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1、广安市罗度中学广安市罗度中学 2015 高考英语基础练习课外自练(高考英语基础练习课外自练(5)及答案)及答案【浙江省宁波市 2014 高考英语十校联考试题】 单项填空(共 20 小题;每小题 05 分,满分 1 0 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1Hello! This is CGV box officeHello! Id like to book two tickets for tonights 3D movie AOf course, please BAt your serviceCMy pleasure DA momen

2、t, please2The heart is a(n) organ, It is of absolute importance to our body and lifeAvital B energetic C living D lively3It was playing video games that took the boy too much time that he have spent learningAcould B must C might D ought to4Before we end this program, lets take a at the sports news b

3、rieflyAglare B glance C stare D watch5This weekend well pay a visit to a museum, next to is a nice restaurant where we can have Italian foodAthat BthisCitDwhich6With high technology introduced, the average output of the factory is increasingAfaithfully Bcostly Csteadily Dstately7The new technology,

4、if to rice growing, will help increase the grain outputAapplying Bapplied Cto applyD having applied8The experts present at the conference all insisted that greenhouse gas emission be reduced from now onAmustBwill C/ Dcan9The green-hand cook the soup by putting in too much salt accidentallyA spoiledB

5、damaged C injured D harmed10Although our former neighbor here for years, we seldom met with each otherA lived B has lived C was living D had lived 11All the cloned animals have so far suffered from some serious disorders, many of dying soon after birthAthat BwhomCwhich Dthem 12Up to now, no one has

6、come Lip with a(n) explanation of why dinosaurs died out, and it remains a mysteryAastonishing Bamusing CconvincingDpuzzling 13The black baby boy is at the stage he can only say a few simple words but not yet full sentencesA when B where C which Dwhy14In such a background, his white hair was particu

7、larly his dark skinAin relation to Bin need of Cin contrast toDin favor of15This is challenging job I mentioned to you the other day Have you had anyone in mind for it now?A a, the B the;/ C the, the D a:/16Tom told us all that he said so atthe meeting was really trueA that B all C what D which17Aft

8、er cl 函 1bing the hills in the natural park for hours, my legs _ under me and I failed to keep pace with othersAgave out B gave up C gave in D gave away18You look tired, Jack Whats wrong with you?Oh, 1 worked quite late last night Nothing wrong with me, A although B thoughC yetD still19The couple is

9、 considering a 3D TV set for their new flat, which is widely considered to be in fashionAto buy Bbuy C buying Dto be bought20Wright, I really appreciate your neat handwriting A Oh, I practice every day BWell, its not good enoughC No, I dont write well DOh, thank you very much【参考答案】单项选择 1120、DADBD CB

10、CAA DCBCB AABCD【福建省漳州市福建省漳州市 2014 高考英语第三次联考试题高考英语第三次联考试题】短文填词(共短文填词(共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分)A rich man was near death and was very upset. He had worked sohard for his money _ he dreamt he could take it with him to heaven.76. So he _ (祈祷) to God his dream would come true. 77. An angel app

11、eared and said no. The man begged the angel to speakto God to see whether he might _ the rules. The angel reappeared 78. and said that God could permit him to take one suitcase. _(激动), 79. the man gathered his suitcase and filled it with pure gold bars. Afterward, he died and showed up in heaven to

12、greet St. Peter. S 80. the suitcase, St. Peter said, “Hold _,you cant bring that here!”81. The man explained that he had God p . St. Peter checked it out82. and said, “You are right. You are allowed o suitcase, but Im83. supposed to check its contents _letting it through.”84. Inspecting the things t

13、hat the man found too p to leave85. behind, St. Peter exclaimed, “You brought pavement? As you can see , the street of heaven is made of gold!”短文填词(每小题 1 分)76. that 77. prayed 78.break 79. Excitedly 80. Seeing(Shown)81. on 82. permission 83. one 84. before 85. precious【深圳市深圳市 2014 高考英语高考英语综合能力测试题(综合能力测试题(9) 】语法填空语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。One day, my friend showed his favorite book to me. He also said it was _16_ second part of the very famous book - Adventures of Huck


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