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1、Division One,Greek Culture and Roman Culture,83届奥斯卡金像奖获奖名单揭晓 国王的演讲成最大赢家,2011-02-28 13:29 来源:中国网 奥斯卡金像奖(The Oscar Awards ) 的正式名称叫“电影艺术与科学学院奖“(Academy Awards)。 国王的演讲讲述伊丽莎白二世的父亲乔治六世国王生平的传记电影,在开拍伊始就被看好成为2011年各大奖项的种子选手。 最佳影片国王的演讲(The Kings Speech, 2010) 最佳导演汤姆霍伯(国王的演讲) 最佳男主角科林费斯(国王的演讲) 最佳原创剧本大卫塞德勒国王的演讲,I

2、. Greek Culture,1. Historical context 2. Social and political structure 3. Homer 4. Lyric poetry 5. Drama 6. History 7. Philosophy and science 8. Art, architecture, sculpture and pottery 9. Impact,1. Historical context,War between Greece and Troy in about 1,200 B. C. Greek culture in the 5th century

3、 B. C. Civil war between Athens and Sparta Rule of Alexander in the 4th century B. C. In 146 B. C. the Romans conquered Greece.,Trojan War 特洛伊战争,In Greek mythology and in Iliad and Odyssey by Homer About 1,200 B. C. War between Greece and Troy Fought over the beautiful Helen Lasted for 10 years Troj

4、an horse, Laocoon(p33) Troy defeated,Greece and Troy,Rule of Alexander,Ancient Greek king of Macedon (336323 BC)马其顿, ancient kingdom in the northern-most part of ancient Greece Alexander fighting Persian king,2. Social and political structure,Democracy “exercise of power by the whole people”, the ad

5、ult male citizens Economyslave labor Sports Olympus MountOlympic Games, revived in 1896,3. Homer,Homer (around 7th century B.C.) , author of the ancient Greek epicsIliad and Odysseythe Trojan War in around 1200 B.C.荷马史诗,伊利亚特与奥德赛,特洛伊战争 The United States alone owes so much to the Greeks. The Iliad and

6、 the Odyssey are believed to have been major parts of a young Greeks education, and today we see these great works incorporated into the curriculum of almost every high school in America.,4. Lyric poetry,Sappho (about 612-580 B. C.)萨福 Woman poet of Lesbos, love poems, the most important lyric poet o

7、f ancient Greece Pindar-Greek lyric poet 品达Of the canonical nine lyric poets of ancient Greece, Pindar is the one whose work is best preserved, and some critics since antiquity have regarded him as the greatest.,5. Drama,Introduction to Greek Drama a. Aeschylus b. Sophocles c. Euripides d. Comedy,In

8、troduction to Greek Drama,Ancient Greeks performed plays at religious festivals. Drama developed in the 5th century B.C. Open-air theatres, stone benches, looking down at the stage from three sides, actors with masks,a. Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.) 埃斯库罗斯,The “Father of Tragedy” , one of the three great

9、ancient Greek tragedians古希腊悲剧作家 Said to have written over ninety plays, only seven have survived. Two actors and a chorus, written in verse, vivid characters, and majestic poetry Prometheus Bound被缚的普罗米修斯 Persians, the oldest surviving play in history Agamemnon p15,Prometheus Bound,Based on the myth

10、of Prometheus, a titan泰坦神族人 who gave the gift of fire to mortals and was punished by the god Zeus.,b. Sophocles(496-406 B.C.),Second of the three great tragedians of classical Athens 索福克勒斯 One of the great innovators of the theatre, he was the first to add a third actor, and decreased the size of th

11、e chorus 123 or more plays, only seven survived Oedipus the King俄狄浦斯王 Strong impact on European literature“the Oedipus complex”俄狄浦斯情节,c. Euripides (484-406 B.C.) 欧里庇得斯,Third of the three great tragedians of classical Athens, the first writer of “problem plays”社会问题剧 95 plays, 18 have survived complet

12、e More of a realist, strong women characters, ordinary people, concerned with conflicts-origin of realism Andromache, Medea, Trojan Women,Andromache The Trojan Women,During the Trojan War, Andromaches husband Hector was slain by Achilles. Their child Astyanax was dropped off the Trojan walls by the

13、Greeks for fear that he would grow up and avenge his father and city. Andromache was made a slave of Neoptolemus, son of Achilles.,Andromache,d. Comedy,Flourished in the 5th century B.C. Aristophanes (阿里斯托芬 450-380 B. C.), ancient Greek Comic dramatist, the Father of Comedy and the Prince of Ancient

14、 Comedy古希腊喜剧代表作家 11 plays: Frogs, Clouds, Wasps, Birds Loose plot, satirical tone, clever parody, acute criticism, contemporary events, coarse language,6. History-Herodotus,The Greek historical writing writes mainly about warsHerodotus and Thucydides 希罗多德(484-430 B.C.), Ancient Greek historian, “Fat

15、her of History” 古希腊历史学家,“历史之父” Almost exclusively known for writing The Histories, a record of his inquiries into the origins of the Greco-Persian 历史Wars which occurred in 490 and 479 B. C.,HistoryThucydides (about 460-404 B. C.)修昔底德,Ancient Greek historian古希腊历史学家 Author of the History of the Pelopo

16、nnesian War伯罗奔尼撒战争史, which recounts the 5th century BC war between Sparta and Athens to the year 411 B.C. Thucydides is considered by many to be a scientific historian because of his efforts in his History to describe the human world in terms of cause and effect, his strict standards of gathering evidence, and his neglect of the gods in explaining the events of the past.,


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