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1、2015 绵阳市高考英语单项选择选练(绵阳市高考英语单项选择选练(3)及答案)及答案.单项填空1Mom,I lost _diamond ring you bought for me as my birthday present.Could you keep _eye out for it when you clean my bedroom?Aa;an Ba;the Cthe;an Dthe;the答案 C 第一空表示特指,应用定冠词,第二空 keep an eye out for sb/sth 意为“留心或注意某人或某物。 ”2It was perfectly all right,he sai

2、d,because the police _him of anything.Ahadnt suspected Bhasnt suspectedCwill suspect Ddidnt suspect答案 A 考查动词时态。此处 suspect 发生在 was 表示的状态之前,故使用过去完成时。3_he cant understand is _his son doesnt like the school.He is very upset about this.AThat;why BWhy;thatCWhat;why DWhether;that答案 C 本句中有两个从句,前一个是主语从句,后一个是

3、表语从句。understand 缺宾语,选 what,表语从句缺原因状语,选 why。4Everything _into consideration,they ought to have another chance.Ato take Btaken Cto be taken Dtaking答案 B everything taken into consideration 是独立主格结构,意为“把一切考虑在内”。5Its really _when a train is late and theres no explanation.Aannoying BannoyedCannoy Dbeing an

4、noyed答案 A annoying 意为“令人讨厌的,恼人的”,符合题意。6In Britain,packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning _them.Aattach to Battaching toCattached to Dto attach to答案 C 在 with 复合结构中,health warning 与宾语补足语 attach to 之间构成被动关系。7_of stealing money from the bank,he was being questioned by the police.AAc

5、cusing BAccusedCHaving accused DTo accuse答案 B accuse 与句子主语之间构成被动关系,故用 accused,作原因状语。8It is said that the caf being built near the post office _mainly to the workers from the factory across the road.Acaters BservesCcontributes Dsupplies答案 A 考查动词辨析。句意:据说邮局附近正在建的咖啡馆主要是满足路对面的工厂工人的需要。cater to 迎合,满足需要;ser

6、ve 服务;contribute to 有助于;supply 提供。9Most students at school hope that they can _activities that appeal to them after class instead of just doing their homework.Aapply for Bparticipate inCstick to Dfocus on答案 B 句意:在学校的大多数学生都希望下课后不写作业而是参加自己喜爱的活动。根据题意选 B。10Special attention should be paid _our earth fro

7、m_.Ato prevent;being pollutedBto prevent;pollutingCto preventing;being pollutedDto preventing;polluted答案 C 在短语 pay attention to 中,to 为介词,故首先排除 A 和 B 两项;另外,地球是“被污染”,故选 C 项。11Sarah looked at _finished painting with _satisfaction.A/;a Ba;theCthe;/ Dthe;a答案 C 句意:Sarah 满意地看着那幅完工的油画。根据 painting 前的修饰成分fini

8、shed 可知是特指那幅画;后一个空格后的 satisfaction 是抽象名词并且表示泛指,不用冠词。12Why are you unhappy today?The watch,which I _the other day,is out of order again.Ahad repaired Bhad repairChad it repaired Dhad repaired it答案 A which 引导的定语从句含有 have sth done 句式,which 作从句的宾语。13The sportsman _save a drowning boy that afternoon;the

9、boys parents appreciated him very much.Amight BcouldCwas able to Dmust答案 C was able to 表示通过努力并成功地做成某事。14You cant get the expensive house_you have lots of money.Aif Bunless Cwhen Dsince答案 B unless 意为“除非”,符合题意。15It rained heavily outside,_made us stay at home all day.Awhich Bwhy Cthat Dwhat答案 A which

10、引导非限定性定语从句。单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21“Have you seen _ new bike? I put it here just now”“Is it _ white one? A boy has ridden it away”Aa, the Bthe, the Ca, a Dthe, a22Many scientists have believed that there may be a _of life on the MarAmark Bsignal Csigh Dsign 23Wh

11、en the peace talk failedThere was a fear that war may _ at anytimeAbreak off Bbreak up Cbreak out Dbreak down24Once new difficulties _ in your work, its always important to use your brainsAraise Barise Carouse Drise 25England is one of the countries_ people drive on the leftAthat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhere

12、26_ seems no sense in complainingWe should take action nowAThat BThis CIt DThere27Reportedly, yesterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the road in Iraq when a bomb was _, three of whom were killedAset off Bset out Cset up Dset about28If you listen to me, you _ have some candies, dea

13、rAmust Bmay Cshall Dwill29Though Im familiar _the poem, Ill try to learn it_ heartAto; to Bto; by Cwith; by Dwith; to30On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents sitting together jokingAtheir Bwhose Cwhich Dthat31With the development of science, more new technology _ to t

14、he fields of ITAhas introduced Bwas introduced Cis introduced Dis being introduced 32“Weve missed the train!” “_, therell be another in ten minutes” AAll right BNot at all CNever mindDDont mention it33After making herself up, she _ herself in the mirrorAfound Badmired Cshowed Denjoyed34There was nothing special about this film it was only _Aparticular Baverage CinterestingDstrange35Thi


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