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1、 I论 文 摘 要 论 文 摘 要 副语言在对外汉语教学中的应用研究副语言在对外汉语教学中的应用研究 随着中国经济的飞速发展,汉语的国际地位逐渐提高,越来越多的外国人都意识到了学习汉语的重要性,这成为对外汉语教学发展的一大契机,但也是对我国对外汉语教学学科发展的一大挑战。 副语言是一种有声音但没有固定意义的语言,在言语交际活动中,人们根据具体的语言环境,用副语言来伴随有声语言表达一定的意义,彼此进行交际。它是言语交际中伴随着有声语言产生的一种必不可少的表情达意的重要手段,起着极其重要的影响作用。了解副语言的意义及交际功能将使人类的交际更得体, 将其应用于对外汉语教学可使课堂教学达到事半功倍的效

2、果。教师若能运用得体、准确的副语言进行教学,将会创造出良好的语言环境。提高学生学习的积极性,真正培养学生的汉语能力。本论文以在对外汉语教学中副语言的应用为研究对象,深入系统地对其进行分析与归纳,以期达到对其全面认识的目的。 首先,对副语言的概念、范围、功能等进行了详细的分析和概述。副语言有狭义和广义之分。狭义的副语言是一种有声音但没有固定意义的语言,在进行言语交际活动时,在不同的语言环境中,人们用副语言来伴随有声语言,共同表达出一定的意义。广义的副语言指有声语言之外的非言语交际的表达手段,就是狭义副语言和态势语的总称。 我们在这里讨论的是广义的副语言在对外汉语教学中的应用。其次,从副语言在对外

3、汉语教学中的作用入手,详细论述了副语言在对外汉语教学中能够对学生产生的种种积极影响。在对外汉语教学中,运用副语言能够增强有声语言的表达效果,向学生传递丰富的语言信息,丰富教学内容;吸引学生注意力,提高教学效果;加强师生的情感交流,保持学生学习汉语的积极性;暗示和鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动;优化课堂教学内容。 最后,从语音、词汇、语法 3 个方面,通过大量的理论和实例,系统地介绍了副语言在对外汉语教学中的具体应用, 副语言从而真正起到促进对外汉语教学效果,提高对外汉语教学课堂质量。 II在对外汉语教学过程中,教师恰当地应用副语言,以姿势助说话,以表情和目光传真情,就会自然而然地把学生带入与教材内容

4、吻合的氛围中,从而激发学生情感上的共鸣,发挥其丰富的想象力,所教的内容就能活灵活现地再现在学生的脑海里,课堂教学效率自然会提高。 关键词: 关键词: 副语言 对外汉语教学 应用 非语言 有声语言 交际 IIIAbstract Research on Application of paralanguage in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language In recent years,China has got a Rapid economic growth. Chinese international status is higher, and more a

5、nd more foreigners are aware of the importance of studying Chinese, which is a great opportunity of developing Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. At the same time, the opportunity is also a big challenge to the development of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Paralanguage is one of langua

6、ges that have sound without regular meaning. In verbal communication, people express regular meaning to communicate with each other by using sound language companied with paralanguage. Paralanguage is an essential means of expressing meaning in verbal communication companied with the arising of verb

7、al language, and it plays a very important role. That understanding the meaning and communication function of the paralanguage makes human communication more appropriate, and paralanguage will make class teaching easier when it is applied in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Teachers could cre

8、ate good language environment by teaching with appropriate and accurate paralanguage to improve the motivation to study and cultivate the ability of Chinese. This paper subject on application of paralanguage in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and analyzes and conclude it deeply and systemati

9、cally, in order to understand the application of paralanguage in teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the round. Firstly, this paper analyzes and summarizes the concept, area and function of paralanguage in detail. Paralanguage is one of languages that have sound without regular meaning. In a n

10、arrow sense of the word, paralanguage is one of languages that have sound without regular meaning. In different language environment, people express regular meaning by using verbal language companied with paralanguage. In a IVbroad sense, paralanguage is means of expressing of nonverbal communicatio

11、n far from verbal language, which considers the narrow paralanguage and body language. What we are discussing is the application of paralanguage in teaching Chinese as a foreign language in a broad sense. Secondly, this paper discusses a variety of positive influence of paralanguage in teaching Chin

12、ese as a foreign language to the students. In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, application of paralanguage could strengthen the expression effect of verbal language, deliver abundant language information, enrich the teaching contents, attract the attention of students, increase the effects of

13、 teaching, strengthen the emotional exchanges, keep the students enthusiasm of studying Chinese, hint and encourage students to take part in class activity, and Optimize class teaching content. Finally, this paper introduces specific application of paralanguage in teaching Chinese as a foreign langu

14、age through lots of theory and practice from the attitude of Phonetics, grammar and vocabulary. That could increase the effects of teaching Chinese as a foreign language,improve the quality of the class in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. During the teaching Chinese as a foreign language, tea

15、chers use paralanguage properly, talking with the help of pose, deliver true feeling with expression and eyesight, the students could be brought to the right atmosphere according to the teaching contents. So the students could have the feeling sympathetic, and then use their strong imagination to study Chinese. Key Words: Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Paralanguage; application; communication; verbal language, non-verbal V目 录 目 录 第 1 章 引言第 1 章 引言1 1.1 问题的提出1 1.2 研究的目的和意义2 第 2 章 研究背景第 2 章 研究背景3 2.1 对外汉语在全球的现状3 2.2 国内外副语言在对外汉语教学中的应用研究综述4 第 3 章 副语言概述第 3 章 副语言概述6 3.1 什么是副语言6 3.2 副语言的交际功能



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