广东省惠州市惠阳市第一中学实验学校人教版英语学案《b6 u1-4 using language》

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1、Class:_ Name:_ Group:_ Assessment:_Unit 1 Art Period 4 Using language Learning aims: 1 Understand the text and know more information about the art galleries in Manhattan.2 Improve the skills of reading and writing. Important point: Improve the skills of reading and wring. Learning guidance: 阅读 page

2、6 课文,完成预习案。(15mins) 预习案预习案 Previewing Case Task 1 单词短语单词短语填空填空。 1 _ 道路;大街 2_ 对.有感染力;呼吁 3_偏爱 4_ 文明 5_ 永久的 6_视觉 的 7_ 当代的 8_ 名声;名誉 9_精细的; 易碎的 Task 2 Choose the best answer. 1 This passage is mainly about_. A. art museums in New York and their collections and exhibitions. B. different artists in New Yor

3、k. C. different art works displayed at the same time in New York. D. general introduction to the history of art in New York. 2 _ contributed all his possessions to the country and the museum was thus named after him. A. MetropolitanB. Whitney C. Frick D. Picasso 3 Where can you enjoy a special exhib

4、ition of new art by living artists? A. Whitney Museum of American. B. Museum of Modern Art. C. Metropolitan Museum of Art. D. the Frick Collection. 4 Along the same avenue in New York, you can find_ of the art galleries mentioned in the passage. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 Task 3 Exercise 2 on page 7 of the

5、 students book.探究案探究案 Exploring case 探究一探究一 重点单词和词组重点单词和词组 1. preference n.偏爱 have a preference for sth./sb. 对有偏爱 in preference to. 优 先于. (1) My father has never liked meat, but he always has a (n) _ for fruits and vegetables. A. interest B. preference C. enthusiasm D. devotion (2).她选择优先学小提琴而不是钢琴。 _

6、我的疑惑: 我的收获: (3).北极熊喜欢寒冷的天气. _ (4).她偏爱蓝色._ _2. reputation n. 名声;名誉 have a good/ bad reputation 享有好的/坏的名声 live up to ones reputation 不负盛名;名副其 实 damage/ruin ones reputation 有损/毁坏某人的名声 earn/establish/build a reputation 赢得/确立/ 树立名声 (1) 比赛中作弊毁坏了那个运动员的名声。 _ (2) 中餐享誉世界。 _3. appeal vi 呼吁;对.有吸引力 .appeal to sb

7、. .对某人有吸引力 appeal (to sb) for sth. (向某人)呼吁. appeal to sb to do sth. 呼吁某人去. (1)警方呼吁公众提供有关这个罪案的信息。 _ (2)政府呼吁市民保护环境。 _n. 恳求;呼吁 make/launch an appeal to sb to do sth. 向某人发出呼吁去.n. 吸引力;感染力 .have appeal for sb. .对于某人有吸引力 (3)班主任呼吁我们捐钱给地震灾区的孩子们。 _ (4)上网对我没有吸引力。 _探究二探究二 长难句分析长难句分析 1. Henry Clay Frick, a rich

8、New Yorker, died in 1919, leaving his house, furniture and art collection to the American people. (1) a rich New Yorker 作_语,leaving his house, furniture and art collection to the American people 作_语。 (2) 那个高高的男人是一个著名的画家,他生于 1973 年 4 月,发现他的作品被从那个画廊偷 走了。 _ _2. The museum displays more than just the vi

9、sual delights of art. more than+n. 不仅仅 more than +a/adv./v 非常 more than + 数量 多于;超过 more than +句子 超出的能力范围 (1)他不仅仅是一个作家,还是一个老师。 _(2)超过 100 位专家参加了会议。 _ (3)他们非常高兴能够帮上忙. _ (4)这种美是我不能形容的. _3. It is amazing that so many great works of art from the 19th century to the 21st century are housed in the same mus

10、eum. 句型:It is amazing that. 令人惊奇.他进步如此大真是令人惊奇。 _训练案训练案 Exercise 一 完成句子 1. The organization has written a public letter, _ for an end to the eating of wild animals. (appeal) 2. Supporters of rebuilding the Yuanmingyuan say only by doing so can we see the original sight of the garden, which no wonder reflects the Chinese _. (civilize) 3. There is no _ (永恒的)feast. 二 句子翻译 1.西方世术风格已经变革过多次,而中国艺术的风格是不经常变化的.(The style of) _ _ 2.欧洲绘画艺术受人们生活方式和信仰的影响,而中国不同,长期遵循着同一种生活方式。 (unlike) _ _ 3.我喜欢毕加索的绘画风格。(in the style of ) _ _ 4.莫扎特是一位摆脱传统的音乐家。(break away from) _ _ 5.把注意力集中到你学习上。(concentrate on) _



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