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1、江苏省睢宁县睢宁县 2015 高考英语阅读理解九月练习(高考英语阅读理解九月练习(6)及答案)及答案阅读理解-史地常识类- (2013九江二模)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A,B,C 或 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Its interesting to see how people make use of the time they spend on public transport in Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai.In crowded buses and trains people manage to take a short nap

2、and some even reach the snoring stage.Or they spread out a newspaper over multiple knees and arms to read about the latest sport results or political crisis.Then there are the experienced travellers who have been playing cards with the same group over the last decade or so.They even have their speci

3、fic seats so wellworn that you can make out the shape of their backsides.There is no doubt about it.Travelling by public transport is being in the thick of the seasons of lifea sweaty life in summer where people,blissfully unaware of the rivers of sweat running down their brows and inside their clot

4、hes.At the first smell of a perfumed man or woman boarding the stuffy bus or train,most people feel they are reborn.During the rains you cant avoid getting wet or muddied.The windows,almost always,are not a perfect fit and if youre not drenched by a sudden,heavy rain shower then you are bound to cat

5、ch a jet spray of muddy water caused by a fellow motorist driving fast through a puddle.The rains are a perfect time for people to switch their old umbrellas for new ones.Since there are so many that look alike,its impossible to tell whose is whose.Winter is the time when it feels goodor at least wa

6、rmto be part of a crowd.It is amazing how much the collective breaths of a hundred or so people can raise the freezing temperature inside.Looking at the masses dressed in their bright red pullovers or green coats,its fun to imagine what faces lie beneath their dark woolen hats.The cold winter passes

7、,making way for spring.It is impossible not to see every little flower by the wayside blooming proudly.And the warm sun manages to transmit some of their pleasantness to the inside of a bus or train.Now,wouldnt it be perfect if we had public transport worth the name in all our cities?【语篇解读】 普通的画面,平常

8、的生活,变化的季节,永恒的旋律,印度的公共交通工具上每天都演绎着平凡人平淡的故事。1On Indian public transport,you can always expect to see people _.Asleeping and reading newspapers Barguing and playing gamesCenjoying the view and playing cards Dcarrying umbrellas and whispering politely解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的内容可知在印度的公共交通工具上,可以看到人们在睡觉或者在看报纸。答案 A。2

9、According to the author what will make passengers feel refreshed when travelling in summer?AThe cool evening breeze.BThe rain pouring over their clothes.CThe joy of a game of cards.DThe sweet fragrance of a new passenger.解析 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句的内容可知,一位新乘客散发出的香味能让车上的乘客神清气爽,犹如重生。答案 D。3If you see people in

10、colourful clothing and breathing heavily,you are probably travelling during the _.Asummer Brainy seasonsCwinter Dspring解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的内容可推知,当人们穿着各色衣服并且大口呼吸的时候,这里是”冬季”。答案 C。4We can infer from the passage that _.AIndian people dont mind switching umbrellas with othersBalmost everyone in India wears

11、 perfume when they go outCthe buses and trains are old and in poor conditionsDIndian transport is the most crowded in the world解析 推理判断题。结合第三段以及第五段中的内容可推知,公共汽车和火车都很破旧。答案 C。5What is the tune of language used in this passage?AHumourous. BCritical.CFrightening. DConcerned.解析 推理判断题。文章生动形象地刻画了印度公共交通工具上的众生

12、相,根据文章中的多处细节描写可知作者笔调“幽默”。后三项分别表示“批判的”“令人恐惧的”“担心的”,都不是本文的写作风格。答案 A.阅读理解-AThere were smiling children all the way. Charily they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards

13、 Penang. Often whole families stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives. This is the simple village people of Malaysia. I was moved.I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train. I did not p

14、articularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread. I looked about the train. There was not one familiar face. I sighed and sat down to read my Economics.It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia. Johor Bauru was just a

15、nother city like Singapore, so I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past. As we went beyond the city, I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green. Then the first village came into sight, Immediately I came alive; I decided to wave hack.From then

16、 on my journey became interesting. I threw my magazines into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life. Then everything came alive. The mountains seemed to speak to me. Even the trees were smiling. I stared at everything as if I was looking at it for the first time.The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my lunch until I felt hungry. I looked at my watch and was surprised that it was 3:00 pm. Soon the


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