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1、Unit 5,can you come to my party?,Section A,Write the dates for this week on the Calendar.,1b Write these words below the correct dates on the Calendar. yesterday today tomorrow the day after tomorrow,9th,today,yesterday,tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th,Pair work,A: Whats

2、 today? B: Its Monday the 14th. A: What are you going to do on Tuesday? B: I want to ,Ask and answer the questions about the days in 1a.,REVIEW,Can you come to my party/go to movies Would you like to come to my party Sure, Id love / like to. Yes, I d love /like to. Im sorry, I cant. I have to Id lov

3、e to. But I have to babysit my sister ( help my parents, have a piano lesson),Pairwork,A: Can you come to my party? /go shopping with me / go to the movies B: Sure/Yes, I love to . C: Sorry, I have to D: Im sorry, too. I have to ,Its a Birthday party! From whom: Lisa. Time: Friday,June 30 , at four-

4、thirty Place: Lisas house, 15th street Come and have fun.,Lisa: Hi,Simon, can you come to my _? Simon: _ is it? Lisa: Its _ at_. Simon: Great! Id love to!,birthday party,When,Friday, June 30,four-thirty,Read the invitation. Then fill in the blanks.,Pair work . Make an invitation card with your partn

5、ers, make an conversation by using when, where, who,Its a birthday Party!,From whom:_,Time: _,Place: _,Come and have fun.,Invite a friend!,Eliza want to invite Lu Qing to the mall. Look at Lu Qings Calendar and find a time when they can both go there.,A: Lu Qing, can you go to the mall this week? B:

6、 Sure, Id love to. When? A: Well, what are you doing Thursday afternoon? B: I have a piano lesson. What are you doing on Monday? A: What about,2a&2b Listening,Can Vince play tennis with Andy? Mark Yes or No. Yes or No,c,b,a,a,b,Match Vinces activities with the days.,Write everything you have to do o

7、n the calendar.,Pairwork A want to invite B to play tennis. A: Hi, Vince, can you play tennis with me? B: When? A: Its Friday the 22st. B: Sorry, I cant. I ,Homework,You want to invite your partner to a movie this week. See her schedule and make date.,Bye Bye !,; http:/ 腾讯云主机代 腾讯云推广返佣 svc81svt 一串地响了

8、起来在这些不协调的声音中,其狐朋狗友们起身准备离开了。围堵在酒店门口的人们看到他们要走了,只给他们让开了一条不够一人通过的小缝隙,他们只好一个接一个地侧着身子灰溜溜地挤出去走掉了。随后,那两桌衣着阔绰的外地大商人也站起来准备走了。临走时,他们还都没有忘了对站在前台的耿正兄妹三人或拱拱手,或点点头。那些围堵在酒店门口的人看到他们出来,就让开了更大一些的缝隙。他们也走了。90第五十二回 献艺期将满遇难坎儿|(酒店老板虽仁义,卑劣小人现丑行;兄妹献艺期将满,到底还是遇难坎儿。)耿家兄妹仨与“盛元酒店”老板签署的三月期献艺契约眼见着就要到期了。老板提出来增加薪金续签,但耿正婉言谢绝了。他真诚地对老板说




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