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1、Researchers find Barbie is often mutilated,芭比娃娃成为年轻女孩出气筒,mutilate:使残缺不全,严重毁坏 n: mutilationThousands suffered death or mutilation in the bomb blast.,Barbie, beware. The iconic plastic doll is often mutilated at the hands of young girls, according to research published by British academics.beware: v.

2、当心,小心,提防beware of sb/sth Motorists have been warned to beware of icy roads.iconic: 偶像的,符号的,“The girls we spoke to see Barbie torture as a legitimate play activity, and see the torture as a cool activity,“ said Agnes Nairn, one of the University of Bath researchers. “The types of mutilation are varie

3、d and creative, and range from removing the hair to decapitation, burning, breaking and even microwaving.“decapitation:n. 斩首,杀头v. decapitatemicrowave n. 微波, 微波炉v. 用微波炉烹调或加热,Researchers from the universitys marketing and psychology departments questioned 100 children about their attitudes to a range

4、of products as part of a study on branding. They found Barbie provoked the strongest reaction, with youngsters reporting “rejection, hatred and violence,“ Nairn said.branding: 品牌创建,品牌研究provoke: 激起,激怒The announcement provoked a storm of protest.这份公告掀起了一份抗议之潮。,“The meaning of Barbie went beyond an exp

5、ressed antipathy; actual physical violence and torture towards the doll was repeatedly reported.“ she said.antipathy: n. 反感;厌恶;憎恶;不相容 actual: adj. 实际的,真正的 The actual cost was higher than we expected.n. actuality v. actualize 实现,使发生,While boys often expressed nostalgia and affection towards GI Joe,re

6、nouncing Barbie appeared to be a rite of passage for many girls, Nairn said.nostalgia:怀念之情,乡愁GI Joe: 美国大兵, 是系列即时战略游戏红色警戒中重要作战单位。 renounce: 宣布与决裂; 宣布放弃He had renounced his former associates.a rite of passage: 通过仪式;表示从一阶段进入另一阶段转折点的仪式,如从青少年进入成年,当男孩们对于美国大兵念念不忘时,和芭比娃娃说再见则是很多女孩告别童年时代的标志 .,“The most readil

7、y expressed reason for rejecting Barbie was that she was babyish, and girls saw her as representing their younger childhood out of which they felt they had now grown,“ she said.readily: 快捷的,便利的;欣然的babyish: 幼稚的;愚蠢的,女孩们不喜欢芭比最直接的一个原因就是,觉得芭比太孩子气,就像自己童年时的样子,而她们觉得自己已经不再是小女孩了,芭比娃娃已经不适合自己。,Nairn said many g

8、irls saw Barbie as an inanimate object rather than a treasured toy now.inanimate:无生命的,无生气的反义词. animate adj. 有生命的v. 使有生气; 使活泼;推动 鼓舞,“Whilst for an adult the delight the child felt in breaking, mutilating and torturing their dolls is deeply disturbing, from the childs point of view they were simply be

9、ing imaginative in disposing of an excessive commodity in the same way as one might crush cans for recycling,“ she said.whilst: 同时,然而,时时,有时dispose:处理;销毁;解决the difficulty of disposing of nuclear waste处理核废料的困难commodity: 商品 crush: v.压坏,挤压变形 n. 拥挤的人群,在大人们看来,孩子以虐待、蹂躏玩具娃娃为乐实在是太不正常了,但是站在孩子们的角度想想,他们觉得自己只是在处

10、理一个多余的东西,这就和把铁罐压扁以便回收的道理是一样的。,Manufacturer Mattel, which sells 94 million Barbies a year worldwide, said the doll remained the “No. 1 fashion doll brand.“Mattel: 美泰尔-生产芭比娃娃的制造商,Mattel U.K. said that despite the findings of “this very small group of children, we know that there are millions of girls in the U.K. and across the world that love and enjoy playing with Barbie and will continue to do so in the future.“,Thank you,


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