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1、英语必修三外研版英语必修三外研版 Module2 同步精炼(同步精炼(1)及答案)及答案Module2 Developing and Developed CountriesPeriod One Introduction agree to 同意(计划、建议、安排);agree on 双方在某件事情上达成共识或协议;agree with 除同意某人意见,和一致外,还有适合、适应之意。9These young people are now making an active_to beautify(美化)our city.Apart Beffort Cdecision Dplan答案 B 句意:这些年

2、轻人正在积极努力美化我们的城市。make an active effort to do sth 积极努力去做某事。10Sam couldnt_how to work out the problem until the teacher explained it to him.Ago through Bfigure out Ce up Dget over答案 B 句意:直到老师给做了解释时,萨姆才弄明白怎样算出这道题。go through 通过,顺利完成,经历、忍受某事物;figure out 想像得出,算出,弄明白;come up 出现,被提及;get over 结束,完成某事,恢复常态。根据句

3、意,选 B。11She studied very hard. As a result,her name was_the list in the exam.Aat the top of Bon topCat the bottom of Don top of答案 A 由上句“她学习非常努力”,可排除 C;“位于名单之首”用 at the top of the list。12Im glad to see that youve made_.Asuch a great progress Bso great a progressCsuch great progress Dso great progress

4、答案 C “取得进步”用 make progress,其中 progress 为不可数名词,可排除 A、B;修饰名词用 such,而 so 后跟形容词或副词。.完形填空Jerry is the kind of man you love to hate. He is always in a(n) _1_mood (心态) and always has something_2_to say.In his opinion,the bottom line is your choice_3_you live a life.One morning,he did something you are neve

5、r_4_ to do in the restaurant business: he left the back door open and was_5_up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the _6_,with his hand shaking from_7_,he input the wrong code. The robbers beat him and even_8_him.Luckily,Jerry was found_9_quickly after the robbers had fled and

6、he was rushed to the local first aid center.After hours of operation and weeks of good care, he was out of hospital with fragments (碎片) of the bullets still in his body.Jerry told me what happened after he was sent to hospital.He said the doctors were_10_.They kept telling him he was going to be fin

7、e and_11_ him into the emergency room.But when he saw the _12_ on the faces of the doctors and nurses,he got really _13_.In their eyes,he_14_, “Hes a dead man. “He knew he needed to take _15_.There was a big nurse shouting questions at him. She asked if he was allergic(过敏)to anything, and the doctor

8、s and nurses stopped working as they waited for his reply.Jerry_16_for a while and then he decided to live. He took a deep breath and said, “Yes._17_!”Over their laughter, Jerry told them to operate on him_18_he was alive, not dead.Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of

9、his amazing_19_ .I learnt from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, _20_,is everything.1A.exciting BgoodCusual Dbalanced答案 B 从下文的实例可以看出 Jerry 是个心态很好的人,故 B 项最佳。2A.positive BfunnyCnew Ddifferent 答案 A Jerry 总是说一些积极的话。positive(积极的)符合语境。3A.how Bwhere Cwhether Dwhy答案 A 在他看来,最根本的是

10、你选择怎样生活。how 表示方式。4A.advised BimaginedCasked Dsupposed答案 D 一天上午,他做了一件对开餐馆的人来说永远都不应该做的事情。be not supposed to do sth 不该做5A.pulled Bput Cheld Ddone答案 C be held up 被劫持。6A.box Bsafe Ccounter Ddoor答案 B 当他打开“保险箱”的时候,由于紧张输错了密码,结果遭贼打了,还差点儿被射死。7A.nervousness BworryCunwillingness Dpressure答案 A 见第 6 小题解析。8A.knock

11、ed Bkilled Cknifed Dshot答案 D 见第 6 小题解析。9A.probably BrelativelyCmerely Dreasonably答案 B 幸运的是在盗贼逃走之后他“相对”较快地被发现,并被送到急救中心。10A.excited BorganizedChardworking Dgreat 答案 D 从下文可知医生相当“棒”。11A.rolled Bcarried Cwheeled Dforced答案 C 他们把他推到了急诊室。wheel 在此意为“(用有轮之物)推”。12A.surprise BexpressionsCfeeling Dpuzzles答案 B ex

12、pression 表情。13A.scared BembarrassedgbdCdisappointed Dannoyed答案 A 医生和护士脸上的表情说明他们把他看成了没有希望救治的死人,所以 Jerry感到“害怕”。14A.knew Bfound Cmeant Dread答案 D read 看懂,读出。15A.notice Border Cbreath Daction答案 D take action 采取行动,符合语境。16A.thought BwonderedCjudged Dstopped答案 A think for a while 想了一会儿。17A.Medicine BOperati

13、onCBullets DFragments答案 C Jerry 说他对子弹过敏,既说明了他有求生的欲望,又不乏幽默。18A.unless Beven if Cas if Dbefore答案 C Jerry 让他们把他当活人来做手术,而不是死人。as if 好像,似乎。19A.reply BattitudeCopinion Ddetermination答案 B Jerry 得以活下去不仅仅是因为医生医术高超,还因为他非比寻常的“态度”,attitude 与 mood 相照应。20A.to be honest Bin that caseCafter all Dstrictly speaking答案 C “毕竟”态度决定一切。



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