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1、,新物理課綱與舊物理課綱的差異,舊(84,95)物理課綱學分數高一:基礎物理 2 學分 高二:必修物理 6 學分(上3,下3) 高三:選修物理 8 學分(上4,下4) (共16學分),新物理課綱學分數高一:基礎物理一 2 學分 高二:基礎物理二A 2 學分基礎物理二B 4 學分(上2,下2) 高三:選修物理 8 學分(上4,下4)(共14學分),新高中物理科課程綱要的修訂理念是:1.銜接中小學九年一貫自然與生活領域教材的內容。2.將物理以綜論的方式介紹給高中學生,讓學生知道如何從物理學的觀點去理解大自然。3.選修物理則是讓學生更進一步、更深入瞭解物理的各個 面向,做為大學理工科課程之基礎。,1


3、以下九項主題:(一)緒論、(二) 物質的組成、(三) 物體的運動、(四)物質間的基本交互作用、(五)電與磁的統一、(六)波、(七) 能量、(八)量子現象、(九)宇宙論簡介。前七項主題的內容絕大部分皆已出現於95基礎物理暫綱之中。至於(八)、(九)兩主題則取代了原先暫綱中的現代科技與近代物理觀兩主題,這麼做的原因是現代科技及近代物理觀此兩主題對於學生較為困難,因此,我們將較有時效性的現代科技放在附錄中,並把近代物理觀中較為抽象的部分刪去,其餘則併入量子現象此一主題中。,Q:為什麼要做這些更動?A:原因之一是中小學一貫課程體系參考指引已經做了修訂。舊版之中小學一貫課程體系參考指引中所列高中生所應具



6、的認識。所以新課綱大致上是以概念做為教材分類的基礎,以比較有層次與架構的方式來介紹物理學;如此一來,無論學生將來是否繼續修習物理,都會比較容易理解及欣賞所學物理知識,Q:基礎物理二B似乎和舊課綱中的必修物理較接近,兩者有何差異?A:主要的差異當然還是在於學分數不一樣:基礎物理二B 為4學分的課程,必修物理則是6學分的課。所以基礎物理二基本上只能涵蓋力學,而刪除了流體的性質此一主題;至於熱學則放到高三的選修物理之中。此外,基礎物理二B也刪減了一些較繁雜的題材,如鉛直彈簧的運動。Q:基礎物理二A與基礎物理二B有何關係嗎?A:新課程總綱要求基礎物理二A的內容必須包含於基礎物理二B之內,所以基礎物理二

7、A課程基本上也全部是牛頓力學,但是內容較少。大致上B版比A版更注重力學的嚴謹性、推導和計算。,Q:基礎物裡的課程較簡單,會不會讓學生在選組時誤判高二及高三的物理課程也很簡單?A:高二及高三的物理課程的確較難,因此需要老師在高一時多提醒學生,但也不必太過強調,免得扼煞學生的興趣。,Q:現在的基礎物理有不少和國中理化中物理內容差不多,學生上起來較不起勁,暫行綱要是否有改善?A:暫行綱要在修訂時,已考慮到這個問題,將一些國中上過的相同內容稍作刪減。但有些很重要的觀念仍須再講一次,因為即使是同樣的單元,高中可講得較多、較深入些。,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1932,Sin-

8、Itiro Tomonaga,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1965,去海森堡教授的房間,他看我的計算,予以批評。他說,多寫文字敘述,敘述比計算式子重要,物理之論文重要的地方寧用文字敘述,比計算式好,大家想要看的是這些的。 留德日記4/21/1938,The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1981 “for their theories, developed independently, concerning the course of chemical reactions“,Kenichi Fukui,Roald Hoffmann,MARGINAL

9、IA The Metaphor, Unchained Scientists improve their craft by writing about it Roald Hoffmann,I would claim that when scientists themselves write for a general audience, their research is likely to improve. Why? Because writing sets free the oft-suppressed metaphor.,American Scientist Volume 94, Numb

10、er 5 September-October 2006,I am convinced that I have become a better theoretical chemist, a better explainer of the common and strange things molecules do, because I had to teach undergraduate courses. And also because I chose to write about science for people who do not share my academic backgrou

11、nd. There was no formulaI wanted to catch and hold their interest, no more. Metaphor, storytelling This approach proved to be at once more natural and more effective than one comprised solely of facts, however rational their presentation.,The scientist-writer will be able to both express and underst

12、and the specialized science he or she does more clearly as a consequence of the act of writing. Let me explain.Good science writing has the audience firmly in mind it teaches you (and a good editor can help so much) to teach others. This is not the mindless teaching of techniques or arid tables of d

13、ates and names: That requires neither acuity nor imagination. Rather, the act of skillful writing schools its author in ways of explaining structure and significance, of explaining ideas. Which is just what you need to do good science.,Our minds are full of inchoate ideas, inklings and partial expla

14、nations. Once verbalized, at a research-group meeting, for instance, or in the process of writing a paper, the ideas become real. Being human, we then marshal support, adduce arguments. The scientific paper explains. It has to teachand to teach one must use those slippery words, eternally straying,

15、lacking fidelity to the idea. But it is only with words that the removed reader may be reached. I see no dichotomy between teaching and research, only a continually varying set of audiences.,I can hear in my mind one reaction to what I have said: “Are not observations, objective facts and reproducib

16、le data the foundations of science? Does it not suffice to report these, without embellishment?“ Well, no. Science cannot exist without narrative. And making the effort to write of science for the general public sensitizes the practicing scientist to the importance of telling stories. data (observat

17、ions, equations, structural formulas, spectra) are useless without the narrative,I recently reviewed a paper that tried to embody Sgt. Joe Fridays laconic ideal (“All we want are the facts, maam“). It consisted of 25 tables taking up some 35 pages and a handful of written pages. The text, such as it was, effectively said, “this and that are true; just look at Table 16.“ The failure of such a paper is transparent. The facts are mute; people need words, spoken or written, to make sense of data.,


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