广东省惠州市惠阳市第一中学实验学校人教版英语学案《b6 u3-2 language points》

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广东省惠州市惠阳市第一中学实验学校人教版英语学案《b6 u3-2 language points》_第1页
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1、Class:_ Name:_ Group:_ Assessment:_Unit 3 A Healthy Life Period 2 language points Learning aims: 1. To master the important usages of the key words and expressions. 2. To learn to use the structure properly. Important and difficult point: To master the usage of of the key words and expressions. 【使用说

2、明及学法指导使用说明及学法指导】阅读课本第 17-19 页,自学同步测练P Language points1- , 完 成预习案。(30 分钟) 预习案预习案 Previewing Case Task 1. 英汉互译英汉互译 1. 青少年 n./青春期的 adj._ 青春期 n._ 2. 禁止 n./vt._ 3. 由于 _ 4. 对有瘾 _ 5. 习惯于 _ 6. 脱瘾症状 _ 7. 痛苦 _ 8. 再三重复 _ 9. 无意识地 adv._ 10. 精神上地 adv._ 11. 停止,离开 v. _ 12. 抽烟的危害_ 13. 严重危害_ 14. 异常的 _ 15. 气喘吁吁的 adj._

3、 16. be taken off _ 17. 优势 n_ 加强 v._ 18. 对作出决定_ 19. feel like _ 20. 绝望的 adj._ 21. 失望的 adj._ 22. 感到羞愧的 adj._ 23. in spite of _ 24. take risk _ 25. get into the habit _ Task 2. 常用单词词组常用单词词组 1. abuse n./vt. 滥用, 虐待She_ by giving jobs to her friends.她滥用权力,安排工作给她朋友。_ lead to his death. 他滥用毒品导致死亡。 2. ban n

4、./v.禁止; 取缔; 禁令 banfrom sth./doing sth.禁止做某事 a ban on sth a ban on 关 于的禁令People _in many public places in England. 在英国许多公共场所 禁止吸烟。_ caused great dispute in our city. 禁止摩托车在我们这个城市引起很 大的争论。 3. disappointed adj.失望的 v.使失望_ adj.令人失望的_ n.失望 _I was _ at the _ news. (disappoint) The news_(使我失望). Hearing the

5、results of the exams,he left_ . (disappoint) Much to our _,he will not be able to come. (disappoint) The _ look on his face suggested that he failed in the exam again. (disappoint)4. in spite of/despite+ n./ doing 不管,不顾_ great efforts we failed to carry our plans out. =_ we made great efforts we fai

6、led to carry our plans out. 尽管付出了巨大的努力,我们还是没能实施我们的 计划。_, we went fishing. 我们不顾恶劣的天气仍去钓鱼。我的疑惑探究案探究案 Exploring Case 探究一:重点单词和短语探究一:重点单词和短语1.1. stress n.重压;重压;压力压力;重音;重音 vt. 加压力于;使紧张;强调加压力于;使紧张;强调 lay/put/ place stress on 强强 调,重视调,重视They _. 他们过于强调 金钱和地位。The English teacher _. 英语老师强调了朗 读的重要性。 2. due to

7、由于由于;因;因造成;归功于造成;归功于 由于有雾,车辆行进缓慢。_, the traffic moved very slowly. 我们幸福的童年应归功于父亲的辛勤工作。Our happy childhood _. 3. addicted adj.入了迷的,上了瘾的入了迷的,上了瘾的 addict v.使沉溺,热衷于使沉溺,热衷于 be addicted to sth./doing sth.=addict oneself to sth./doing sth.沉溺于,对有瘾 很多孩子现在沉迷于上网。 _ 不要再让自己陷入这样愚蠢的事情。 _ 4. be/get/become accustome

8、d to sth/ doing sth 习惯于习惯于 accustome sb to sth/ doing sth 使使 习惯于习惯于Im not _ so early after the vacation.假期过后,我不习惯于这 么早起床了。 他觉得有必要养成写日记的习惯。 _ 5. effect n. n. 结果结果,效力效力;作用作用;影响影响(后接后接 on/upon) have an effect on=have an influence on=have an impact on 对有影响 put/bring/carry .into effect 付诸实施 take effect 生

9、效;奏效 come into effect 开始实施;开始 生效 affect v. 影响 influence n. 影响,作用 The TV programme _(对孩子有积极影响)as well as the old.We must _. 我们必须把这项 政策付诸实。The medicine _.药力开始生效了。6. ashamed adj.感到羞愧或羞耻的(表语)感到羞愧或羞耻的(表语) be ashamed of (doing) sth 为(做了)某事而感到羞愧 be ashamed to do sth 耻于做 弊而羞愧,因为他认识到考试作弊是可耻的。 _ _ _ 不好意思提这么简单

10、的问题。 _ 探究二:句子结构和句型探究二:句子结构和句型 1. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking 当因为我不再适合而被学校足球队开除以后,我意识到自己是时候戒烟了.It is (high/about) time for sb. to do sth.=It is (high/about) time that sb. did/should do sth.该某人做 某事的时候了。 我们该为自己的未来做打算了。_ 2. I do h

11、ope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.我的确希望你把它戒 掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健康长寿。”如果与单数可数名词连用,它们的顺序是:asadj.a(an)。 我可以像你一样带一样多的纸。 _3. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker. 每当你 想要吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己你已经是不吸烟的人了。 every time 在这里相当于连词,连接了两个分句。时间状语从句通常由 when, while, as before, after, as soon as 等



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