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1、广州市 2015 高考英语二轮阅读训练(2)及答案 短文语法填空【1】A Horrible EarthquakeDirty water rose in wells and canals 1 the earthquake. But no one judged that an earthquake 2 (come). Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed as if the world was at an end. Millions of brick houses and a number of dams were destroyed. Railway tra

2、cks became useless bars. Pipes in mines burst and let out smelly steam. Huge cracks trapped cyclists everywhere.3 next day, this event was the headline or main title of all newspapers. With the reporters 4 (give) an outline of the disaster, the whole nation was shocked 5_ the damage and the victims

3、extreme 6 (suffer) People were moved 7 they read that the survivors comforted each other by saying “Congratulations! You survived!”. So they not only expressed 8 sympathy sincerely, but also organized together 9 (help) the victims right away. The injured were rescued and the dead were buried. The fr

4、ightened survivors were dug out from under the ruins and 10 (offer) shelter, fresh water and electricity. Thanks to peoples help, the loss was minimized.【参考答案】Keys: 1. before 2. was coming 3. The 4. giving 5. by 6. suffering 7. when 8. their 9. to help 10. were offered短文语法填空【2】The Great PresidentAs

5、the founder of the republic, the president had many good qualities. 1 coming to power, he was a generous lawyer. He was willing to selflessly help everyone 2 turned to him. He accepted no fee 3 (offer) legal guidance and opinions to those who were out of work or uneducated. Later, 4 (believe) all ma

6、nkind to be equal, he devoted 5 to stopping the unfair anti-black laws. He set up the Black Youth League and 6 (vote) to be the leader. However, 7 he kept peaceful principles without violence and terror, his mean enemies still blew up his house and attacked his relatives, 8 he himself couldnt escape

7、 9 (sentence) to 30 years in prison.Not fearing of the prison guards 10 (cruel), he kept active and begged no mercy from them. As a matter of fact, he was always hopeful and never lost heart during the stage even though he was in trouble.Finally, people rewarded him with the leaders position and a g

8、old blanket.【参考填空】Keys: 1. Before 2. who 3. to offer 4. believing 5. himself 6. was voted 7. though/ although 8. and 9. being sentenced 10. cruelty完形填空完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A B C D)中,选出最佳选项。Bringing a giraffe into the world is a tall orderA baby giraffe falls 10 feet from its mothers womb (

9、子宫) and usually lands on its 1 Within seconds it rolls over and tucks(缩拢) its legs under its bodyGary Richmond describes how a newborn giraffe learns it first 2 in his book, A View from the ZooThe mother giraffe 3 her head long enough to take a quick lookThen she 4 herself directly over her calfShe

10、waits for about a minute, and then she does the most 5 thingShe swings her long leg outward and kicks her babyIf the baby giraffe doesnt 6 , the violent process is repeated over and over againThe 7 to rise is very importantAs the baby calf grows 8 , the mother kicks it again to stimulate(激励) its eff

11、ortsFinally, the calf stands for the first time on its 9 legsThen mother giraffe does the most remarkable thingShe kicks it off its feet again 10 ? She wants it to remember how it got upIn the wild, baby giraffes must be able to get up as 11 as possible to stay with the herd(鹿群), where there is 12 W

12、ild animals and hunting dogs all 13 young giraffes, and calves would be punished if the mother didnt 14 her calf to be watchful and get up quicklyIrving Stone 15 thisHe spent a lifetime studying 16 , writing novelized biographies of such men as Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, and Charles DarwinStone

13、 was once asked if he had found a 17 that runs through the lives of all these exceptional peopleHe said, “They are 18 over the head, knocked down, and for years they still get 19 But every time they are knocked down, they stand upYou cannot 20 these peopleAnd at the end of their lives theyve accompl

14、ished some modest part of what they set out to do1AbackBsideCfrontDhead2AlookBmoveClessonDclass3AraisesBlowersCpullsDdraws4AthrowsBfindsCpointsDpositions5AdifficultBgreedyCunreasonableDuncreative6Aget upBwork onClie downDcome up7AdemandBstruggleCrequestDfailure8AexcitedBworriedCsurprisedDtired9Astro

15、ngBdustyCweakDshort10AWhyBWhenCWhereDWhich11AslowlyBquicklyCcarefullyDfrequently12AdangerBloveCsilenceDsafety13AhateBpunishCenjoyDwatch14AteachBurgeCremindDallow15AacceptedBrememberedCdeclaredDunderstood16AkindnessBgreatnessCnatureDexpectation17AhistoryBrecordCthreadDmeans18AinjuredBbeatenCkilledDhurt19AnowhereBanywhereCeverywhereDsomewhere20AchangeBsupportCblameDdestroy【参考答案】ACBDCABDCABDCAD BCBAD阅读理解【1】阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A,B,C 或 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


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