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1、泰兴城东实验学校 钱培珊,Youll find _ in _.,Big Ben,The Great Wall,White House,Sydney Opera House,Its a big country in the south part of the Earth. It has many interesting animals. It also has a very famous opera house. People there speak English. Which country am I talking about?,What will they do?,They will .

2、,The children will learn about Australia next week.,They want to find out about this country before the lessons.,How?,课文视频,Lets watch and fill in the blanks,Ask his e-friend,Ask Mr. Green,Read about Australia on the Internet,Go to the library,Tips:1、看卡通,完成表格。2、小组讨论,用xx will .( e.g: Mike will .)句型进行交

3、流、汇报。,The children will learn They want to . . before the lessons. Mike will . Wang Bing will. Liu Tao will. Yang Ling will .,Lets read.,You will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games

4、because they are very exciting.You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year.People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!,Read and underline,仔细阅读,划出关于 澳大利亚的事物。,koala,kangaroo,At home, Liu Tao is reading about Australia.,仔细阅读,划出关于 澳大利亚的事物。

5、,A,B,Tips: Australian football简称澳式足球或澳式橄榄球。它不同于英式和美式足球,形状为椭圆形。每队场上有18位队员;比赛过程中,持球者可以用手击球进行短传,或是以脚踢长传给队友。,仔细阅读,划出关于 澳大利亚的事物。,Tips:Sydney是澳大利亚最大的城市,有著名的悉尼歌剧院和悉尼大桥。除此,悉尼首都和堪培拉(Canberra)和墨尔本(Melbourne)也非常有名。,Read and write.,About Australia,Cities: _, Melbourne(墨尔本). Weather: warm and sunny. Interesting

6、animals:_ and _. Interesting sport: _. Other: 516 parks for plants and animals.,Sydney,kangaroos,koalas,Australian football games,Choose two ways to read the text.(四人小组任选两种方式完成课文朗读。),3. Read in paragraphs. 小组成员分段朗读P59。,2. Read together. 小组齐读P58或P59。,1. Read in roles. 分角色朗读P58。,Reading time:,Retellin

7、g time,2. 澳大利亚旅行社想要招聘一些小导游,向同学们介绍澳大利亚,下面我们来试试谁能做一名优秀的导游! Useful sentences: Youll find many interesting things in Australia People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia!,1. 孩子们想要了解更多关于澳大利亚的信息,他们会通过何种方式?尝试着复述一下。 Useful sentences: They want to know more about Australia,Tip:思维导图可以帮助你们更好地复述和表达。,Homework: Read the story fluently. 2. Try to introduce Australia with your partner. 3. Find out more information about Australia.,


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