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1、毕业实习规定毕业实习规定1. 毕业实习为 50 周。其中岗前培训 2 周、内科 16 周、外科实习 16 周、妇产科实习 6 周、儿科实习 6 周、急救 2 周护理 1 周。实习时间为在本年 7 月开始至次年 6 月完成。实习安排在本校的附属医院和教学医院中进行。2. 医院对学生实习采取三级管理方式,即:教学办教研室带教教师。教学办在各教研室均聘请一名主治医师以上的人员为班主任导师负责学生的实习管理工作。3. 入科教育:学生分组入科学习,第一天由该教研室常务副主任及教学班主任进行入科教育,介绍本科的基本情况、规章制度,轮转科室和值班次序,安排带教教师及实习医生实习工作程序,教学查房和实习期间小

2、讲课的时间安排等。4. 出科考核:每科轮转结束后,由带教教师及班主任共同组成考评小组,对实习生按照八项考核评定标准,进行口试、笔试、技能操作等考核,综合实习生的平时操作、实习表现及考核成绩按照客观定量,计算在该科实习的分数。 (见“八项指标综合评定标准”)5. 按照实习大纲要求,教学办组织教学督导组专家于学年内对每个学科进行教学查房督导评价,教学办随机到各教研室检查实习带教及学生实习情况,征求并反馈教师和学生意见,据此每月进行综合评价。6. 实习生要遵守医院的考勤管理制度。在实习期间,实习医生一般不得请事假,如特殊情况,一日以内者,向带教老师请假;二日以内向教研室请假,三天以内者,向教研室主任

3、及实习医院教学办请假;二周以上,报学校学生主管部门批准,违者按旷课处理。因病休假者必须出示就诊医院诊断证明书,并经实习医院的教学主管部门批准后方可休假。如病情严重需长期休养者,应经学校学生主管部门批准并按规定办理休学。7. 实习医生在内、外科实习期间,病、事假不得超过该科实习期间的 1/4,其他各科不得超过该科实习期的 1/3,超过者应按该科规定的实习时间补实习。实习期间病、事假累计超过全部实习时间的 1/3,应随下一届学生重新参加毕业实习。8. 学生如要求在校外或国外医院实习,应选择在大学教学医院或医疗中心级医院、规模须具备 500 张床位以上,具有较强教学能力的综合性医院中进行。须本人提出

4、申请并有接收医院开具同意接受该生实习的证明,同时出具该医院具备接受能力的资质证明。9. 无论在本校进行毕业实习还是在校外或国外医院进行毕业实习,学生在完成各科实习后须回本校参加毕业实习综合能力考试。 (考试内容为内科、外科、妇科、儿科的临床理论部分和实际操作能力部分)考试合格者方能准予毕业。考试时间安排在次年的 6 月份进行。附:实习考核标准Internship Regulations1. The Internship in Clinical Medicine is 48 weeks from July in any year to June of the following year, in

5、 which there are 12 weeks for Internal Medicine, 12 weeks for Surgery, 6 weeks for Gynecology two days, ask the teaching and research office of the department; three days, ask the director of the department and the teaching office of hospital. For more than two weeks leave, they have to report to th

6、e students management department for authorization. Anyone will be regarded as absent if they take a leave without permission from the relevant department. If students ask for sick leave, they need to present the medical diagnosis record from the hospital and get the permission of the internship hos

7、pital. If the students suffer from a serious sickness, they need to get the approval of the university authorities and then go through the probation procedure. 7. The students will be subject to make up for the lost period if his absence accounts for one fourth of the internal medicine or surgical i

8、nternship, and one third in the other subjects. A student needs to repeat the internship with the next grade if he is absent from the practice for over one third because of illness or for any other reason. 8. Students who want to do the internship aboard or out of our university should select a comp

9、rehensive hospital or medical center, with over 500 patient beds and with medical teaching competence. The student is also required to submit an admission letter from the hospital and a certification showing the qualification of the hospital. 9. Wherever the students perform internship work, at our

10、university or aboard, they must return to the university to attend the general examination after the internship. The examination involves clinical theory and clinical practice of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology and Paediatrics. Those who pass the exam are qualified to graduate and obtain dipl

11、omas. The examination is scheduled to be held next June. Encls: Evaluation Criteria for internship实习病种记录表(外科学)实习病种记录表(外科学)Record of Diseases for Internship (Surgery)基本掌握疾病基本掌握疾病 Diseases to be mastered 例数例数 Amount 参加手术参加手术 Operation浅部组织的化脓性感染 Acute pyogenic infection of soft tissue手部急性化脓性感染 Acute py

12、ogenic infection of the hand一般外伤 Common trauma热力烧伤 Burns甲状腺疾病 Diseases of the thyroid gland 乳腺疾病 Diseases of the breast 腹外疝 Abdominal hernia急性化脓性腹膜炎 Acute pyogenic peritonitis胃、十二指肠溃疡并发症 Complications of peptic ulcer肠梗阻 Intestinal obstruction阑尾炎 Appendicitis胆囊结石、胆囊炎 Cholecystitis 语言不通扣 1-5 分; 层次不分,重

13、点不突出扣 1-5 分. clarity:1-5; fluency:1-5; emphases:1-5查体姿势正确 顺序正规 手法熟练 完整准确physical examinationcorrect posture, regular sequence, skillful performance15姿势不正规扣 1-5 分;无顺序,手法不熟练 扣 1-5 分;有遗漏不准确扣 1-5 分. posture:1-5; sequence:1-5; correct:1-5病历分析表达清楚 分析有序 抓住重点 诊断处理 正确analysis of medical recordclear expressio

14、n, orderly analysis, correct treatment 15表达分析层次不清扣 1-8 分;抓不住重点 扣 1-8 分;诊断处理欠正确扣 2-10 分. perspicuity:1-8; emphases:1- 8; diagnosis and treatment;2-10临床基本 技能操作熟练准确 正规迅速 basic clinical performanceskillful, correct, regular, fast15不熟练扣 2-10 分;欠准确或不准确扣 4- 15 分;不迅速扣 2-7 分. skillness;2-10; correct:4-15; fa

15、st;2-7口试回答正确 概念清楚 表达有条理oral testcorrect answer, clear concept, logistic expression15回答不正确概念不清楚扣 1-10 分;表达 能力差扣 1-5 分. correct:1-10; ability of expression:1-5理论考试选择题,病历讨论题test of theorymultiple choice, discussion record15按考卷评分及病历分析结果计算. according to the paper职业道德尊敬老师 爱护患者 文明礼貌 遵守纪律medical ethicsrespect teachers, care about patients, civilized, be polite, observe discipline,15不尊敬教师扣 1-15 分;对病人不关心不 爱护扣 1-15 分;不遵守纪律不文明礼貌 扣 1-15 分. respect teachers;1-15; care about patients:



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