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1、2014 年 05 月 CATTI 三级笔译真题 英译中(2012.10.08) A Melting Greenland Weighs Perils Against Potential As icebergs in the Kayak Harbor pop and hiss while melting away, this remote Arctic town and its culture are also disappearing in a changing climate. 随着皮艇港(Kayak Harbor)的冰山在融化过程中发出嘶嘶的响声,这座偏远的北极小镇 和它的文化,也正在随着

2、气候变化而消失。 Pop: 发出(砰的响声) Hiss: 发出嘘声(表示不满);发嘶嘶声 He was booed and hissed off the stage. 他在一片倒彩声和嘘声中被轰下台。 Narsaqs largest employer, a shrimp factory, closed a few years ago after the crustaceans fled north to cooler water. Where once there were eight commercial fishing vessels, there is now one. 纳萨克最大的用工

3、企业用工企业,一家虾厂,几年前倒闭了,原因是虾蟹都逃往了北方更寒冷更寒冷 的水域。这里曾一度曾一度有八艘商业捕捕鱼船,现在只剩一艘了。 crustaceans 英 krstenz 美 krstenz n. 甲壳纲动物(如蟹、龙虾)( crustacean 的名词复数 ) cooler water: 更凉爽改为更寒冷更适合 fishing vessels:渔船/捕鱼船 employer:用工企业 As a result, the population here, one of southern Greenlands major towns, has been halved to 1,500 in

4、 just a decade. Suicides are up. 因此,作为格陵兰岛南部主要城镇之一,纳萨克的人口在短短十年中降至短短十年中降至 1500 人,减 少了一半。自杀率也出现上升(趋势)。 One of :作为主要城镇之一 Halve:减半 Just:短短 Up: 出现上升 “Fishing is the heart of this town,” said Hans Kaspersen, 63, a fisherman. “Lots of people have lost their livelihoods.” “捕鱼是这个小镇的核心。”今年 63 岁的渔民渔民汉斯卡斯佩森(Han

5、s Kaspersen)说,“很多 人失去了生计。” Fishing is the heart of this town:小镇上的人主要以捕鱼为生,而如今 Fisherman: 渔夫/渔民 But even as warming temperatures are upending traditional Greenlandic life, they are also offering up intriguing new opportunities for this state of 57,000 perhaps nowhere more so than here in Narsaq. 尽管逐渐

6、升高的气温正在颠覆着格陵兰人传统的生活方式,但是气温升高也为这个只 有 5.7 万人的国家提供了有趣的新机遇,这种机遇在纳萨克可能最为明显这种机遇在纳萨克可能最为明显。 upend 英 pend 美 pnd v. 颠倒,倒放 intriguing 有趣的,引人入胜的,迷人的 Vast new deposits of minerals and gems are being discovered as Greenlands massive ice cap recedes, forming the basis of a potentially lucrative mining industry. 随

7、着格陵兰岛广袤广袤的冰盖逐渐消融,人们发现了储量丰富的新矿产和宝石,这为潜在 利润巨大的采矿业奠定了基础。 One of the worlds largest deposits of rare earth metals essential for manufacturing cellphones, wind turbines and electric cars sits just outside Narsaq. 全球最大的稀土金属矿藏就坐落在纳萨克城外不远处,稀土金属在生产手机、风力涡 轮机和电动汽车时必不可少。 This could be momentous for Greenland, w

8、hich has long relied on half a billion dollars a year in welfare payments from Denmark, its parent state. Mining profits could help Greenland become economically self sufficient and render it the first sovereign nation created by global warming. 对格陵兰岛而言,这可能可能具有重大意义。很长时间以来,格陵兰岛一直依赖其母国丹 麦每年拨付的 5 亿美元资金

9、支持维持运行。采矿利润可能会帮助格陵兰岛实现经济上 的自给自足,成为第一个因全球变暖而成立的主权国家。 momentous 英 mments 美 moments adj.重要的;重大的 I have some momentous news to tell you. 我有重要的消息重要的消息要告诉你。 I am deeply honoured to be invited to this momentous occasion. 能应邀出席如此重要的场合重要的场合,我深感荣幸。 This is a momentous, hard-won achievement. 这是一个非常重大和来之不易的成就成就

10、。 History bears evidence that each momentous political change is usually followed by an economic revival. 历史证明,在每次重大的政治变革重大的政治变革之后随之而来的往往是经济上的复兴。 “One of our goals is to obtain independence,” said Vittus Qujaukitsoq, a prominent labor union leader. 知名知名工会领袖维图斯奎奥基茨克(Vittus Qujaukitsoq)说,“我们的目标之一是取得独立

11、。 ” But the rapid transition from a society of individual fishermen and hunters to an economy supported by corporate mining raises difficult questions. How would Greenlands insular settlements tolerate an influx of thousands of Polish or Chinese construction workers, as has been proposed? Will minin

12、g despoil a natural environment essential to Greenlands national identity the whales and seals, the silent icy fjords, and mythic polar bears? Can fisherman reinvent themselves as miners? 然而,把一个由个体个体渔民和猎人组成的社会,迅速转变为由企业企业采矿支撑的经济体, 也引发了一些难题引发了一些难题。比如,格陵兰岛上与世隔绝的定居点,如何承受计划招徕的数千 名波兰或中国建筑工人?采矿是否会破坏格陵兰岛的国家

13、形象(鲸、海豹、寂静的冰 川海湾,以及神秘的北极熊)所不可或缺所不可或缺的自然环境?渔民们能够把自身重塑重塑成矿工 吗? insular 英 nsjl(r) 美 nslr adj.岛的;岛民的;岛特有的;与世隔绝的;保守的 A continental climate is different from an insular one. 大陆性气候不同于岛屿气候。 The British caricature themselves as a nation of insular xenophobes. 英国人自嘲为惧怕外族、与世隔绝的民族。 xenophobe 英 zenfb 美 zenfob n.

14、仇外;惧外者 They are insular-and proud of it. 他们保守,并对此感到自豪。 influx 英 nflks 美 nflks n.流入;河口;汇集;涌入 This influx of money could be exaggerating the markets gyrations. 大量资金的流入会夸大市场的回旋余地。 The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees. 这个国家实在没有能力接纳这么多涌入的难民。 There was a sudden influx of goods onto the

15、 market. 大批商品一下子涌入市场。 fjord 英 fjd 美 fjrd n.峡湾(峭壁间的狭长的海湾) despoil 英 dspl 美 dspl v.夺取;掠夺 A region despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development. 由于不加限制的发展而使这个地区丧失了其美丽景色 Museums have despoiled India of many priceless treasures. 博物馆里有许多从印度掠夺来的无价之宝。 Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our live

16、s. 如果放任不管放任不管,恐惧会摧毁我们的生活。 The rise in violent crime must not go unchecked. 暴力犯罪的增长必须加以制止。 “I think mining will be the future, but this is a difficult phase,” said Jens B. Frederiksen, Greenlands housing and infrastructure minister and a deputy premier. “Its a plan that not everyone wants. Its about traditions, the freedom of a boat, family professions.”


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