隆回县第二中学高中英语 module 1 unit3 looking good ,feeling good period6导学案 牛津译林版必修1

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1、1湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语 ModuleModule 1 1 UnitUnit 3 3 LookingLooking goodgood ,feeling,feeling goodgood PeriodPeriod 6 6 导学案导学案 牛津译林版必修牛津译林版必修 1 1 TeachingTeaching aimsaims 1. Enriching our vocabulary 2. Learn and master the new words about sports Studying task : the new words and expressions

2、SelfSelf educationeducation 自主学习自主学习 根据句意,填入有关运动方面的单词。1. The first gold medal that China got in the Olympic Games is in Mens_. 2. In the _, people compete in three different sports , usually swimming, cycling and running. 3. When doing_, you will not only enjoy the beautiful music , but also strengt

3、hen your heart and lungs. 4. There are 6 players in each _team, and players try to pat a ball over a net. 5. Tiger Woods is one of the best_ players in the world. He is from the US. 6. Guo Jingjing won gold medals for_ in the 29th Olympic Games. P13 TeamTeam workwork 合作探究合作探究 1.1. 课文原句 Hmm,Hmm, mayb

4、emaybe I I dontdont wantwant toto getget hurt.hurt. (p46p46)嗯,也许我不想受伤。)嗯,也许我不想受伤。 getget hurthurt _(_(意思意思) ) getget + + v.-edv.-ed 意思相当于 be + v. ed 的被动语态,但前者是更着重动作的意味,不可延 续,因此不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。 P10 1) Youd better wear a hat, or youll get sun burnt. _ 2) His shirt got caught on the nail and a button

5、went off. _ 3) They have been married for four years. _ 短语扩展: getget marriedmarried _ getget burntburnt _ getget attacked_attacked_ getget killed_killed_ getget dressed_dressed_ getget paidpaid _ getget separatedseparated fromfrom _ getget lostlost _ getget knownknown toto / / by_by_ getget caughtca

6、ught inin a a rain/rain/ snowsnow / / storm_storm_ 小试牛刀:相关高考试题赏析小试牛刀:相关高考试题赏析( (NMET 2004) Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to _ before the party. A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change 2. 课文原句 Oh , I really dont know which sport to choose.我确实不知道选哪 哪种运动。 疑问词(what

7、,which ,when , where, how, whether)+不定式短语, 本结构在句中作主2语,宾语或表语。如: Where to go is still a question.到哪里去还是个问题。 The question is how to carry out the plan.问题是如何执行该计划。 She cant decide which one to choose.她决定不了该选哪个。 典型剖析 p 9 Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach _to read fast.(2011 辽宁高考

8、) A. what B. who C. how D. why 3. 课文原句 Im very happy to hear that you have a long holiday coming up. 我听说你马上要有一个长假,我感到很高兴。 come up 即将发生,走近,上来,发芽,被提出讨论 Her birthday is coming up soon.她的生日即将到来。 The plan came up at the meeting.这个计划在会上被提了出来。 典型剖析 The question _at the meeting _we had enough money for our

9、research. A. came up ;that B. came out ;that C. was come up ,which D.came up ,whether 4.4. 课文原句 IfIf youyou likelike sportssports thatthat youyou cancan dodo onon youryour ownown (p47p47)如果你喜)如果你喜 欢单独进行体育活动,欢单独进行体育活动, onon onesones ownown =_ = _ ofof onesones ownown_(意思),做_定语, 1) Are you sure he is

10、old enough to travel on his own?_ 2) At that time I was crazy about music and dreamed of having a violin of my own. _TargetTarget detectiondetection 目标检测目标检测1.Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the following words and phrases.p14stay ,recover , exercise , contain , damage , work , follow ,di

11、et , work out1. We should take regular _and eat healthy food to keep fit.2. We _awake all night in order to see the sunrise the next morning. 3. Have you _this maths problem yet ?4. The alarm clock didnt _so I was late for school this morning.5. This book _all the information you need.6. The woman w

12、as surprised at the _of her stolen jewels.7. It rained on the day we arrived , but the _day was sunny.8. He is on a _to reduce some weight.9. The flood did a lot of _to the crops. 2.选择正确答案填空选择正确答案填空 1The Beatles,_ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool(天津) Awhat Bthat Chow Das 2

13、l saw a woman running toward me in the darkBefore I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction _ she had come(重庆) Aof which Bby which Cin which Dfrom which 33I was given three books on cooking,the first _ I really enjoyed(浙江) Aof that Bof which Cthat Dwhich 4 Do you have anything to say for yourselves? Yes,theres one point _ we must insist on(江西) Awhy Bwhere Chow D不填 5were just trying to reach a point _ both sid



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