普通高等学校少数 民族预科教材-英语一年级上册课后题答案

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1、1参考答案:参考答案:Unit One Part IIText structureA-3,4B-5 C-1 D-2 vocabulary I 1. attitude 2. sake 3. adapt 4. attain 5. acquire 6. pursue 7. sustain 8. modest 9. avoid 10. complex 11. achievement 12. determine II 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a III. 1. into 2. over 3. to4. on5. up6. ToIVA1. Bills chances for succ

2、ess in the election2. Marys chances for success in the competition3. Your chances for success in the job interviewB1. Unless the employees have a doctors note2. Unless the children behaved, 23. Unless you correct your mistakes C 1. with nothing more than a bedroom set and kitchen table 2. is made wi

3、th nothing more than cheese, nuts and fruits. 3. with nothing more than ourselves and our beliefs V. Cloze:(1) doubt(2) enhance (3) Motivation (4) goal(5) chances (6) skills (7) acquire (8) give up (9) over timeVI.A.1. in general 2. in connection with 3. communicate with 4. relate to 5. current even

4、ts 6. develop skills7. setting modest, realistic objectives/goals8. sustain your motivation and interestB. 1. There is no doubt that language learning requires clear goals and much effort.2. Adapt yourself to the customs of the country you visit.3. My secretary is very good at filtering my calls. 4.

5、 Parents always prompt their children to spend less time on computer games.5. Shall we develop evenly the four skills of listening (understand), speaking, reading and writing?Part III3Key:1. 82. Because they are afraid of making mistakes. (or: Because they dont want to make a fool of themselves.)Key

6、 :5. F2. T3. T 4. F1. 虽然学外语过程中重复是很枯燥的,但这是你成功的关键。2. 练习各种姿势,用所学语言表现生气、高兴或是悲伤的样子。3. 你从错误中学习,这是学习过程的一部分。4. 经常学习,并且每次学习时间较短。5. 如果可能的话,不要一个学期都不上外语课。你会以惊人的速度忘掉你所学的语言。 Key to Grammar ExercisesI. 1. a. n. 工作的根苦但果甜。b. v. 这台计算机能工作吗?2. a. adj.这项工程处于最后阶段。b. n. 各队云集参加今年的欧洲杯决赛。3. a. n. 蜜蜂失去刺就会死吗?b. v. 蜂蜜好吃但蜜蜂会蜇人。4

7、. a. adv. 生命被赋予人只有一次。b. prep. 你不能改变过去,但可以从过去中学到东西。5. a. n. 奇怪的声音来自隔壁。b. v. 你的咳嗽听起来好些了。c. adj. 他昨晚睡得很沉。6. a. adj. 现在我对生活很满足。b. v. 没有什么能使她满足。c. n. 如果你要买本书,最好先看一下目录。7. a. adj. 你今晚为什么这样安静?b. n. 我喜欢乡下的宁静。c. v. 风平息下来了。8. a. prep. 他们在房子周围种了树。4b. adv. 不要向四周望。c. adj. 圆圆的太阳已经西沉。d. n. 每轮拳击赛的时间是两分钟。e. v. 我们鼓圆嘴发

8、“呜”音。II. 1-5 D C A C D 6-10 B A B C CIII. 1. He usually plays tennis on weekends.2. Not all the students are willing to visit the museum.3. Are you fond of computer games? No, Im not.4. Her father is an engineer, and her mother is a teacher.5. As soon as I saw I was going the wrong way, I would turn

9、 around and change my direction.6. Hurry up, or well miss the train.7. What exciting news (it is)!8. He sent her daughter a bike as birthday present.Unit TwoPart IIKey to TextComprehension Omitted.II.1) A blackout2) that he should spend more time with his family rather that with TVVocabulary and str

10、uctureI 1. panic 2. acquainted 3. recognition4. quit 5. make up 6. create 7. supposed 8. marry 9. embarrassed 10. pleased 511. guitar 12. crisisII 1. playa. to trick sb. for funb. to have an effect on sth.c. to compete against sb. in a gamed. a piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre or on

11、 television or radio2. set a. to go down below the horizonb. to fix sth. so that others copy it or try to achieve itc. to make sb. start doing sth.d. a piece of equipment for receiving television or radio signals3. watcha. to look at sb./ sth. for a time, paying attention to what happens b. to take

12、care of sb./ sth. for a short time4. departmenta. a section of a large organization such as a government, business, university, etc.b. a different part, division, or branch of a business5. recognitiona. the act of remembering who sb. is when you see them, or of identifying what sth. isb. public prai

13、se and reward for sb.s work or actions6. demand a. a very firm request for sth.b. to ask for sth. very firmlyIII1. mentioned2. made no mention of3. rush4. in a rush5. in panic6. I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.IVA.61. He is not much of a teacher2. Joe is not much of a guide,3. B

14、etty won the first prize in the speech contest. This is not much of a surprise to me. B. 1. just about the time John was going to leave2. just about the time we were about to have picnic3. just about the time he was doing some cleaningC.1. There is nothing better than a cold beer for a man to drink

15、on a hot day.2. There is nothing better than a nice juicy peach for a man to eat in summer.3. There is nothing better than a piece of beautiful music for Tom to listen to after a days work.1. There is nothing better than a cold beer2. There is nothing better than a nice juicy peach for a man to eat

16、in summer.3. There is nothing better than Visiting museums thereV1. role 2. turn on 3. Now that 4. sets 5. goes out6. panic 7. acquaintances 8. supposed9. causes 10. happens toVIA. 1. embarrassed silence2. rush into 3. department store4. get married5. fix the antenna6. dead silence77. play guitar8. all overB. 1. The government plans to create more job opportunities for young people.2. Her questions about my private life mad



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