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1、生产与运作管理研究领域介绍 Introduction to Research Areas on Production and Operations Management, 中管网制造业频道,Outline,企业目标及其实现 生产与运作管理研究领域 广义与狭义生产/运作系统 计划与控制的层次系统 混流固定比例流水线排产模型与应用 HFC1061制动系统试验设计与分析,每一个企业经营者日夜都在想:我的企业怎样才能赚钱?,企业目标,企业目标的衡量指标,净利润(Net Profite,简称NP) 即一个企业赚多少钱的绝对量。一般来说,净利润越高的企业,其效益越好 投资报酬率(Return on Inv

2、estment,简称ROI) 表示一定时期的收益与投资的比。当两个企业投资不同时,单靠净利润是无法比较他们效益的好坏的 现金流量(Cash Flow,简称CF) 表示短期内收入和支出的钱。没有一定的现金流量,企业也就无法生存下去,实现企业目标的三条途径,增加产销率 指有效产出 减少库存 包括原材料库存、成品库存、在制品库存和废弃库存 降低费用 指各种投资和成本,企业目标、财务指标和运作指标关系,Outline,企业目标及其实现 生产与运作管理研究领域 广义与狭义生产/运作系统 计划与控制的层次系统 混流固定比例流水线排产模型与应用 HFC1061制动系统试验设计与分析,生产与运作管理研究领域,

3、目标:改善运作绩效 方法:与如何看待生产运作对象有关!,Outline,企业目标及其实现 生产与运作管理研究领域 广义与狭义生产/运作系统 计划与控制的层次系统 混流固定比例流水线排产模型与应用 HFC1061制动系统试验设计与分析,生产/运作系统是由人和机器构成的、能将一定输入转化为特定输出的有机整体。 广义的生产/运作系统 指由供应商、制造商、分销商、物流服务商组成的系统 狭义的生产/运作系统 指企业内部的生产/运作系统,生产/运作系统(Production/Operations Systems),广义的生产/运作系统,企业结构与绩效管理(文化、组织、竞争力,等等),集成结构(供应商关系、

4、用户关系、工作流、界面、中间件和软件管理等等),主要基础结构(物流服务、信息网络与服务器等等),E-采购与战略资源,产品和服 务设计,产品 制造,CRM,售后服务 与技术支 持,实现/电子实现(eFulfillment),需求和供 应计划,信件 传真 电话 EDI WEB 面对面,用户,用户的用户,B2B,B2C,用户渠道,信件 传真 电话 EDI WEB 面对面,供应商的供应商,供应商,供应商关系,供应商关系,B2B,供应商渠道,B2B,用户关系,用户关系,广义系统关注的问题,产销率 主要取决于其本身的生产能力和下游企业(客户企业)的需求 生产能力取决于狭义系统的管理 客户企业的需求取决于最

5、终消费者的需求、制造商与客户企业的契约与配合 库存 主要指供应链各级企业间的产成品与原材料库存 费用 指用户渠道、信息沟通和企业协作方面的成本,狭义的生产/运作系统,狭义的生产/运作系统,一般地,生产/运作系统有五个要素(5Ps): 人(People) 人力资源管理(计划、选拔、培训、绩效考评、激励等) 厂房(Plant) 工厂/能力设计,工厂布置,现场管理 物料(Parts) 库存管理,供应商/采购管理,内部物流管理 过程(Process) 质量管理,新产品/工艺研究与开发 计划与控制(Planning and Control) 生产计划决策与控制,Outline,企业目标及其实现 生产与运

6、作管理研究领域 广义与狭义生产/运作系统 计划与控制的层次系统 混流固定比例流水线排产模型与应用 HFC1061制动系统试验设计与分析,计划与控制的层次系统,Aggregating Planning by Time Horizon,Forecasting,Basic Problem: predict demand for planning purposes. Laws of Forecasting: 1. Forecasts are always wrong! 2. Forecasts always change! 3. The further into the future, the les

7、s reliable the forecast will be! Forecasting Tools: Qualitative: Delphi Analogies Many others Quantitative: Causal models (e.g., regression models) Time series models,Capacity/Facility Planning,Basic Problem: how much and what kind of physical equipment is needed to support production goals? Issues:

8、 Basic Capacity Calculations: stand-alone capacities and congestion effects (e.g., blocking) Capacity Strategy: lead or follow demand Make-or-Buy: vendoring, long-term identity Flexibility: with regard to product, volume, mix Speed: scalability, learning curves,Traditional vs. Modern View of Capacit

9、y,Traditional: choose capacity to meet demand only cycle time not an issue Problem: find min cost capacity feasible configuration Modern: congestion (CT) increases with utilization CT and responsiveness are tied to capacity decisions Problem: (a) find best configuration given fixed budget (b) minimi

10、ze cost to attain performance specs,Workforce Planning,Basic Problem: how much and what kind of labor is needed to support production goals? Issues: Basic Staffing Calculations: standard labor hours adjusted for worker availability. Working Environment: stability, morale, learning. Flexibility/Agili

11、ty: ability of workforce to support plants ability to respond to short and long term shifts. Quality: procedures are only as good as the people who carry them out.,Workforce Planning,Problem: determine most profitable production and hiring/firing policy over planning horizon. Motivation for Study: h

12、iring/firing vs. overtime vs. Inventory Build tradeoff iterative nature of optimization modeling. Inputs: demand forecast (assume single product for simplicity) unit hour data labor content data capacity constraints hiring/ firing costs overtime costs holding costs unit profit,Aggregate Planning,Bas

13、ic Problem: generate a long-term production plan that establishes a rough product mix, anticipates bottlenecks, and is consistent with capacity and workforce plans. Issues: Aggregation: product families and time periods must be set appropriately for the environment. Coordination: AP is the link betw

14、een the high level functions of forecasting/capacity planning and intermediate level functions of quota setting and scheduling. Anticipating Execution: AP is virtually always done deterministically, while production is carried out in a stochastic environment. Linear Programming: is a powerful tool w

15、ell-suited to AP and other optimization problems.,Aggregate Planning Conclusions,No single AP model is right for every situation Simplicity promotes understanding Linear programming is a useful AP tool Robustness matters more than precision Formulation and Solution are not separate activities.,Quota

16、 Setting,Basic Problem: set target production quota for pull system Issues: Larger quotas yield Benefits: Increased throughput. Increased utilization. Lower unit labor hour. Lower allocation of overhead. Costs: More overtime. Higher WIP levels. More expediting. Increased difficulties in quality control.,Goals of Production Scheduling,High Customer Service: on-time delivery Low Inventory Levels: WIP and FGI High Utilization: of machines,Meeting Due Dates Measures,


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