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1、天津河东区 2015 高考英语语法填空和阅读类课外训练(3)及答案阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Wad:Hi, Fred.Where have you been?Mike:Ive been to the _1_ and borrowed some English books.Whats wrong?Wad:I thought youd been to the post office.Did you notice _2_ money I left on the desk?Mike:Yes, $10 altogether.But I didnt

2、know what it was for.Wad:Didnt you see the note I left you with the money?Mike:Note? What note? I didnt see any note.Wad:_3_(real)? Thats very strange.I left the money with a note _4_(say) I wanted you to go to the post office and get some envelopes and stamps for me.I also put the ink bottle on the

3、m _5_ they might not draw your attention.Mike:I see now.Why cant you go and get them _6_?The post office is only about 30 minutes walk from here.We often walk there after supper.Wad:Of course I know how far it is from school.I _7_ go there myself because Im very busy _8_(do) some chemistry experimen

4、ts in the lab.And _9_, I have to prepare for my English exam. You know I _10_(fail) the last one.If I cant pass this time, a hard time will be waiting for me.答案 1.library 2.the 3.Really 4.saying 5.in case/if6yourself 7.cant 8.doing 9.whats more/besides10failed完成填空。阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一

5、个最佳答案。Tracy Wong is a wellknown ChineseAmerican writer. But her writing_21_was something she picked up by herself. After her first_22_, teaching disabled children, she became a parttime writer for IBM. _23_, writing stories was simply a_24_interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher(出版商

6、). _25_, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long_26_and paid Tracy a $ 50,000 advance. “A pretty money, ”said the publisher, “for_27_writer.” _28_Tracys characters(人物)are interesting, her stories sometimes_29_readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My m

7、other believed I could_30_the afterlife world, ”she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago.”“Can I? I dont think I can, ”Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have_31_when things come to me_32_.” Once, she was wondering how to complete a_33_set in a

8、ncient(古代的)China. _34_the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese_35_. It came without her having_36_it. Though she has published 10 books, Tracy has remained_37_by her fame. She lives in the same_38_she lived 27 years ago although in a more comfortable home. The

9、res more room for_39_in her lifeand it wasnt just_40_. 21A.skill BexperienceCpractice Dmethod答案:A 从上下文我们知道,本文讲的是美籍华人女作家 Tracy Wong 如何开始写作及其作品的主要特点等,再结合搭配很容易得出答案为 A。writing skill 意为“写作技能”,pick up writing skill 意为“培养写作技能”。experience 不能与 pick up 搭配。22A.duty Beffort Cjob Dtask答案:C 逗号后的 teaching disabled

10、 children 是 her first_22_的同位语,同时也与后面的 a parttime writer 相呼应,故此处选 job。23A.Instead BNormallyCCertainly DThen答案:D 前面说 she became a parttime writer for IBM,以下说写作只是个人爱好,即那时写作只是她的个人爱好,故填 Then。 24A.general BdeepCpersonal Dlively答案:C 从上下文来看,writing stories 并非专职工作,只是一件 parttime job,由此可判断这是 personal interest。

11、25A.Interested BAnxiouslyCSeriously DEncouraged答案:A 从后面的他们(the publisher)立即提出了修改等来推测,出版商对她写的故事产生了兴趣。26A.film BstoryCprogram Darticle答案:B 由 they immediately suggested that she put them together to make.可推测,此处说的是把 3 篇短的故事糅合在一起构成 1 篇长故事,故选用 story。27A.a foreign Ba popularCan unusual Dan unknown答案:D Trac

12、y Wong 刚刚开始写小说,名不见经传,故可推测她是“不出名”的作家最为恰当。28A.Now that BEven thoughCJust because DExcept that答案:B 该题考查根据上下文来选用适当的连接词的掌握情况。前面说 Tracy 所写的人物很有意思,后面说 her stories sometimes_29_readers uneasy 可推测,该从句应为让步状语从句,而 even though 正符合这一意义。29A.find BturnCleave Dhold答案:C 此处说她写的故事有时让读者不安或不舒服。在这 4 个选项中只有 leave 具有这一用法。30

13、A.make up Bconnect withCcontrol Dexplain答案:B 从后面她说的话 She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago 及下段的内容说明可知,她与 afterlife world 有关,故用 connect with。31A.events BchancesCfeelings Dmoments答案:D 前面说“我认为我不能”,紧接着用 but 引出确有这些时刻发生了一些事,故用 moments,后面的 when things come to me.是修饰 moments

14、 的定语从句。32A.for no reason Bfrom a distanceCby accident Das gifts答案:A 从上下文来看,此处是 Tracy 说自己与 afterlife world 有关的故事创作,这里是举例说明有时一些事情会“无缘无故”地发生。33A.description BpaintingCscene Dtalk答案:C 从语境来看,这里谈论的是她写书时的一件怪事。句意为“当时她正不知道怎么完成一个以古代中国为背景的场景”。这是她写的故事中一个场景,故用 scene。从结构来看,此处补充完整为:.how to complete a scene which w

15、as set in ancient China。34A.Surprisingly BSuddenlyCExpectedly DFortunately答案:B 根据语境“正当她不知怎么完成一个以古代中国为背景的场景时,突然门铃响了”。此处用 suddenly 突出两个动作的发生相继而来,衔接紧凑,同时突出了“没想到”。35A.cooking BhistoryCplay Dmedicine答案:B 她正构思以古代中国为背景的某个场景,而邮政快递人员送来的书正好解了燃眉之急,故可推测应是一本有关中国历史的书。36A.known BsentCrealized Dordered答案:D order 意为“订购,预定”,在此符合语境。37A.unchanged BexcitedCdetermined Dunmoved答案:A 从后面的 She lives in the same.及动词 remain 来看,这里说的是尽管她出版了10 本书,Tracy 并没因成名而改变,即仍保持不变。 38A.life BcityChouse Dway答案:D 前面说她并没有因成名而变化,即此处说的是她成名后生活方式没有变化,仍然保持着 27 年前的生活方式。 39A.success


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