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1、Lesson 47 Never Catch a Dinosaur,If you fall down from a high place, what would happen? What would you do if you see someone falling down?,Lead in,Tell us an accident you experienced.2. Talk about what was wrong with Li Ming when he was young, do you have a similar experience?3.Do you think it is us

2、eful for us to do everything careful?,Presentation,December 20 Dear Brian,I got your e-mail! I liked your new rule. I will never try to catch a falling dinosaur .It isnt safe!Danny also wrote to me about the accident. He feels bad, because he was careless. He could have prevented the accident. You h

3、ad warned him to use the ladder. But he didnt use it. He fell on you! You saved him!,Accidents happen so suddenly. I remember when I broke my leg. I was seven years old. My mother took me to the park one day. I saw a big tree. My mother tried to stop me from climbing it. She didnt think it was safe,

4、 but I told her I would be careful. “Dont climb too high,” she warned. She watched me climb higher and higher. “Look at me, Mother!” I shouted. “I can almost touch the sky!” “ Thats too high.” she called. “Take care, Li Ming!” Suddenly, the tree broke. I fell and fell. My mother tried to save me. Bu

5、t she couldnt catch me. I hit the grass very hard.,My mom took me to the hospital. There was something wrong with my leg. It hurt! I couldnt move it. At the hospital, the doctor said my leg was broken.It took me three months to recover. I didnt play football that year!Now, I always listen to my moth

6、ers warnings about safety. I hope that Danny has listened to you, too.Do you like the gift I have sent you? Merry Christmas!Take care,Li Ming,1. I liked your new rule. 我喜欢你的新规定。 rule n. 规则;法规;规定;章程 the rules of basketball篮球比赛规则 the rules of tennis网球规则 The school rules must be obeyed. 学校的规定必须遵守。 【拓展】

7、: rule vt. / vi. (常与over连用)统治;支配 Who rules this country? 谁统治这个国家?,Language Points:,2.Try not to let your heart rule your head. 别让感情支配理智。 I will never try to catch a falling dinosaur. 我将不会去接一只要落地的恐龙。 try vi. (常与to连用)试试;试图;尝试 He tried to climb the tree, but he could not. 他试图爬树,可爬不上去。 Have you tried th

8、is chocolate? 你尝过这巧克力了吗?,3.He could have prevented the accident. 他本来能阻止这一事故。 prevent vt. 防治;预防 prevent sb. doing sth. 阻止某人干某事 prevent a disease 预防疾病 What prevented you from joining us last night? 昨天晚上什么事使你不能参加我们的晚会?,4.You had warned him to use the ladder. 你已经警告过他使用梯子。 动词不定式to use the ladder 在句中补充说明宾

9、语him 作宾语补足语,构成表示“警告某人去做某事”的warn sb. to do sth. 结构。e.g. He warned me to drive slowly. 他警告我开车慢点。 表示“警告某人不要做某事” 用warn sb. not to do sth. 结构。The government warns us not to eat the fish in this river.政府警告我们不要吃这条河里的鱼。,warn sb. against doing sth. 告诫某人不要做某事 e.g. The police warn us against going out at night

10、.警察告诫我们夜间不要出门。 warn sb. that 警告某人某事 e.g. They warned us that there was a shark nearby.他们提醒我们,附近有条鲨鱼。,5.She watched me climb higher and higher. 她看我爬得越来越高。 higher and higher 越来越高 比较级+and+比较级,译为:越来越 When spring comes, the day gets longer and longer. 当春天来的时候,白天变得越来越长了。,6. It took me three months to reco

11、ver. 用了三个月的时间我才恢复。 句中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to recover。 本句使用了表示“花费某人多长时间做某事”的“It take(s) sb. some time to do sth.” 句型。 e.g. It takes ten minutes to go to the park on foot. 步行到公园去要10分钟。,一、根据所给汉语,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。 1. My brother _not to know the news.(假装) 2. He had an _ yesterday on his way home.(事故) 3. My

12、 English teacher _me as a friend.(对待) 4. You need more _before you can play for our team.(练习) 5. Edison rushed out and carried the boy to _.(安全),Practice,二、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。 1. Because of my fathers _(warn), I was careful. 2. We must be _(care) when crossing the road. 3. Dont you think that the radio

13、was too _(noise)? 4. She was _(injure) badly in an accident. 5. The doctor visited his _(patience) in hospital.,三、根据汉语提示,完成句子。 (1)中国越来越强大了。 China is becoming _ _ _. (2)我已经警告过你不要迟到。 I have warned _ _ _ _ _. (3)每天做作业我要用两个小时的时间。 _ _ _ two hours _ _ my homework every day.,(4)昨天我们遇到的那位年轻女士是我们的新数学老师。 The young lady _ we met yesterday is our new math teacher. (5)我现在总是听从妈妈有关健康的提醒。 I always _ _ my mothers _ about _.,Homework,1.The remaining exercises in the activity book . 2. Remember the words in this unit .,A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易 。,


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