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1、Unit 32 Things go wrong,Content of courses1.learn to use the infinitive to express purpose 2.revise enough with to and with for 3.learn the passive 4.study the structures see sb doing sth. And see sb do sth. 5.learn how to report speech,1.learn to use the infinitive to express purpose (p167),动词不定式表目

2、的 in order to eg : I went to Guangzhou in order to buy a new book.We need someone to do the work.,2. revise enough with to and with for (p167),a.enough + n.+to do sth.eg : We have enough money to make changes.b.enough + n. + for sth.eg : We have enough money for the changes.,*activity (fill in the b

3、lanks with for or to ) p168ex.4,(1)This is a good opportunity _ negotiate the contract. (2)There is time _ the changes. (3)We dont have enough staff _ the job. (4)We have enough money in the budget _ alter the website. (5)We have plenty of time _ make the changes. (6)We have enough staff _ start the

4、 job. (7)WE have enough money _ the changes. (8)This is a good opportunity _ a visit to France.,The key,1.to 2.for 3. for 4. to 5. to 6. to 7. for 8. for,3. study the structures see sb doing sth. And see sb do sth. (p171),a.to see sb doing sth (看见某人做某事,只是动作一部份不是全过程)eg : I saw him loading the van.b.t

5、o see sb do sth. (看见某人做某事全过程)eg : I saw him load the van.C.feel / watch / hear / listen to / observe这些词与see有相同的功能,4. use instead and instead of (不是。而是。/ 替代)(p171),a.instead 放于句末Tim was supposed to meet .Mary after work. He went straight home instead.b.instead of后跟名词性内容Instead of meeting Mary, Tim we

6、nt straight home.,5. learn how to report speech (p176 / 190),Direct speech : Tim said : “I am waiting upstairs.” Indirect speech: Tim said (that) he was waiting upstairs.*直接引语转变为间接引语注意时态/ 人称 / 时间/ 地点 /形式五方面的变化 时态 1. 主句是一般现在时,从句可用各种时态eg : He says: “I will be a good student.He says he will be a good s

7、tudent.2主句是一般过去时,从句原时态习惯往后退一种时态eg: Marry said: “ I has taught them for three years.”Marry said she had taught them for three years.,人称变化是根据要求而相应变化eg : Tim said : “I am waiting upstairs.”Tim said (that) he was waiting upstairs.He said : “ they are good men.”He said they were good men 时间的变化Now -then /

8、 yesterday - the day before / today - that day / tomorrow -the next day / ago -before 地点及某些指示代词变化This -that / these- those / here-there,形式,1. 直引为陈述句Marry said: “ I has taught them for three years.”Marry said she had taught them for three years.2直引为一般疑问句 /表示请求的陈述句 (主句+if + 陈述句 )She asked: “ can I hav

9、e a cup of tea?”She asked if she could have a cup of tea.3直引为特殊疑问句 (主句+原句特问词 + 陈述句)He asked : “ when will the work be completed?”He asked when the work would be completed,* activity (变间接引语)p177ex.18,(1)“I want some photographs.” she said (2)“We need fingerprints.” she said (3)“That gives me a good i

10、dea.” he said (4)“They took my laptop.” said Tim (5)“I cant find my notebook.” she said (6)“We dont know where our things are.” they said (7)“I heard a noise under my living room.” he said (8)“ I want my laptop back.” said Tim,The key,(1)She said she wanted some photographs. (2)She said they needed

11、fingerprints. (3) He said that gave him a good idea. (4) Tim said they took his laptop. (5) She said she couldnt find her notebook. (6) They said they didnt know where their things were. (7) He said he heard a noise under his living room. (8) Tim said he wanted his laptop back.,*activity (He asked变间

12、接引语) p191ex.14,(1)Is the food ready? (2)Are the customers happy? (3)Does Mr. Sims like his wine? (4)Are the young couple drinking red or white wine? (5)Does the fish taste good? (6)Is the new dish tasty? (7)Is the builder coming tonight? (8)Did the customer pay?,The key,(1)He asked if the food was r

13、eady (2)He asked if the customers were happy. (3)He asked if if Mr. Sims liked his wine. (4)He asked if the young couple drinking red or white wine. (5)He asked if the fish tasted good. (6)He asked if the new dish was tasty. (7)He asked if the builder was coming tonight. (8)He asked if the customer

14、paid.,*activity(用he asked .变间接引语)p191ex.15,(1)Who is working in the restaurant? (2)Where is the restaurant? (3)When will the restaurant be ready? (4)When can Franco open the restaurant? (5)How many people are eating? (6)Why are the decorators late? (7)Why isnt the wall finished? (8)Who wants some so

15、up?,The key,(1) He asked who was working in the restaurant. (2) He asked where the restaurant was. (3) He asked when the restaurant would be ready. (4) He asked when Franco could open the restaurant. (5) He asked how many people were eating. (6) He asked why the decorators were late. (7) He asked why the wall wasnt finished. (8) He asked who wanted some soup,



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