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1、,Unit 1 The Snail and the Rose Tree.,教学重、难点: 课文的整体理解。 英语倒装句的理解与运用。,本单元重点知识: 1. 单词:熟练掌握本单元的单词。 2. 词组: (1)join the science club 加入科学俱乐部 (2)take a trip alone 独自旅行 (3)prepare for 为准备 (4)take good care of 精心地照顾 (5)go traveling 去旅行,(6)live in the countryside 居住在农村 (7)the plan for the new school year 新学年计划

2、 (8)take up a new hobby (9)in a little while 一小会儿之后 (10)nothing but 仅仅 (11)come to an end 结束 (12)think of 考虑,(13)over and over 反复,再三 (14)continue to do sth. 继续做某事 (15)have a three oclock appointment 有个3点钟的约会 (16)be absent 缺席 (17)happen to sb. 某人发生某事 (18)make up ones mind 下决心 (19)have no other choice

3、 没有别的选择,(20)get bored with 对产生厌烦感觉 (21)wear out 穿破 (22)no longer 不再 (23)over time 过时 (24)reply to sb. 回答某人 (25)change ones mind 改变主意,3. 句型: (1)I have to finish my story about animals. (2)What are you going to be when you grow up? (3)Where are you going for your vacation? (4)I havent decided yet. (5)

4、I am not sure.,(6)Youll be nothing but a stick. (7)You frighten me. (8)Ive never thought of that at all. (9)I dont have to live for others. (10)Its no business of mine.,本讲重点知识讲解: 1. I have to finish my story about animals. have to 不得不,后面跟动词原形,表示客观要求某人需要做某事,有人称和数及时态的变化,例如:She isnt very well these day

5、s and has to stay at home. We have to go and help him. You dont have to tell me this. Do you have to do everything. She doesnt have to come this afternoon.,注意:have to 在口语中也可用have got to 代替,意思与have to 一样,也表示客观需要或义务。,辨析:have to 与must 两者都有“必须”的意思,它们的基本区别是:have to 表示客观的需要,而must则表示主观的需要,例如:We have to cle

6、an our classroom every day. We must clean our classroom every day. must 也表示“义务”,这种义务来自讲话人,表示讲话人的要求,当我们表示这种要求不是来自讲话者,而是来自别人或其他外界因素。(如各种规章制度)时,常常用have to。,例如:You have to do your exercises in class. I really must stop smoking.,2. raise v. 举起 例如:If you have any questions, you can raise your hands first.

7、 Please raise your voice, I cant hear you. 同义词lift 辨析:raise,rise 和lift raise 是及物动词,后面可接宾语,多指将物体垂直向高处或将其从较低的平面移至较高的平面。rise 是不及物动词,不可以加宾语,主语一般是日、月、云、雾、烟、温度、河水、物价等。lift 表示“从平面上提示,使直立”等,可以和raise替换,而lift 强调举起某些沉重物体需要费一些力气。,3. In a little while youll be nothing but a stick. nothing but 仅仅,只,例如:There is no

8、thing but a story book in his bag. The child dreams of nothing but going to the zoo. He did nothing but grumble. The baby can do nothing but crying. My brother ate nothing but a bowl of porridge. in a little while 过一会儿,通常用于将来时 Youll be warmer in a little while.,4. You may come to an end soon. come t

9、o an end 结束come to a stop 停下来come to an understanding 商定、约定、谅解come to hand 到手come to life 苏醒,活过来,come to light 真相大白come to little 无甚结果come to nothing 成为泡影come to no good (end) 没有好结果come to the same thing 结果相同,都一样,5. “No”, replied the rose tree. reply 回答 短语为:reply to sb. 回答某人,答复某人 例如:He replied to me

10、: “Mr. Wang has gone to Shanghai.”,6. strength n. 力,力量,力气,实力 例如:the strength of body 体力have great strength of character 有坚强的性格pull with all ones strength 用全力拉词的派生:strengthless adj. 无力量的strengthen v. 加强,巩固,使坚强,7. I have to bloom over and over. over and over 一再地,再三地同义词:again and again 相同结构:on and on 继

11、续不断地,不停地laugh and laugh 笑啊笑,8. We have to offer our power and give others the best of ourselves. offer our power 提供我们的能量offer vt. 主动给予,提供,拿出offer sb. sth. 为某人提供某物He offered her a cigarette 他敬她一支烟。He turned and offered his identity card (ID). 他转过身来,出示他的身份证。,9. I will continue to produce roses. contin

12、ue to do sth. 继续做某事He continued to run after the bus. 同义词:go on to do sth. 10. Maybe I will go to China to teach English. maybe 可能,或许,Thank you!Bye!,; http:/ 彝祖芯方 彝族芯方 psz72ntr 出来。耿英说:“李叔叔来了!这水缸是我让哥哥悠出来的,好晒水洗衣裳啊!台阶下就是水井,厨房里不需要这口大水缸的。”李老乡说:“噢,是这样,你们现用现打就行了。这口大水缸是房东的女儿女婿为他们 放的。他们年纪大了,得女儿女婿为他们隔两天打一次水存放





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