2015届高考英语总复习复习语言基础知识unit16 stories

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1、必考话题 16 旅游与交通()写 作 必 备基础词汇1transport n交通2parcel n. 包裹3view n. 风景4temple n. 庙宇5organize v. 组织6everywhere adv. 到处7prefer v. 更喜欢8scenery n. 景色9catch up with 赶上10get close to 接近11in no case 决不12a dream trip 梦想之旅13a place of interest 名胜14from home and abroad 来自国内外提分句型1It takes only three hours to fly to

2、Xian from Guangzhou.从广州飞到西安只需要三个小时。2With the help of modern science and technology traveling becomes easier.在现代科技的帮助下,旅行变得容易多了。3With modern transportation like the plane and the train,we can go anywhere we like in a short time.有了飞机和火车这样的现代交通方式,我们能够在短时间内去到任何一个我们想去的地方。4Located in the south of China,Gu

3、angzhou is considered as one of the most modern cities in our country.广州位于中国的南部,被认为是中国最现代化的城市之一。美 文 赏 析素材示例 (2013江西卷)星光中学(Xingguang High School)近期举行了一次登山活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请写一篇短文,报道此次活动。内容包括:(1)时间与地点:4 月 10 日,大青山(Daqing Mountain);(2)活动的过程;(3)你对于这次活动的评论。注意:(1)词数 120 左右;(2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_佳作播报In order to

4、relieve our students of study stress for a little while,our school held a mountainclimbing activity on April 10.Up to 500 students entered for it.On the way to Daqing Mountain,we talked,sung and laughed together.Listening to the birds and feeling the soft wind,we got completely relaxed.Whats more,on

5、 the arrival at the foot of Daqing Mountain,everyone had an ambition of reaching the peak.Much to my delight,many students would help the students who couldnt catch up with the team.Through struggles and efforts,we finally made it.There is no doubt that we had a good chance to get close to nature an

6、d gained happiness.Most importantly,in my opinion,the success makes us believe that in no case can we give way to obstacles and just go for it bravely!1Listening to the birds and feeling the soft wind,.是由 and 连接的两个现在分词短语作伴随状语。模拟 The boy lay on the bed,reading_a_newspaper.那个男孩躺在床上看着报纸。2make it 取得成功。模

7、拟 I never thought Mary would make_it as an actress.我从来没想到玛丽会成为一名成功的女演员。3There is no doubt that.毫无疑问,是固定句式。模拟 There_is_no_doubt_that Gangnam Style is very popular among the young.毫无疑问江南 style在年轻人中很流行。 .核心单词1_(vt.)抛弃,遗弃_(adj.)被抛弃的,被遗弃的2_(vt.)保护,保存_(n.)保护者,维护者3_(v.)目击_(n.)机智,风趣;能力,智力4_(vi.)发生_(n.)发生5_(

8、vi.)爆炸;冲;闯6_(vi.)颤抖,发抖7_(vi.&vt.)聚集8_(n.)同情9_(adv.)特别地,特定地_(adj.)特别的,特定的,特有的10_(adj.)典型的 n.特点,特征_(n.)性格;人物11_(n.)同情_(v.)同情_(adj.)有同情心的12_(n.)重要性;意义_(adj.)重大的,有意义的13_(adj.)反常的,不正常的_(adj.)正常的,通常的14_(n.)起源,开端;出身_(adj.)最初的,起源的15_(n.)限制,约束_(vt.)限制,约束16_(adj.)不能忍受的_(adj.)可忍受的_(v.)忍受17_(vt.)介绍,提出,呈现_(n.)提出

9、,赠送18_(n.)(评判的)标准(复数)_(n.)(评判的)标准(单数)答案 1.abandon;abandoned 2.preserve;preserver 3witness;wit 4.occur;occurence 5.burst 6.tremble 7gather 8.sympathy 9.particularly;particular10characteristic;character 11.sympathy;sympathize;sympathetic 12.significance;significant 13.abnormal;normal 14.origin;origina

10、l 15.restriction;restrict 16unbearable;bearable;bear 17.present;presentation18criteria;criterion词不离句,句不离段Facing the complex,severe and abnormal situation,we should never tremble,never be discouraged and never abandon.We dont need sympathy and must make a breakthrough and we are sure to be witness to

11、 admirable success.重点短语1出现 _2撞倒某人 _3从前 _4堵住 _5从某种程度上说 _6侧身 _7断绝关系;分成小部分 _8谈到,提及 _9name.after _10come across _11hold up _12count on _13figure out _14end up _15put up with _16in particular _答案 e into view 2.knock sb over 3.once upon a time 4.block out 5.in a way 6.on ones side 7split up 8.refer to 9.以

12、命名 10.偶然遇见 11.支撑起 12.依靠 13.理解 14.以结束,以告终 15.容忍,忍受 16.特别,尤其小试身手,聚焦短语The building work has been held_up by the bad weather.I came_across one of my old friends when I went shopping yesterday afternoon.I really dont know how they put_up_with such extreme condition.You can refer_to a dictionary when you

13、come across a new word.Remember stress does go away, especially when you figure_out the problem and start working on solving it.经典句式1Another man, lying on his side, looks as if he is trying to get up.躺在他旁边的另一个人看上去好像在试图站立起来。解读as if.好像模拟The woman loves the children deeply _(就好像是他们的妈妈一样)2Now that Helen understood the key to language, she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.既然海伦理解了语言之谜,她非常渴望学习更多的词语并且尽可能多地使用它们。解读now that 引导原因状语从句模拟_(既然这是最后一次机会) you should cat


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