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1、2009年云南省初中英语 教学评价研讨会,April 2009,教学与评价的思考,目前的考试评价制度,成了扭曲整个基础教育的指挥棒,不仅把高中教育,甚至把初中、小学教育也导入了应试教育的轨道,严重制约了学生的全面发展,甚至影响到青少年的身心健康。,(摘自在2001年全国基础教育工作会议上的讲话),教育部曾在9个省(市)一万六千多名学生、两千多名校长教师中对九年义务教育的教学状况进行了抽样调查;在10个省(市)一万四千多名学生、一千六百多名校长教师中对普通高中教学现状进行了抽样调查。,调查结果表明,现行的中小学评价与考试制度由于过分强调甄别与选拔,不利于学生全面发展。主要表现在:,将考试成绩作为

2、衡量学校、教师和学生的唯 一标准,评价体系不科学; 过于注重纸笔测验,评价方式单一; 偏重智育,忽视体育和美育,德育实效性差; 更多关注书本知识,不重视创新精神和实践能力的培养; 不尊重学生的情感、自尊和个性差异,影响学生学习的积极性和主动性。,因此,中小学评价与考试制度的改革迫在眉睫、势在必行。,English Teaching A B C,A,Active,How to make your class active?,言语情景真实性原则 (the authenticity principle) 在做中学原则 (learning by doing),“If you tell me , Ill

3、 forget. If you show me, Ill understand. If you involve me, Ill learn.”,B,Brief,What does your class focus on?,The most effective way is to cut the long into the short.,Brief is the power of teaching,C,Creative,Do you have something new in mind?,The Principles of English Testing,中考正在逐步摒弃以往以考查语言知识为主的

4、倾向,而是以考查学生语言实际运用能力为主的考查模式。,English Entrance Exam for Junior Students,Desired Results of the Testing Structure of the Testing Tendency of the Testing,20012008年中考选择填空题考点统计表,B,Background,C,Communicative&Cultural,Accurate,A,感受英语的文化是 建立新的文化通道 并形成新的思维方式,在理解的基础上学习词汇并在语境中运用词汇,Books are our best friends. The

5、y gave us happiness as well as knowledge.either happiness or knowledge B. only happiness C. only knowledge D. not only knowledge but also happiness,In our life, it isnt important how we fall, but how we get up. rise from bed B. put up C. wake up D. stand up,Tomorrow will be better in China. The next

6、 day B. The second day C. The future D. The whole day,When youre learning a foreign language, use it, _ youll lose it. and B. but C. then D. or,The sweetest _ in the world is birds singing, I think. cry B. noise C. voice D. sound, We get knowledge _ from books _ from life. Yes, both are important.ei

7、ther or B. not only but also C. neithernor D. not but,Oh, my God! I _ my wallet home. missed B. forgot C. left D. lost,No one can feel that time _, but everyone can feel that time has passed.is passing B. has passed C. had passed D. was passing,John, how do you like the new job? Very exciting, but i

8、t _ me a lot of time. offers B. spends C. pays D. takes,Communication is very important in our life. It is a bridge _ the old and the young. across B. through C. between D. among,My parents and I often have _ talks to exchange our ideas.eye-to-eye B. mouth-to-mouth C. head-to-head D. heart-to-heart,

9、Ronaldo, Mr. Football 1997, is a football star, and he is _. quick and skillful B. slow and careful C. mad and thankful D. quiet and beautiful,We have bigger houses, but smaller room in mind; we spend more, but have _; we buy more, but enjoy it _.littlelittle B. lessless C. fewfew D. fewerfewer,学习英语

10、是因为觉得外语是美的,感受到其语言美、文化美、表达美、文学美,等等,那就达到了学习的高级境界。, Whats funny about the film star? Lend me your ears and youll know what is funny about her.Ill borrow your ears B. Listen to me carefully C. Take my ears D. You can hear me,What a bright day! Do you feel like having a picnic this weekend? Good idea! I

11、cant agree with you more.I quite agree with you B. I dont agree with you C. I agree with you a little D. I agree with you more than others,I was just a small potato in the company, so few people noticed me. not young B. not tall C. not old enough D. not important,There is little time left. Could you

12、 run your eyes over my report quickly?look through B. look at C. look for D. look out,When he knew he didnt pass the English test, he pulled a long face. looked excited B. looked sad C. looked shy D. looked wonderful,Once I got into trouble, I would turn to my parents.ask my parents to do it B. come

13、 to see my parents C. ask my parents for help D. write to my parents,A lost chance never returns.If a chance is not lost, a new chance will not come. B. If a chance is lost, a new chance will come. C. Once a chance is lost, it will not come back. D. Once a chance is lost, it will come back.,A lot of

14、 people find they cant get jobs _ experience, and they cant get experience without jobs. (with),without,Instead of trying hard to be happy, I would try harder to make _ happy. (other),others, Have you watched the dance “Thousand-hand Goddess of Mercy (千手观音)”? Yes, its wonderful. We can hear the voic

15、es from the dancers _. (heart),hearts,Teachers smiles _ us. Mothers smiles warm us. (courage),encourage,外语教学的最终目标是发展学生运用语言进行交际的能力。,文化包括人的自我心灵意识和感知方式,A professor(教授) told his students to go into the city slums(贫民窟) to study(研究) the life of 200 boys. He asked them to write reports about each boys life

16、 and future(将来). Every one of the students wrote, “He doesnt have any hope.”Twenty-five years later, another professor read about the earlier study. He told his students to find out what had happened to these boys. Of the 200 boys, 20 had moved away or died. Nobody knew what had happened to them. They tried very hard and found the other 180 people. Among them 176 had become successful (成功的) as doctors, teachers and scientists.,


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