剑桥国际英语入门级第三单元课件 廖氏外语

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《剑桥国际英语入门级第三单元课件 廖氏外语》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《剑桥国际英语入门级第三单元课件 廖氏外语(55页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 where are you from?,Counties you know,Brain storming,countries,Countries,Russia Canada China America Britain /England France,Italy Japan Korea Mexico Indonesia,snapshot,Do you know the ten largest cities in the world? You can guess what are they?,Tokyo,Tokyo,New York,California,Seoul,Seoul,Lo

2、s Angles,Los Angles,The ten largest cities,1.Tokyo 2.Mexico City 3.New York City 4.Seoul 5.Sao Paulo 6.Jakarta 7.Osaka 8.Delhi 9.Mumbai/bombay 10.Los Angeles,Do you Know which country are they belong to?,Which county?,1.Tokyo 2.Mexico City 3.New York City 4.Seoul 5.Sao Paulo 6.Jakarta 7.Osaka 8.Delh

3、i 9.Mumbai/bombay 10.Los Angeles,Japan Mexico The U South Korea Brazil Indonesia Japan Mexico Mexico The U,Turn back to books,Now match the countries and the cities. Lets check the answers. Answer the questions ton your book.,Part 2 conversation,How many people are there? Where are they? What are th

4、ey doing? ,New words,California Korea Korean Seoul Daejeon Natasha Monique Italy Language Originally,Listen and answer,Whose family is in California? Where is Jessica from? What is Jessicas first language?,Read and act,Now lets read this conversation together. Pair work. Can you act it out? Please s

5、how us.,New words for Part B,Natasha MoniqueBrazilian BrazilCanadian Canada Russian Russia French FranceMontreal,Check true or false,Listen to Jessica and Tim talk to Tony, Natasha, and Monique. Then check.,Part 3 Grammar Focus,Negative statements E.g. Monique is from Canada. she is not from Russia.

6、change my sentences listen and read,Construction,Statements subject and verb and complement Questions verb and subject and complement,Finish the conversation Check answers Practice and show,shows,Complete the conversations,Lets play a game,Work in small group and write some questions like part B on

7、the Blackboardas many as you can in 1 or 2 minutes.,Part 4 Pronunciation,Try to read the words Listen and notice the stress Listen and judge,pronunciation,China Turkey English Spanish,Japan Brazil Chinese Peru,Canada Mexico Mexican Arabic,Morocco Malaysia Honduras Korean,Part 5 Where are they from?,

8、Now look at these pictures and do you know who are they? And do you know where are they from? Do you know what do they do?,Thalia,Charlize Theron,Hideo Nomo,Celine Dion,Where are they from?,Tiger Woods,New words,Brazil Colombia Sweden Ireland South Africa South Korea Australia New Zealand,Where are

9、they from?,Listen and find out the answers Ask and answer practice (B),Part 6Conversation,Picture leading Who can you see? Where are they? What is on the table? What are they doing?,Listen and answer,What is Jills brothers name? How old is he? How about Jills sister ?(name and age),Listen and say,Li

10、sten and repeat Practice reading and showing Make their own dialogue and show,Part 7 Numbers and ages,Hoe old are you? How old am I ?(guess) How old is he/she?,61,Britney 81,Avril 83,Hilary Duff 87,Listen and practice,Listen and follow ( part A) Listen and notice the stress ( part B ) Ask and answer

11、 about ages ( part C ),Part 8 Grammar focus,Brainstorm whwords/special question wordsUse these words to make sentences,Where What Who Which When Who,1.Read the sentences in the box 2.Response quickly ( T vs Ss) 3.Complete the conversations with wh-questions 4.practice with your friends 5.write more

12、wh-questions,Part 9 Interchange 3,Play the board game. Ask the questions. Get and remember your partners answers. Tell the class two things about your partner.,Part 10 Word power,Brainstorm adjectives E.g. tall ,Adj.,Tall Short Thin Heavy Handsome Pretty Friendly Good-looking,Quiet Talkative Funny S

13、hy Serious,Adjectives,Personality Friendly Quiet Talkative Funny Shy Serious,Appearance Tall Short Thin Heavy Handsome Pretty Good-looking,Describe your personality and appearanceto a partner. Describe some others,Part 11 Listening,Listen and find the answers Make a list of three people . Then write down their basic information .(ask and answer),


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