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1、1九年级英语培优试题三1、单项选择1.-Mum, I did best in our group discussion today. -Well done! I you .A. am mad at B. am patient with C. am proud of 2. Young people today posting wonderful articles and beautiful photos onto the micromessage 微信 to share with friends.A. are afraid of B. are used to C. are worried abo

2、ut3.-2015 is an El Nino 厄尔尼诺 year. Many places may be short of water. As a student, I want to do something, but I wonder .-Oh, you can do some small things such as turning off the tap while brushing teeth.A. what I am supposed to do B. how should I protect our homeC. why it can cause such bad weathe

3、r4.-At present, many people like talking about”Kuaidi”and”Didi”. I really wonder .-You can order a taxi through them on your mobile phone easily.A. how can I use them B. who uses them mostC. what they are used for5.After supper with my family, I suggested out for a walk, but my sister wanted to watc

4、h TV.A. go B. going C.to go6.As a middle school student, you should know what to the problem between study and relaxation.A. help with B. do with C. deal with27.Now more and more people are used to late, though they have worked hard all day with tiredness.A. sleep B. sleeping C. slept8.My grandparen

5、ts used to me but now I can do something for them.A. look after B. looking after C. looked after9.Lily suggests that we there until she comes back from the station.A. stay B. to stay C. staying10.The towns people have been warned moving to another town soon because there will be a heavy rain.A. in B

6、. at C. of11.The little boy was punished by his mother lying.A. for B. with C. to 2、完形填空Pencils and ErasersEach of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, having enough experience and knowledge, we regard these failures 失败 as a necessary and 1 part of learning. But often as parents and teachers,

7、 we dont 2 this right 权利 to our children.Donnie was a third grader in my class.His 3 about failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed. He 4 answered my questions -he was afraid of making mistakes.I tried my best to build his self-confidence. But nothing changed 5 midterm, when

8、 Mary , a new teacher , came . She was young and pretty,and she loved by every 3student 6 Donnie. It was Mary who made a big difference to Donnie later.One morning, they were doing math problems on the blackboard. Donnie had copied the problems clearly and 7 .But hed missed the fourth problem and be

9、gan to cry with his head in his arms.I didnt know what to do . Suddenly , a smile 8 on Marys face. From the desk she got a box 9 pencils. “ Look, Donnie. “ She said gently, kneeling 蹲在 beside him. “Ive got something to 10 you. “She removed the pencils, one at a time, and placed them on his desk.“See

10、 these pencils, Donnie,”she continued .”They 11 Mrs Landon and me. See how the erasers are worn 磨损?Thats because we make mistakes too. But we erase the mistakes and try again. Thats what you 12 learn to do, too.”She kissed him and stood up. “Here,”she said, “Ill leave one of these pencils on 13 desk

11、, so youll remember that everybody makes mistakes,even teachers.” Donnie looked up with 14 in his eyes and a smile.The pencil became Donnies prize. That , together with Marys encouragement, gradually make him understand 15 the meaning of making mistakes is -its all right to make mistakes, as long as

12、 you erase them and try again.( )1. A.similar B. active C. important ( )2. A. offer B. pass C. send( )3. A.puzzle B. worry C. complaint( )4. A. always B. usually C. seldom( )5. A. since B. after C. until( )6. A. including B. except C. without( )7. A. simply B. carefully C.casually4( )8. A. appeared

13、B. froze C. disappointed( )9. A. made of B. covered by C. filled with( )10. A. tell B. show C. ask( )11. A. come to B. refer to C. belong to ( )12. A. might B. could C. must( )13. A. your B. his C. her( )14. A. hate B. love C. fear( )15. A. how B. why C. what3、任务型阅读Hip Hop Planet1 Countries like Fra

14、nce, Brazil and even Japan have their own hip hop culture. But where did this strange speaking-singing style come from?Many countries ago, in West Africa, traditional storytellers played musical instruments while they were telling stories. When this tradition traveled from West Africa to the USA, it developed into different musical styles, such as blues and jazz. 2 And in the 1970s, there were many poor areas in New York. There wasnt any money for music lessons in schools, so kids made their records outside in the streets. Everybo


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