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1、2008年 高考非谓语动词考点难点归纳与突破,1. 非谓语动词的时态与语态; 2. 非谓语动词的否定式; 3. 不定式符号的省略及疑问结构; 4. 动词不定式的各种形式及应用; 5. -ing结构的各种形式及应用; 6. -ed结构在句中的不同用法; 7.非谓语动词作宾语、定语、表语等的辨析; 8.非谓语动词的固定结构或习惯用法等。,第一节 不定式常考必记要点归纳,1. 下列动词或动词短语后接不定式:agree, seem, appear, offer, happen, wish, hope, pay, expect, long, plan, intend, promise, pretend,

2、 decide, afford, manage, choose, be said to, would like to等。 2. 不定式常用的句型:tooto do (太而不能), enough to do(够就能), so as to do/in order to do(为了), soas to do/suchas to do(如此结果)。在这些常用句型中,注意so as to /in order to,前一个不能用于句首,而in order to既可放在句首,也可放在句尾。soas to与suchas to的区别是:so后一般接形容词或副词、可数名词单数(so + adj.+ a/ an +

3、 n.)。“such”后一般接可数名词复数、不可数名词和可数名词单数形式(such + a/an + adj. + n.)。,3. 不定式的三个结构:即否定结构、复合结构和疑问结构。否定结构为“not (never) to do”;疑问结构是特殊疑问词“how (what, which, who, whether) to do”;复合结构是“for/ of +名词(或代词宾格)+ to do ”。 4. 不定式的三个时态形式和两个被动语态形式(可记忆为三时两语),5.let/make/have/see/hear/notice/observe/listen to/look at/watch/fe

4、el 这些动词带不定式作宾补时,省掉to, 若这些动词以被动形式出现时,应加上to。动词help后面作宾补的不定式可省略to,也可加to。例:I saw him go upstairs. 被动形式是: He was seen to go upstairs. 6.当前面是the first, the second, the last, need, plan, time, chance, right, determination, ability, opportunity(机会),way时,一般用不定式作定语。例如: A) It is time to get up. (该起床了。) B) He d

5、idnt have a chance to go to school before liberation.(解放前,他没有机会去上学。),7. but/except + to do/ do 结构,要根据谓语动词来确定其后面的形式。当谓语动词是do, does, did时,but后用动词原形;谓语动词是其他动词时,but后用“to + 动词原形”的形式。 8. 不定式的逻辑主语要与主语保持一致 To study a foreign language, practice is needed. 这个句子逻辑主语不一致,应改为:To study a foreign language, one need

6、s practice. 学习外语需要操练。 9. 形容词后一般用不定式(除busy, worth 两个外)例如: A) You are sure to succeed. (你一定能成功。) B) Im sorry to have given you a lot of trouble.(对不起,给你带来那么多麻烦。) C) He is busy preparing his lessons at present. (他现在正忙于预习功课。),10. 不定式作定语和表语时,有时需要在后面放上一个适当的介词。 A) This is a bench to sit on.(这是用来坐的凳子。) B) Th

7、is room is comfortable to live in. (这个房间住起来很舒适。) 11. 在“主语+系动词+adj.+不定式”这个句型中,当主语是不定式的逻辑宾语时,不定式不用被动,不能在动词后再放宾语。例: The question is easy to answer. (question是answer的宾语,不能说:The question is easy to be answered. 也不能说:The question is easy to answer it .) 12. 不定式的动词与前面的动词一致时,可以省掉该动词,但to 不能省掉;其后如是be 或have等词时

8、,一般不能省。,第二节 动名词常考必记要点归纳,1. 以下动词和动词短语后只能接动名词: 常用动词:finish, mind, suggest, keep, enjoy, practice, consider, excuse, miss, escape, resist, allow, permit, imagine, risk, delay, forbid, appreciate, understand 动词短语:give up, insist on, look forward to, it is (no )good (use, harm), object to(反对),get down to

9、, devote oneself to, spenddoing, prevent(from), wastedoing, have (no) difficulty (in) doing, stick to ,keepfrom,stopfrom,2. 接不定式、动名词意义不同的动词和结构: stop to do/stop doing 停下来做/ 停止做. remember to do/remember doing 记住要去做/ 记得曾做过 forget to do/forget doing 忘记去做/ 忘记曾做过 try to do/try doing 努力(尽力)做/ 试着做 regret to

10、 do/regret doing 遗憾地去做/ 后悔做过 mean to do/mean doing 打算做/ 意味着做 want to do/want doing 想做/ 需要被做 go on to do/go on doing 接着做另一件事/ 接着做未做完的同一事,like to do/like doing 喜欢做(非经常性)/ 喜欢做(指习惯,爱好). feel like doing/would like to do 想做/(要做) set about doing/set out to do 开始做 prefer doing/prefer to do 喜欢做 prefer + doin

11、g to + doing would rather + do than + do 宁愿而不愿 prefer to + do rather than + do used to + do 过去经常做 be used to + do 被用来做 be/get used to doing 养成做习惯 cant help (to) + do 不能帮助做 cant help doing 止不住地做 cant help but + do 不得不cannot choose but +do=cannot but do,3. 动名词的两个结构(即否定结构和复合结构),否定结构是not +动名词; 复合结构是:代词宾

12、格(形容词性物主代词) + 动名词名词(名词所有格) 注:该结构置于句首时(作主语),只能用括号中间的结构。作宾语两者均可。 例:1) They felt sorry for not arriving in time. (没能及时到达,他们感到很抱歉。)2) Do you mind my /me opening the window? (我打开窗你介意吗?) 3) Our going there is allowed. (我们获准去那里。)【注意在句首不能用us】,4. 动名词的时态和语态,5. 动词need、want、require后用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义(= to be + 过去分

13、词)。例:The baby wants washing. (= to be washed) 6. 在worth后用动名词主动形式,在worthy后用动名词被动形式。 例:The film is worth seeing. =The film is worthy of being seen. =The film is worthy to be seen. 7. to后接动词时,to是不定式符号,应该接原形动词,to是介词应要接动名词。这一点一定要判断清楚。在“get down to开始做;look forward to盼望;stick to坚持做;lead to导致;devote oneself

14、 to献身于;to be devoted to 献身于;pay attention to 注意;object to 反对做 ”中,to都是介词,其后面应该接动名词。8. 介词后一般接动名词。in doing 在做过程中;on doing 一就;before doing 在做之前;after doing 在做之后;without doing 没做,第三节 分词常考必记要点归纳,1. 现在分词和过去分词的用法区别。它们的用法主要是根据动词是及物还是不及物来确定,不及物动词根据动作完成的程度,及物动词根据语态来确定。列表如下:,分词,动词,2. 分词的两个结构 否定结构:not + 分词 例如:No

15、t having known his address, I didnt write to him. 复合结构(独立主格结构)有两种形式: (1)名词(代词主格)+分词(只作状语) (2)with+名词(代词宾格)+分词(作状语或定语) 例:1) The days work done, they went home. 他们做完一天的工作就回家了。 2) He sat there with his feet pointing to others. 他坐在那儿把脚指向别人。,3. 现在分词的时态和语态形式,以动词do为例列表如下:,语态,时态,注:现在分词完成时态的被动结构有时等于一个过去分词(即h

16、aving been done = done)。 现在分词的完成时态不能作表语、定语和宾补,只放在状语的位置上。 现在分词一般时态的被动结构(being + v.-ed)表示“正在被”之意,而在动名词中只表示被动。4. “使怎么样”之类的动词(amuse, astonish, excite, frighten, interest, move, relax, satisfy, shock, surprise, encourage, disappoint, puzzle, tire, please, inspire, terrify, worry),它们的ing形式表示主动,而过去分词表示被动。一般情况下“人”用过去分词,“物”用ing形式。,


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