吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 4 period 1(新人教版选修7) word版无答案

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吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 4 period 1(新人教版选修7) word版无答案_第1页
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吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 4 period 1(新人教版选修7) word版无答案_第2页
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《吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 4 period 1(新人教版选修7) word版无答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《吉林省长春市实验中学高二英语导学案:unit 4 period 1(新人教版选修7) word版无答案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【学习目标】初步掌握本单元的生词和短语,根据构词法适量扩展词汇。 【自主学习】I. 根据音标朗读生词,感知生词。II. 根据所给出的英语解释,写出下列单词。1. _ to change slightly to make something work better 2. _ the outside surface of a building3. _ connected with what is being done or discussed 4. _ a shape that has four straight sides and 90angles at the corners5. _ the

2、stage for people to stand on when they are making a speech6. _ someone who travels or works in space 7. _ written work in an office, such as writing reports or letters8. _ to breathe air into your nose noisily 9. _ two weeks 10. _ faraway; distant III. 请写出下列短语: 1. 收到的信_ 2. 极想;渴望_ 3. 不久前的一天_ 4. 在困难中、

3、在危急中_ 5. 完全变干;干透 _ 6. 干涸_【问题探究】 I. 根据构词法,给出相应词汇。1. adjust _(名词形式) ;_(形容词形式) ; 2. participate _ / _(名词形式)3. arrangement _(动词形式)4. donate _ (名词形式) ; 5. political _ / _(名词形式) ;6. distribute _(名词形式)7. security _(形容词形式) ;8. operate _ / _(名词形式)II. 用已学英语或同义词解释单词。 (精英班适用)1. participate (in)_ 2. interpreter

4、_ 3. donate _ 4. purchase _ 5. distribute _ 6. anniversary _7. operate _ 8. tailor_【课堂练习】 根据中文提示写出正确的单词: 1. He hurried to the _(站台), only to be told the had left.2. The shop offers a 15% discount on cash _(购买).3. When you _(适应,调整) to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your ideas.4. Have

5、 you ever learned how to _(操作) office computers?5. _(安排) are plans and preparations which you make so that something will happen or be possible.6. The banks often lend money to farmers for _(种子) and fertilizer .7. Many social services are still provided by _(志愿的) communities in our city.8. Thank you

6、 for your coming to our party. Today is the wedding _(周年纪念日)of Jim and I.9. Yang Liwei is an _(宇航员) who went to outer space by Shenzhou V.10. Everybody including our president does not have _(特权) todo anything wrong.11. That newspaper has a very good analysis of the _(政治的) situation.12. Nowadays, people are much concerned about the _ (安全).13. Siberia(西伯利亚) is one of the _(偏远的) areas of the world.14. It is hoped that education should be _(有关的) tochildrens needs.15. Generally speaking, every library has a _ (目录)of its books, arranged in alphabetical order.版权所有:高考资源网()


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