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1、,www. linksconcept. com,Links Concept 葡萄酒鉴赏课程 当中餐邂逅葡萄酒,餐桌上的战争 War on Table,1480年,英国公爵克拉伦斯因叛国罪被皇家叛处死刑,皇家让他自己选择被处死的方法,他最终选择了淹死在马姆奇葡萄酒(一种酒精度在度的甜葡萄酒)的酒桶里,在中国,与其死于酒中,还不如说死于人际关系 以餐桌为战场,以干杯为手段,葡萄酒的饮用推崇健康优雅,活跃气氛, 并且从酒识人,“沉默的餐桌是可怕的,它需要葡萄酒来激活”,The principles of Wine and Food in Balance provide the platform fo

2、r creating great tasting food that is delicious with you or your customers favorite wine. Any dish that is properly balanced will : 葡萄酒与食物的搭配使您或您的客人用心爱的美酒让食物的口味更加升华。,Food and Wine in Balance 葡萄酒与食物的平衡,Any dish that is properly balanced will: Taste intense and flavorful whether it is being served wit

3、h wine or not. 单独品尝食物、再将美食与葡萄酒共享。比较其中口味浓淡和香气的不同。 Allow any wine served with the dish to taste true to its intended taste. 让每一款与食物搭配的美酒尽显它的本色。,Food and Wine in Balance 葡萄酒与食物的平衡,五种味道, 对辣味菜肴的小提示: 辣味会加强葡萄酒中的单宁和苦味。 加入咸味、酸味会减弱它对葡萄酒的这种影响。,Keep in mind that once the dish is properly balanced, any wine will

4、 be delicious with it - there is no need to make any further adjustments to the dish for different wines! 如果菜肴的口味已达到平衡,任何葡萄酒与之相配都是可口的-没有必要为不同的葡萄酒来改变菜肴的口味! The principles can be applied to any dish that you are cooking and, in most instances, even the food you are eating in a restaurant can be simply

5、 adjusted at the table if your wine does not meet your taste expectations. 对正在制作的菜肴、甚至您已在餐厅享用的菜肴如果与葡萄酒未达到理想的口感,都可以根据一定的原则在餐桌上进行简单的调整。,Traditional Approach 传统搭配,Food and Wine Pairing 食物与葡萄酒的搭配,Food and Wine Pairing 食物与葡萄酒的搭配,The success of food and wine matching is achieved when the feeling generated

6、 by their combination reach a perfect balance, difficult to obtain individually. 葡萄酒与食物的成功搭配在于它们能共同为口感带来极佳的平衡感。 详细搭配方式需要考虑很多因素。 Questions to be asked/问题: Is the dish tasty, very tasty? 菜肴可口吗?非常可口吗? What are the intensity of the flavors? 菜肴口味重吗? What is the main dominating flavor? 主要味道是什么? What is th

7、e texture of the dish? Light and dry or heavy. 菜肴的质感如何? 清淡、干爽或厚重。 One has to take the sauce into account. 还需要考虑酱汁的味道。,Food and Wine Pairing 食物与葡萄酒的搭配,A brown sauce goes with a red wine 褐色酱汁的菜肴与红酒搭配 A sauce based with lemon juice better matched with a crisp dry white. 以柠檬汁为主的菜肴最好和干爽的白葡萄酒搭配 A creamy s

8、auce needs a rich, fat wine 奶油汁的菜肴适于搭配丰满的葡萄酒 A mushroom sauce goes well with oaky wines 菌类酱汁的菜肴与橡木味重的葡萄酒搭配极佳,Experience shows that : 实践积累的搭配经验:,Food and Wine Pairing 食物与葡萄酒的搭配,Bloody red meat demands a robust full-bodied wine 鲜肉应与酒体饱满、口感强劲的葡萄酒搭配 Roasted white meat are well matched with a red wine 烤白

9、肉与红酒搭配极佳 Shell-fish and sea-food suit a white wine 贝类及其他海鲜适合与白葡萄酒搭配,Experience shows that : 实践积累的搭配经验:,Food and Wine Pairing 食物与葡萄酒的搭配,The rule of the terroir: A regional dish is served with a wine of the same region “自然条件相同” 法则:当地的菜肴与当地的葡萄酒搭配 The rule of non competition of aromas: The dish and the

10、wine shall not compete but rather enhance each others flavors. “口味不冲突”法则:食物与葡萄酒应有能强调互相味道的功用。而不是互相冲突。,Food and Wine Pairing 食物与葡萄酒的搭配,Other factors can influence the success of food and wine matching: - The season - The time of the day 其他会影响食物与葡萄酒搭配的因素: - 季节 - 一天中所处的时间段 If the dish uses a particular

11、wine during cooking, serve the same wine 如果菜肴中含有一种特定的葡萄酒,也应用相同的葡萄酒来搭配。,Vertical VS Horizontal Matching 纵向搭配与平行搭配,Horizontal matching: Choose a wine to match every single dish 平行搭配:为每一道菜肴选择相应的葡萄酒搭配 Vertical matching: Different wines should be served in a logical sequence 一般搭配:不同的葡萄酒按一定规律侍酒。 Golden ru

12、le: The next wine should not make you regret the previous wine 黄金法则:后一款葡萄酒优于前一款葡萄酒。,Vertical Wine Balance 纵向搭配,The white wines are served before the red wines 白葡萄酒先饮,红葡萄酒后饮。 The young wines are served before the aged wines 年轻的葡萄酒先饮,陈年葡萄酒后饮。 The dry wines are served before the sweet wines 口感较干的葡萄酒先饮,

13、口感较甜的葡萄酒后饮。,Vertical Wine Balance 纵向搭配,Less alcoholic wines are served before the more alcoholic wines 酒精度较低的葡萄酒先饮,较高的后饮。 Fresher, crisper wines are served before the room temperature wines 温度较低的葡萄酒先饮,室温葡萄酒后饮。 Avoid more than three different types of wine on a same meal. 避免用三种以上不同的葡萄酒搭配同一道菜肴。,Exampl

14、e 1 例一,A grilled fish seasoned with aromatic herbs and some lemon juice would be perfectly matched with a Sauvignon blanc which has a high acidity and a crisp, lime, aromatic taste. 配以芳草和柠檬汁的烤鱼与白苏维翁搭配效果极佳。白苏维翁酸度较高。爽口有些酸橙味。,Example 1 例一,The very same fish, oven cooked with a mushroom creamy sauce wou

15、ld be better matched with a Chardonnay giving its creamy texture & a stronger oaky flavor 配以菌类和奶油汁的煮鱼与莎当妮搭配则更相宜。莎当妮有奶油般的滑润口感和较浓的橡木味。,A grilled meat (poultry, veal, pork) would be best served with a red wine with a supple texture (with few tannins) and whose main flavors come from the fruit. Grilled

16、meat are well matched with wines from Gamay, Pinot noir, Sangiovese. 烤肉(禽类、小牛肉、猪肉) 最好与较柔和(单宁较少)、果味浓郁的红葡萄酒搭配。烤肉与用甘美、黑皮诺、桑吉奥维斯葡萄酿造的葡萄酒搭配效果极佳。,Example 2 例二,Roasted lamb or game would destroy the delicacy of a more supple wine. Instead, select a wine with more sophisticated texture and peppery or spicy

17、flavors - ie. Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Nebbiolo. 烤羊肉或野味会影响以上品种葡萄酒的口味。应选择较强劲的有胡椒或辛辣味的葡萄酒 -如设拉子、加本利苏维翁、内比奥罗葡萄酒。,Example 2 例二,Wine killer 葡萄酒杀手,How about very strong sauces like mustard or curry? 味道比较浓烈的酱汁,如芥末或咖喱会破坏葡萄酒的口味吗? Do not match with a muscular wine; a light aromatic wine will suit - Gewrztraminer or Riesling are a good pairing. 不要把他们与口味较浓的葡萄酒搭配;较清单的葡萄酒更适合搭配-格乌兹莱妮或薏丝琳是极好的选择。,


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