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1、一,二,三,一、从文中找出与下列汉语相对应的英文短语 1.按照,根据 2.只要,如果的话 3.对进行评论 4.使远离 5.发生 6.妨碍,挡路 7.冲进 8.一车/船的 9.旅行 10.喜极而泣,according to,as long as,comment on sth.,keep sb./sth.away from,take place,in the way of,crash into,a load of,make a journey,cry with happiness,一,二,三,二、根据句意和括号内的汉语提示完成句子 1.He said there should be careful

2、 (考虑) of the future role of TV. 2.The young soldier deserves the highest praise for his(勇敢). 3.The police knew that I was (无罪的). 4.So what can we (得出结论) from this debate? 5.A (发言人) says the Chinese governments attitude towards the affair is perfectly clear. 6. (观光) is best done either by tour bus or

3、 by bicycle. 7.Immigrant tales have always been popular themes(主题) in(小说).,consideration,bravery,innocent,conclude,spokesman,Sightseeing,fiction,一,二,三,8.He was crying out in pain on the ground when the (救护车) arrived. 9.Italys industrial (地区) are concentrated(集中)in its north-central and north-eastern

4、 regions. 10.They left the car and struck out along the (泥泞的) track.,ambulance,districts,muddy,一,二,三,三、阅读课文,选择正确答案 1.The research published by Leeds University shows that . A.people dont mind bad language on programmes for adults B.people dont mind bad language on programmes for children C.people pr

5、efer to have bad language on programmes for adults D.people prefer bad language on television programmes to drugs in films,答案:A,一,二,三,2.How was the research conducted according to Text A? A.The researchers made people use bad languages and drugs. B.The researchers watched films,TV series and cartoon

6、s. C.The researchers asked people to comment on some certain films,TV series and cartoons. D.The researchers asked people to watch some certain films,TV series and cartoons.,答案:C,一,二,三,3.What caused the accident in Text B to happen? A.The foggy weather. B.The truck drivers carelessness. C.That the t

7、ruck driver was too old. D.A mysterious force.,答案:A,一,二,三,4.From Text B we know . A.the truck driver was sleeping in his truck when the trolleybus crashed into it B.the strawberries in the truck were destroyed C.the truck and the trolleybus were going in the same direction D.the astronomers jumped o

8、ut of the trolleybus bravely when it crashed into the truck,答案:B,一,二,三,5.Text C mainly tells a piece of news that . A.four sisters went to America for a 31-year holiday B.Lillian missed her daughters very much C.Lillian was happy to have a long-distance journey D.a mother would meet her separate dau

9、ghters after 31 years,答案:D,1,2,3,4,1.According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday,people dont mind bad language on television as long as it is not used in programmes watched by children. 据利兹大学昨天发表的一项研究称,电视中的不良语言,只要不用于儿童节目,人们并不介意。 剖析 这是一个复合句,其中“as long as”引导条件状语从句,过去分词短语“published

10、by Leeds University”和“watched by children”都作后置定语,分别修饰“research”和“programmes”。,1,2,3,4,同义短语:so long as 只要 We can surely overcome these difficulties so long as we are closely united. 只要我们紧密团结,就一定会克服这些困难。,考点 as long as 只要 【高考典句】As long as there have been codes,people have tried to break them. 只要有密码存在,人

11、们就试图破译它。 As long as you have struggled for your dream,you are a success. 只要你为自己的梦想奋斗过,那你就是成功者。 归纳 as long as用作从属连词时,引导条件状语从句。,1,2,3,4,活学活用 语法填空 (1)Our holiday cost a lot of money. Did it?Well,that doesnt matter you enjoyed yourselves. (2)My parents dont mind what job I do I am happy. 翻译句子 (3)Inciden

12、ts of this kind will continue as long as sport is played only for money rather than for the love of the game.,as/so long as,as/so long as,答案:只要体育运动只是为了金钱而不是出于对它的酷爱,这类事件就会继续发生。,1,2,3,4,2.People were asked to comment on scenes from films like Pulp Fiction,TV series like Channel 4s Brookside and cartoo

13、ns like South Park. 调查要求观众对低俗小说之类的电影、第四频道的小河边之类的电视连续剧和卡通片南方公园中的电影画面进行评论。 考点 scene n. 场面,场景 The film contains some violent scenes;its not suitable for children. 这部电影有一些暴力场面,不适合孩子们看。,1,2,3,4,【高考典句】Being part of the scene and getting close to animals. 让自己成为这种场景的一部分,并接近动物。 Journalists were on the scene

14、within a few minutes. 记者在几分钟内就赶到了现场。 Behind the scenes,both sides are working towards an agreement. 双方在幕后努力达成协议。 归纳:scene的常见搭配: at the scene of 在的现场 on the scene 出现,登场 behind the scenes 在幕后,秘密地,1,2,3,4,辨析:scene,view,sight和scenery (1)scene(指戏剧、电影等)“一场,场景”;指风景时着重指展现于眼前的景色的特征;还可意为“出事地点”。 Taxis and buse

15、s were part of the street scene. 出租车和公交车是街景的一部分。 (2)view“风景,景象”,通常指从某个特定(或许较高的)位置所见到的事物;还可意为“观点”。 There is a lovely view from this window. 从这个窗户可以看到一片秀丽的景色。,1,2,3,4,(3)sight通常指含有了人工痕迹的“景象,情景”;作“视力”讲时为不可数名词。 The fire was a frightening sight. 火灾的景象令人害怕。 (4)scenery“风景”,指某地的自然风景,是不可数的集体名词,不能与不定冠词连用。 Han

16、gzhou is world-famous for its beautiful scenery. 杭州以其美丽的景色而世界闻名。,1,2,3,4,活学活用 用适当的介词填空 (1)You can always expect trouble when Glen and his friends comethe scene. (2)Although he had retired,Brown remained active the scenes for years. (3)The police are now the scene,searching for clues. 选词填空:scene/sight/view/scenery (4)Guilin is famous for its beautiful in the world. (5)The is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east. (6)You can get a wonderful at the top of the tower. (7)He has very little in his right eye.,


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