what main writi

5、ng technique is used in the part of Para. 3-6.,Reasons for parents to spoiling their children,wanting children to have everything,fearing their children may feel unloved or be made fun of without such materialpossessions.,fluctuation due to inability to stand up tochildrens unreasonable demands.,out

6、 of a sense of guilt,Main writing technique,General statement,I believe there are several reasons (for parents to spoiling their children). (Para.3),Details,deduction,wanting children to have everything and fearing their children may feel unloved or be made fun of without such materialpossessions. (

7、Para. 5),fluctuation due to inability to stand up tochildrens unreasonable demands.,out of a sense of guilt (Para. 4),Read Para. 7 to 8 to see what is discussed and how it is discussed.,main idea:,harmful effects of spoiling children,writing technique:,deduction,General Statement: The effects of pro

8、viding too much can be harmful. (Para. 7),Details: (Para. 7 and 8),Scan Para. 7-8 to find out the harmful effects of spoiling children.,Children have fewer opportunities to learn the value of money.,They have less experience in learning tohandle satisfaction delay.,children may become greedy, selfis

9、h, ungratefuland insensitive to the needs and feelings ofothers.,It undermines their respect for their parents.,It will make children push further on their parents.,Read Para. 9 to 11 to see what is talked.,try to determine what makes you submit orfeel guilty.,do not expect your children to respond

10、at once immediately (be patient and stick to your new leaf),begin to make firm decisions and practice responding to childrens requests promptly & definitely,be satisfied with gradual improvement.,Suggestions to stop spoiling children,Expectation from adapting such suggestions:,Both you and your chil

11、dren will be happier,After learning this passage, we can see the a writing technique is used on the passage level. Whats it?,Problemparents spoiling children (Para. 1),problem,Reasons for the problem (Para. 3-6),Harmful effects of the problem (Para. 7-8),Advice to stop spoiling children (Para. 9-11)

12、,In the end, both you and your children will be happier (the last sentence in Para. 11),solution,evaluation,In this passage called “Stop Spoiling Your Children”, the author first points out that many parents _ their children _ too many material possessions. Then, he goes to analyzes the _ for parent

13、s to _ their children, including _, a wish that their children to have everything, their inability to _ their childrens unreasonable demands, etc. To the author, spoiling,showering,with,reasons,spoil,a sense of guilt of being not spending enough with their children,stand up to,children does nothing

14、but _ to children: they may become _, ungrateful and _to the needs and feeling of others; their _ for parents may be _; they will less _ to be creative, have fewer _ to know the value of money and less experiences to _ with delay in satisfaction, when everything requested is given _. So, in the last

15、 part, the author _ parents to stop spoiling children by firstly _ what makes you feel guilty, then making firm,harm,greedy, selfish,insensitive,respect,undermined,challenged,chances,deal,on demand,advises,determining,decisions and _ to childrens requests in a _ manner, being satisfied with _. If pa

16、rents keeping doing so, both parents and their children will be _ for it.,responding,prompt, definite,gradual improvement,happier,1. Writing a composition of “Stop Doing Something”, “Stop Smoking”, for example, in a problem-solution-evaluation pattern and with deduction.,2. Finish the exercises that follow the passage on Page .,



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