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1、Language focus,重庆大学版 高一(3) Unit 2,Find the following phrases in the text.,1. 打盹,小睡一下 _。 2.(时间)过去 _。 3. 和一起玩 _。 4. 长大,成长 _。 5. 不再,再也不 _。,take a nap,go by,play with,grow up,no longer/ more,6. 出现,露面 _ 7. 砍倒,砍伐 _ 8. 砍下,砍掉 _ 9. 对无情 _ 10. 去航行,远航 _ 11. 倚,靠 _ 12. 处于困境 _,show up,cut down,chop off,be cruel to

2、,go sailing,lean on,be in trouble,1. He climbed to the top of the tree, ate the apples, took a nap under the shade 他爬到树上, 吃苹果, 然后在树荫下打盹。 a. nap v. / n. 打盹 How do I get my baby to nap longer? v. Numerous studies show that todays workers need a midday nap. n. take a nap 打盹,b. under the shade 在树荫下。当表达”

3、在光线下或阴影下“的意思时更常用介词in。如:in the sun, in the dark, in the daylight. 辨析:shade 和shadow 1) shade多与the连用,作不可数名词。 2) shadow意为 “影子,阴影” 谈“树荫”时, 两个词都可以用。 He slept in the shade of the trees. And again they watched the wavering shadow of the tree.,2. Time went by, and the little boy grew up and no longer played

4、around the tree every day. no longer 不再,相当于notany more,但在句中的位置不同。如:After he came back from his long illness, he was no longer a happy boy.= After he came back from his long illness, he wasnt a happy boy any longer.,辨析:no longer, not any more, no more, not any more 1) 谈论数量时,用no more。So my conclusion

5、is that there are no more obstacles on the table now.There seem to be no more room for you here in the car. 2) 谈论时间时,用no longer, not any longer, not any more。,When the island came into sight, he knew his wish is no longer a dream. He left the village when his father told him that he was not his son

6、any more. not any more不与be动词连用。,3. But you can pick all the apples and sell them. pick v. (1) 采,摘He picked her beautiful girlfriend a rose. (2) 挑选,也可以用pick outPick and choose words and phrases from among them to build your own paragraphs.,辨析:choose, pick out, select 1) choose 指在所提供的对象中,凭个人的判断力进行选择,较

7、常用:You are free to choose how you are going to die. 2) Pick out 指按照个人的喜好或希望进行挑选。比较通俗,随意,多用于有形的东西。Have you picked out your new bike?,3) select指仔细,认真地选择,有“精选”的意思。He searched in his drawer and at last selected the cheapest one for me.,4. We need a house for shelter. shelter的用法: (1) 遮蔽物,避难所,可数名词 a bus s

8、helter,(2) 遮蔽,庇护 ,不可数名词 take shelter from 躲避 get under shelter 获得保护/掩护 (3) v. 庇护,掩护Shelter sth. 庇护 Its our wish to have millions of buildings built to shelter the world. Shelter sth. from sth. 保护免遭Before marriage, men always try to shelter their shortcomings from their girl friends.,5. He went saili

9、ng and didnt show up again for a long time. 他去航海了,好长时间没露面。 show up的用法: 出现You know Jeff didnt leave- he just didnt show up. (2) 揭穿,揭露We did a lot to show his past up.,(3) 显露,露出The mark shows up only in the strong sunlight. 归纳:show的常用短语:show ones face 露脸 show off 炫耀 show sb. around 带领某人参观某处show sb. in

10、 带某人进来 show sb. out 带某人出去,6. No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they can to make us happy.,本句中No matter what (it is)为让步状语从句,表示“无论何种情况”;everything为先行词,they can作定语从句修饰它,定语从句省略了关系代词that;动词不定式to make us happy作目的状语;此处make us happy中的happy为形容词作宾语补足语。,7. Time is too slow for th

11、ose who wait, too fast for those who fear, too long for those who feel sad, too short for those who feel happy, but for those who love, time is endless.,本句修辞方法运用了排比的句式,be toofor those who结构,增强了文章的气势,读起来给人一种音乐韵律的美感。句子中those为不定代词充当先行词, who引导定语从句来修饰先行词。建议学生背诵文章最后两段。,课堂练兵,I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词

12、的正确形式。 1. During the interview, you should not become nervous but r_ yourself. 2. Having been b_ twice, the postman even didnt get close to the pet dog. 3. Money is often said to be the _ (根源) of all evil.,bitten,relax,root,4. Can you imagine a 14-year-old teenager _ (航行) across the Pacific? 5. The

13、flood washed away their homes, so they had no _ (庇护处) to stay in.,sailing,shelter,II. 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 1. To her _, her friend offered her a great many surprises on her birthday party. (delighted) 2. As is known, the _ tiger needs to be operated on immediately. (die) 3. Theres only one minute _, so y

14、ou have to hurry up. (leave) 4. This travel company set up many _ throughout China. (branch),delight,dying,left,branches,5. Do you think shopping online will _ take the place of shopping in stores? (eventual),III. 请用下列所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子。,go by; lean on; grow up; pick up; take up; play with,1. _ in a mo

15、untain village, the boy had never seen the subway before.,eventually,Having grown up,2. After Carl retired, he devoted himself to _ gardening. 3. As two months _, the parents didnt have a single word about their lost baby. 4. It is reported that most kids are fond of _ sand and water.,taking up,went by,playing with,5. Dont always _ others for help because you must learn how to solve your own problem. 6. Julia _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.,



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