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1、全国外语翻译证书考试 英语四级口译 授课人:朱玉清 2009年5月10日,口译演练 Warming -up exercises,Part A:请问,学生参与国际交流会得到哪些好处? What will benefit the students who go on international exchange?,B: Students on an exchange in another country gain exposure to world systems and learn how to perform on the international scene. 通过交流到别的国家去, 学生

2、就有机会接触世界上各种不同的制度,学会如何在国际舞台上扮演角色。,You meet people from other countries, participate in clubs, activities, and be exposed to a vast number of cultures, which will improve interpersonal skills and your confidence to deal with a variety of different people. 他们有机会认识来自不同国家的人, 参与各种俱乐部和其他活动, 接触许多不同的文化等。这些有助

3、于学生改善于他人的交际技巧,增强他们与各色人物打交道的信心。(同一动词,不同译法,符合中文表达习惯),The exchange is an excellent opportunity to improve on language and budgeting skills, while learning to adapt to different environments and situations. 这种国际交流一方面能使学生适应不同的环境, 另一方面也是他们提高语言水平和学会安排个人生活预算的好机会。(增词补全译文),You may also wish to use the formal

4、exchange to serve as the starting point for travel to different parts of the world. 学生可以利用这种正式的交流机会开始周游世界。,A: 什么样的学生应该申请这个项目? Who should apply for this Exchange Program?,B: Student who have completed at least two years in Science are eligible to apply for admission to the Exchange Program. 学生必须在理科方面

5、修完至少两年的学业才有资格申请这个交流项目。,The majority of students who participate in exchanges have a keen interest in other countries and cultures, enjoy a change of routine and are able to adapt easily to different circumstances. 多数参与交流的学生都对异国及其文化产生浓厚兴趣,乐于改变习以为常的生活习惯,很容易就适应不同的环境。(名词变动词的应用),To be acceptable for an e

6、xchange you must have at least “B” overall average and be proficient in the language of instruction at the host country. 为了能够被选入这个交流项目,学生的总平均分至少为“B” ,并且熟练掌握主办大学的授课语言。(形容词变动词的应用),A: 参加这样的交流项目,每个学生须交多少钱? How much should one student pay for the Exchange Program?,B: Tuition fees are paid to the Universi

7、ty of Waterlo prior to departure. There is no extra tuition charged for participating in an Exchange Program. 离境(出发)前必须把学费交给滑铁卢大学。参加本交流项目不需要缴纳额外的学费。,While studying abroad , the student is responsible for any extra studying costs, travel expenses, passports or visa arrangement , accommodations, food

8、and all other living expenses. 在国外学习,学生必须自付额外的学习费用、旅游费用、办理护照或签证的费用、住宿费、膳食费以及其他生活费用。(适当增词补充),口译技巧之译统 天 下 翻译技巧之化有形为无形,技巧是有形的,必须熟练并运用到翻译实践中去。在口译实战中,时间压力让我们无法考虑运用何种技巧。只有尽快、尽可能完整地获取来源语的主要信息,尽快地按目标语的习惯搭配进行组句,力求语速平稳、意群完整地进行表达,才能在口译场和考场上生存。 生存并快乐着。,优秀口译员的境界 理解表达,口译技巧和对策,提升记忆,把握意群 攻克英语句子记忆障碍是口译入门的第一关。 意群“记忆法

9、可以迅速提升我们对英语长句的把握。具体练习的方法是:选择字数在40-50左右的句子,听两遍,然后根据意群,记忆并复述整个句子。提高英语的听力,还可以迅速提升对英语句子的记忆能力。,1. Mr. Green has always been very critical of his daughters writings, but somehow he gave some favorable comments on this poorly written poem of hers. 这个句子一共有25个单词,但是意群却只有两个:Mr. Green has always been very criti

10、cal of his daughters writings-格林先生对他女儿的写作非常挑剔;but somehow he gave some favorable comments on this poorly written poem of hers但不知怎的,对她的这首写得颇为逊色的诗歌却给予了肯定。,2.According to an agreement reached last Friday with Chinas Ministry of Electronic Industry,/ Intel will provide China with technological guidance

11、and standards/ on the production of personal computers /equipped with a Pentium processor to ensure the quality of the products.,这句话一共40个单词,但意群只有四个:According to an agreement reached last Friday with Chinas Ministry of Electronic Industry,根据和中国电子产业部于上周五达成的一项协议;Intel will provide China with technologi

12、cal guidance and standards英特尔公司将向中国提供技术指导和标准;on the production of personal computers(这些指导和标准是)关于生产个人电脑(PC机)的;with a Pentium processor to ensure the quality of the products(这些PC机)配有奔腾处理器,以保证产品的质量。,通过,意群记忆单位,我们只要根据中文的语言特性对它们稍作调整,就可以顺利地表达出整个句子的意思。,脑记大意,笔记细节 意群提升了我们的记忆单元,大大加强了我们对英语句子的把握。口译的最终目标是翻译篇章,因此还

13、牵涉到一个“长时记忆”和“短时记忆”的问题。长时记忆主要是指对整个语篇意思的整体把握,主要包括:各句子的主语、谓语和语篇的整体结构。短时记忆是指对每个细节的准确把握,主要包括:数字、时间、地点以及并列信息。可以毫不夸张地讲,长时记忆是口译的基础,而短时记忆是口译的关键;前者用脑,后者用手;手脑并用,方能相得益彰。,1. Among 50,000 children aged 13 to 15 in 12 developing or transitional countries the finds are revealing: 24% of them had tried smoking, 9% t

14、hey were current smokers. A quarter of those who smoked said they had started before they were 11 years old. It was really an encouraging fact that 68% of them said that they wanted to kick the habit.,结合脑记和笔记。笔记部分可以交叉中英文,关键是抓住信息。 脑记部分:(主题)关于吸烟状况的研究发现;整体结构:两组数据,有喜有忧。 笔记部分:50,000 aged13-15 12 developi

15、ng/transitional countries findings: 24% try smoking 9% current smokers 25% smokers start11 / encouraging 68% kick,2 People are greeting the arrival of the new millennium, longing for peace, stability, happiness and success. But many watch it with distress, worry, misgivings and even terror. Indeed w

16、e are entering the new century laden with a multitude of unresolved issues left over from the 20th century. (47 words),脑记部分: (主题):进入新世纪的复杂心情以及现实。 笔记部分:新千年 人-long for: 平稳、幸福、成功 但又:忧抑(distress, worry)、惶恐(misgivings, terror) 进入New Century-多issues from 20th Century,摸清主干,苦练视译 所谓视译就是看着中文稿不间断地口头翻译成英文或看着英文稿不间断地口头翻译成中文。视译是同声传译中最常用的训练方法之一。如果议员视译与和发言人保持同步,这种方式就是同声传译中的“带稿同传”。,一. 断句 所谓断句是指将英语或汉语句子按照适当的意群或概念单位,进行切割处理并译成汉语或英语。 1. I come to China /at an important time. 我来到中国访问,正逢一个重要的时刻。 2. They built the bridge /in two months 他们建这座桥,只花了两个月。,


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