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1、Public Health in the USA 美国公共卫生简介 Arthur L. Frank, MD, PhD Drexel University School of Public Health Philadelphia, PA USA 美国宾夕法尼亚州费城 Drexel 大学公共卫生学院 Arthur L. Frank, MD, PhD,Public Health Issues are primarily looked after by the US CDC in Atlanta , Georgia 在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市,公共卫生事件一般由美国CDC来主管。,Other gover

2、nmental agencies are also involved with Public Heath Issues: (其他政府部门也参与公共卫生事件的处置:),FDA: Food and Drug Administration食品和药品管理局 EPA: Environmental Protection Agency环境保护局 CPSC: Consumer Product Safety Commission消费者产品安全委员会 Department of Agriculture 农业部 For the workplace: OSHA-Occupational Safety and Heal

3、th Administration 职业安全与卫生署,Major Areas of Public Health Problems 主要的公共卫生问题,Infectious Diseases: Flu, Food Contamination,HIV传染病: 禽流感、食品污染、艾滋病 Chronic Diseases: Obesity, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Hypertension 慢性疾病: 肥胖、糖尿病、骨质疏松、高血压 Environmental Issues: Air Pollution, Water Pollution,Lead Poisoning 环境问题:

4、 空气污染、水污染、铅中毒 Workplace Issues: Toxins, MusculoskeletalProblems,Noise, Child Labor 工作场所问题: 毒素、肌肉骨骼问题、噪声、童工,Infectious Issues(传染病),Flu: Diagnosis, Treatment, Vaccination禽流感: 诊断、治疗、预防接种 HIV: Sexual Transmission, Transmission by Drug Needles艾滋病: 性传播、针具传播 Food Contamination: E. Coli, other agent食品污染: 大肠

5、杆菌、其他,Chronic Diseases(慢性病),The Twin Problems of Obesity and Diabetes 肥胖和糖尿病是对孪生兄弟 In America we have too much food, and too much of the wrong types of food, Too much fat, salt and sugar. 在美国,我们(摄入)太多的食物,太多错误类 型的食物(垃圾食品)、脂肪、盐和糖超标。,Hypertension is linked to heart disease and stroke, and too much salt

6、 makes its way to the American diet. 美国人的饮食中有很多的盐,多盐导致高血压,而高血压和心脏病、中风有很大联系。,Osteoporosis-too little calcium in bones, a major problem for women. 女性的一个主要问题是:骨质疏松,骨骼中钙质不足,Environmental Public Health Factors-I 环境公共卫生因素(一),Outdoor Air Pollution-Global Climate Change with many serious consequences.室外空气污染

7、-全球气候变化带来很多严重 的后果 Indoor Air Pollution-Tied to Asthma.室内空气污染-哮喘,Global Climate Change 全球气候变化,Changes in: Sea Levels Crop Growing Zones Spread of Harmful Vectors 改变在: 海平面 作物种植区(带) 有害病媒传播,Environmental Public Health Factors-II 环境公共卫生因素(二),Water-Insufficient fresh water in USA, even more of a problem f

8、or 1/3rd of the worlds population. 水:不仅是美国,饮用水不足更是世界上三分之一人口存在的问题。,Environmental Public Health Factors-III 环境公共卫生因素(三),Lead Poisoning-primarily from old lead paint.铅中毒,主要来自旧的含铅油漆。 No use of leaded gasoline in the USA now.现在美国已禁用含铅的汽油。,Consumer Products(消费品),Imports are a major source of potential pro

9、blems. These include lead and other toxic chemicals.进口商品是一些潜在问题的重要来源,包括铅和其他一些有毒化学物。,Department of Agriculture oversees pesticide use in the United States. 在美国农业部负责农药(杀虫剂)使用的监督工作。,Workplace Hazards-I 职业场所危害(一),Some jobs are especially hazardous, such as mining, deep sea fishing, and mechanized agricu

10、lture. 有些工作特别危险:如采矿,深海捕捞和机械化农业,Continuing toxicologic hazards include benzene, asbestos, and silica. 持续的毒物危害包括苯,石棉和二氧化硅。,Workplace Hazards-I 职业场所危害(二),Physical Hazards in the Workplace 职业场所物理危害因素,Radiation: Ionizing and non-ionizing 辐射: 电离和非电离 Musculoskeletal problems肌肉骨骼系统问题 Noise噪音,Child Labor is

11、a special worldwide problem, with implication in the USA. 童工是一个特殊的全球化问题,在美国童工问题也有很大影响。,Organization of Public Health Personnel in the USA (美国公共卫生人员和组织),National Level: CDC PHS国家级: CDC和 PHS(公共卫生服务署) State Level: State Health Departments州级: 州立卫生部门 County/City: Local Health Departments市级: 地区卫生部门,A majo

12、r problem at the local level is the need to provide primary health care. 地区级卫生部门的主要问题是需要提供初级卫生保健。,Barriers to Adequate Public Health in the USA 美国充足的公共卫生(服务)障碍,Too little funding经费不足 Too few personnel人员不足 We also continue to use a medical model instead of a health model.我们仍在使用医疗模式,而不是健康模式。,Trying to get more recognition for public health personnel through a “certification” exam. 试图更多的通过 “资质”考试来甄别公共卫生人员。,The problems in America are not unique, and are widely shared throughout the world. 这些问题并非仅存在于美国,而是广泛存在于世界范围的。,Thank you. 谢谢,



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