北师大版高一英语:unit11(9) 导学案

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1、班级 姓名 小组 层次 Unit11 The Media (9)Lesson 4 Whats in the papers ?编写人:李芬 审核:高一英语组 A tip : You can not clap with one hand. 孤掌难鸣. 学习目标学习目标:1.学习重要的单词和词组(A 级)2.学习 B、C 两篇文章,理解内容。 (B 级) 学习重点学习重点:学习 if 引导的虚拟条件句的用法(C 级) Step 1.听写单词:(A 级)Step 2. 词组:(B 级) 1. 冲进 2. 发生 3因为 4.陷住,卡住 5.叫救护车 6.度假 7. 情不自禁做某事 Step 3 .阅读

2、B,C 篇,理解文章内容(B 级) Step 4. 疑难解析(B 级) 1. At the last minute ,he jumped out of the truck , hurting his ankle , before the trolleybus crashed into the truck , pushing it 20 yards . 翻译: 【导学】:hurting his ankle 和 pushing it 20 yards 是 在句子里做 。 1. He left home in a hurry to lock the door . 他匆忙离家,结果忘了锁门。 2. H

3、e ran all the way , school out of breath .他一路奔跑,结果到学校时上气不接下气。 【及时反馈】 完成句子(1) They all left , (只剩下我自己).(2) The earthquake happened without any forecast , (造成近 7 万人的死亡)。 2.“I would have been killed if I had stayed in truck ,” he said afterwards 翻译 I would have been killed if I had stayed in truck 该句是虚

4、拟语气在条件句中的应用。1 表示与过去事实相反 :条件句用 主句用 If you , you passed the exam . 如果你努力学习了,你会通过考试的。 2表示与现在事实相反 : 条件句用 主句用 If I the answer , I tell you .如果我知道答案,我会告诉你的。 3表示与现在事实相反 : 条件句用 , , 主句用 If I do it , I do it in a different way .如果我来做这件事,我就会用另外一种办法。If they do that again , we publish them . 如果他们再那样做,我们就惩罚他们。 【及

5、时反馈】单项选择: (1) If it for the snow , we the mountain yesterday .A. were not ;could have climbed B. were not ; could climbed C. had not been ; could have climbedD. had not been ; could climb (2). If you to the moon next Friday , we would follow you here . A. are to fly B. would fly C. should fly D. wil

6、l fly 3. A spokesman for the police said ,“Its amazing that no one was badly hurt .When we arrived at the scence , we called an ambulance as we saw blood everywhere . 翻译 句式分析 Its amazing that 令人惊异的是 , it 是为形式主语,that 引q 导主语从句,这类句型很多: Its clear that 很清楚 Its surprising that 令人惊奇 Its well-known that 众所周知 Its possible that 很可能 Its strange that 很奇怪 【及时反馈】 1众所周知中国人口众多。GghJ2很明显他犯了错。.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网高考资源网 w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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